War For Oil More Than Four Years in the Making

Oil Barons Court Taliban in Texas

Dick Cheney, Big Oil & Political Corruption

U.S. Policy Toward Taliban Influenced By Oil

The So-Called Evidence is A Farce

It's About The Oil, Stupid!

The High, Hidden Cost of Saudi Arabian Oil

Caspian Sea Oil
Something else that's not being discussed in today's news is Dick Cheney's longstanding interest in the huge Caspian Sea oil deposits in Central Asia.

"In 1995, after a stint at the American Enterprise Institute, Cheney became the CEO of Halliburton, which does business in at least 100 countries. In 1998, Business Week reported that Cheney had been "courting politicians and business leaders through the booming Caspian Sea region in an all-out effort to secure key political ties with Azerbaijan and Kazakstan. Accounting for the world's third-largest oil reserves, the region is Cheney's best hope to secure big contracts for a long time to come."

Cheney has succeeded. Along with the heads of Chevron and Texaco Inc., Cheney sits on Kazakstan's Oil Advisory Board, which serves as a sounding board for the country's president.

As Halliburton President David J. Lesar told Business Week, "Dick gives us a level of access that I doubt anyone else in the oil sector can duplicate." "

What is also interesting is that Kazakstan gets a lot of money from Lockheed Martin rocket launchs of communication satellites from the Baikonur space port in Kazakstan.

Again, anyone remember which wife of a certain Vice-President was on the Lockheed Martin Board from 1994 till Jan 14 of this year?

The Caspian Sea could be a gold mine for US oil companies, but only if they can securely get the oil out of the region--Pipelines are easily blown up. Oil companies don't want to risk $Billions unless they can be sure that US government officials will provide military and diplomatic protection for their investment - against even Russia and Iran if need be.

The problem is how to convince the American voters to support US military deployments to the Central Asian region - and to make them resigned to increased taxes for defense spending.

Missing The Oil Story
I left wondering whether 6,000 Americans might prove to have died in New York for the royal family of Saud, or
oil, or both.

Bush specializes in Asia and has been in and out of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait (countries that revere him thanks to the Gulf War) often on business since his presidency. Baker, the pin-striped midwife of 'Election 2000' was working his network in the 'stans' before the ink was dry onClinton's first inaugural address.

The Bin Laden family (presumably the friendly wing) is also invested in Carlyle. Carlyle's portfolio is heavy in defense and telecommunications firms, although it has other holdings
including food and bottling companies.

The Carlyle connection means that George Bush Senior is on the payroll from private interests that have defense business before the government, while his son is president. Hmmm.

Read the entire article: http://www.tompaine.com/news/2001/10/11/index.html

Retro Petro: Bush, Cheney, et al
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