... Andy & Antonio Scenes From OLTL

        ~*~Andy Finds A Witness To Help Antonio~*~

        Andy has been arguing with Kevin about Antonio. Kevin has just told her that Antonio is basically no good for her and he reminds her of his violent history. Andy defends him to Kevin. Antonio appears just as Kevin tries to get Andy to give him the story regarding Antonio's trying to get his conviction overturned.

        Antonio: (Angrily) "You tell your ex boyfriend, I'm not some story."

        Andy: "Tonio, I was just telling him that I..."

        Kevin: (Interrupts her) "Look, Antonio, if I can go public with your side of the story and open up a new investigation..."

        Antonio: (Interrupts him) "I didn't ask for your help, you got that?" (Kevin looks somewhat annoyed that he doesn't have a story.)

        Andy: "Look, I wasn't going to tell him anything but...Hey come here, I've got some news for you on your case." (She takes Antonio's arm and they walk into police headquarters.)

        The scene cuts out a little bit so I don't know what Antonio asked her.

        Andy: "From you...Remember you gave me the names of all the witnesses who were there that night at the pool hall? Well, I was able to track down three that weren't questioned that night." (Antonio has a small grin on his face) "Unfortunately one of them's dead, one has vanished and..."

        Antonio: "Great. Just my luck."

        Andy: "The third...a woman...is still in Llainview."

        Antonio: (Speechless) "You're kidding me? You...You spoke to her?"

        Andy: "No, actually I was hoping that we can both question her tonight. Well, that is if you don't have any other plans?"

        Antonio: (Moves closer to Andy and takes her in his arms) "Nothin um...I can think of." (They stare into each other's eyes.)

        Transcribed by: Clarissa
        Do not use on any other websites without permission.