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Help Save Our Poultry Hobby!

By now, most of you have heard of the threat looming to destroy our poultry hobby by the National Identification System plan. As your club secretary, I cannot urge you strongly enough to take action NOW! Don't wait for others to write their elected officials! Do it today, or there may not be a tomorrow for Sicilian Buttercups or any other wonderful breeds of poultry! I have already written every elected official in my district. You can find your State Representative, Congressmen, and Senator is by looking on your states websites. There should be a link to search for elected officials by county. You can also find them by looking in your local newspaper.

The following is a reprinting of an article from the August Issue of the Poultry Press and the Fall Issue of the SPPA (Society for Preservation of Poultry Antiquities.)

The ABA and APA urge you to participate in the "SAVE OUR HOBBY" campaign. Throughout the months of October, November and December, they ask that you contact your elected officials, both Federal and State, voicing your opposition to proposed plans for the National Identification System, proposed 'Strategic Plan' & 'Program Standards' can be viewed on the National Animal Identification System web site: http://animalid.aphis.usda.gov/nais/index.shtml and click on the both the Draft Program Standards and the Draft Strategic Plan. It is important that we are heard with one intelligent voice so letters and a fact sheet have been created to make this as easy as possible for you to do.

Two letters will be available, one Federal and one State, which you can obtain in several ways:

  1. Obtain a copy of each letter and fact sheet off APA & ABA web sites: www.amerpoultryassn.com, & www.bantamclub.com.
  2. The Poultry Press has published these letters in their September issue along with a fact sheet that should be included with each letter. You will have to photocopy the letters and fact sheet for the number needed to contact your State and Federal representatives.
  3. The APA & ABA District Directors will have copies of the two letters and fact sheet, you may contact them for copies.
  4. Contact Pat Lacy, 250555 US Hwy 10, Neilsville, WI 54456 and she will mail copies to you.

To find the necessary addresses of federal and state officials, follow these suggestions. For President Bush, email president@whitehouse.gov or mail to The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC 20500. For US House of Representatives, go to house.gov on your computer and select your state then your location within your state. For your state legislature, do a Google Search of your state; example Wisconsin State Legislature. Then select by county or district to find the contact information for your state senators and assemblymen. Any library should be able to help you find the addresses of state and federal officials. Please do not email. Most politicians ignore them. The most effective presentation is a letter. So far, regulations have only been proposed, not passed into law. The regulations will have to be budgeted each year by funding legislation created by elected officials. These regulations will be detrimental to poultry hobby and a danger to personal privacy.