Dr. Andrew Broad
Nicole Vaidišová

"The Force is strong with you. A powerful player you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Nicole... Vaidišová."

My website is moving!

GeoCities will close on 26th October 2009, so I will be moving this page to my new website (when I have thoroughly checked and edited it):


Please update your links and bookmarks ASAP, because there will be no redirection after 26th October.

  • My Nicole Vaidišová Biography (updated 4th January 2009)
  • Matchography (updated 26th October 2008)
  • My Match-Reports (updated 2nd November 2008)
  • My Photos (not currently available)

  • External links: 'Official' sites

  • Nicole's WTA Tour Biography
  • Nicole at the Australian Open 2009
  • Nicole at the French Open 2008
  • Nicole at Wimbledon 2008
  • Nicole at the US Open 2008
  • Nicole's Yahoo! Sports Profile
  • Nicole Vaidišová @ CBS SportsLine.com
  • Nicole's interviews @ ASAP Sports

  • External links: Fans' sites

  • Nicole @ Tennisrulz.com
  • Nicole Vaidišová Blog @ TennisUniverse.com
  • Nicole-Vaidisova.org
  • Nicole Vaidišová Website (Andrew)
  • Vaidisova Fans
  • Nicole Vaidišová French Site (in French)
  • Nicole Vaidišová Czech Fan Site (in Czech)
  • Nicole Vaidišová Avenue (in French)
  • A Biography of Nicole Vaidišová
  • ~Fanlisting Nicole Vaidisova and Photos~
  • Nicole Vaidišová @ Jophlet's Cool Tennis Court
  • vaidisova-nicole's Skyrock Blog
  • vaidisova11's Skyrock Blog
  • Nicole @ The WTA Tour since 1996
  • Nicole at juniortennis.com
  • Wikipedia: Nicole Vaidišová

  • External links: Photo-Galleries

  • Nicole Vaidišová Photos @ TennisUniverse.com
  • On The Line Picture Gallery: Nicole Vaidišová
  • Advantage Tennis - Photos of Nicole Vaidišová
  • Nicole Vaidišová @ SportsChrome Online
  • Nicole Vaidišová Posters
  • Fotosports International (search for "vaidisova")
  • Search Google Images for "vaidisova"
  • Yahoo! Image Search "vaidisova"
  • Getty Images (search for "vaidisova")
  • Search AAP Image for "vaidisova"
  • Search isifa for "vaidisova"
  • Search Flickr for "vaidisova", "nicolevaidisova"

  • External links: Yahoo! Groups

    * recommended for Messages
    @ recommended for Photos
    # many members

  • nicole-vaidisova*@#
  • Nicole_Vaidisova*@
  • nicole_vaidisova_fan_club
  • nicolevaidisovathebest@
  • sharapova_vaidisova_hantuchova*@
  • vaidisova-photogallery

  • External links: Other places to talk about Nicole

  • WTAworld forum: Nicole Vaidisova
  • nicolevaidisovaforum.com

  • External links: Search

  • Dogpile search for "vaidisova"
  • Search YouTube (videos) for "Vaidisova"

  • Email me (I am not Nicole Vaidišová - I am just a fan of hers)