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Cars and Trucks
With the gas prices being so high, more and more people are becoming aware of how valuable energy is in our daily lives. Hybrid cars show how energy can be conserved and pollution reduced. The cleanest non hybrid car can put about 90 percent smog pollution in the air versus the hybrid.  Hybrids are more efficient for a number of reasons. For one, the battery of a hybrid lasts longer. It is equipped with two energy supplies- the gas and electricity. The car is made of lighter materials, that means less energy is used. The engine in a non-hybrid is heavier so it requires more power to accelerate and to go up an incline. And with a hybrid there are fewer cylinders.  Hybrids have less internal machinery. The energy and time needed to move a cylinder up and down in a non hybrid is greater. To start the car, the non hybrid engine needs more power because it has more cylinders. In addition, each cylinder uses more fuel for cylindrical displacement.
Tips When Diving a Hybrid to maximize energy conservation:
* Drive slowly-Aerodynamic drag increases if you drive fast. If you slow down you will save energy.
* Drive at a constant speed- Increasing your spend and then slowing down wastes fuel.
* Try not to break suddenly-The motor in a hybrid is like a generator. Energy is lost if you stop abruptly. Try to give you car some recovery time.
Things to do to Increase your Gas Mileage and Save Money:
* Put a bed cover on your truck to save about half a mile per gallon.
* Keep your engine tuned up. Incorrect fuel ratio, bad spark plugs and incorrect spark timing can have a big effect on gas mileage.
* Don't use your air conditioner unless you really need it because the A/C compressor puts an extra strain on the engine.
* Make sure your tires are properly inflated because under inflated tires cause more resistance to travel.
* Use your cruise control whenever possible.
* Keeping your highway speed at 55 mph can improve you gas mileage by as much as 25%, compared to 75 mph.
* Keep your windows closed when possible. You use less gas when you use the air conditioner.