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Intro to Philosophy                 University of
Section 002                            Montevallo
General Info:
Meeting Time: T&Th, 12:30 - 1:45
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:00 - 4:00
                     or by appointment
Office: 201 E Comer Hall
Phone: 205-665-6423
Important Links:

Online Discussion Board

Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper
Reading Schedule:
Date      Textbook Reading (page numbers)          Supplemental Reading                Assignments

Introduction: The Nature of Philosphy
8/29 -
8/31 -    
Plato's Apology: 6-17            

A Logical Sortie
9/5 -       Excursus: 29-40
9/7 -       Logic exercises: pp. 41-43 in Pojman (skip section II) and
analyze these arguments.

Philosophy of Religion
9/12 -     Cosmological Argument: 48-71
9/14 -     CA cont. : 72-81
9/19 -     Teleological Argument: 82-93
9/21 -     Intelligent Design                                
Behe and Orr
9/26 -     Ontological Argument: 95-109
9/28 -     Problem of Evil: 109-114 and 120-125
10/3 -     Faith & Reason: 125-129 and 134-143

10/5 -     Rationalism & Empiricism: 163-182
10/10 -   Idealism & Skepticism: 182-201
10/12 -   Kantian Revolution
10/17 -   Correspondence & Pragmatism: 209-225
10/19 -   Postmodern Epistemology: 225-239

Philosophy of Mind
10/24 -   Personal Identity: 301-317
10/26 -   Personal Identity cont.                         
Daniel Dennett: Where Am I
10/31 -   Mind-Body Problem: 245-251
11/2 -     Mind-Body Problem cont.: 285-292

11/7 -    
Philosophical Writing and Communication

Free Will and Determinism
11/9 -     Determinism: 343-354
11/14 -   Free Will: 355-365
11/16 -   Compatibilism: 368-374                                                   
At least 2 Response Papers
11/21 - *Thanksgiving - No Class*                                                          
Due by 11/16           
11/23 - *Thanksgiving - No Class*

Ethical Theory
11/28 -  Ethical Relativism: 395-413                                                                
Rough Drafts
11/30 -  Ethical Egoism: 414-427                                                                      
Due 11/28
12/5 -    Utilitarianism: 462-468
12/7 -    Virtue Ethics
11-15 - *Final Exams*
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