Email me

When you email me Stella, the webmaster of Celebtalk© and Riding the Waves: Leonardo DiCaprio you must remember a few things:
  • I am not Leonardo DiCaprio or any other celebrity. I do not have any connection with them or know any of them personally. So please do not email me giving messages to such celebrities, if you do they will be ignored.

  • If you do want to contact Leonardo DiCaprio go to Straight Facts and look at the bottom for a mailing address.

  • If you do have information or photos that I do not currently have on my webpages please feel free to send them to me.

  • Any corrections, clarifications, comments or questions you may have regarding Leonardo DiCaprio and my website, I would most certainly appreciate it.

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Pages created and maintained by Stella (, Copyright ©1998 Movie images and photos are taken without permission of their creators, they are solely owned by their respective company's. No infringement of rights is meant or implied. This site is run non-profit for fan purposes only.