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I used to love the Spice Girls. OK--I admit it, I still love them. Sporty is my favorite. I don't care if I don't understand what the lyrics mean, in fact I don't really want to know, because I will probably be embarrassed and I won't want to sing the songs anymore. My favorite songs are "Spice Up Your Life", "Wannabe", "Too Much", "Stop", "Saturday Night Divas", Never Give Up On The Good Times", and "2 Become 1".
I have lots of Spice Girl stuff. I have a Baby Spice On Tour doll  and the Spice World Superstar  Collection. I have the Spice Girl microphone .I have a SpiceWorld CD and I have a Spice Girl puzzle.   I also have the Spice World movie and it came with a Spice poster. My babysitter, Candace,  is a artist and drew a picture of me and called it Katie Spice .  I have a Spice Girl  keychain. I  even  have Sporty Spice tattoos.
Here is the picture Candace drew of me "Katie Spice" katiespice.jpg (24237 bytes)