... Andy & Antonio Scenes From OLTL

        ~*~Andy Studies for her Detective Exam~*~

        Andy and Antonio are at the diner. Andy is studying for her exam that will make her Detective. Andy is bending over, looking for something under the table.

        Antonio: " Hey Harrison? You got a crib sheet on the floor?"

        Andy comes back up and looks at Antonio with a smile on her face.

        Andy: "I dropped my napkin."

        Antonio: "Yeah right. Just answer the question. Why is hearsay evidence not admissible in a criminal trial?"

        Andy: "You mean like…if you heard someone say 'Hey Vega, I heard Andy Harrison talking and she would really like to go dancing with you tonight.' "

        Andy has her elbow on Antonio.

        Antonio: " I would say, 'Your Honor, I object.' Why?"

        Andy hits Antonio on the shoulder.

        Andy: "You’re one tough tutor. Okay, because the person being quoted is not in court to be cross examined."

        Antonio: "Right."

        Andy: "She’s sitting right here and…she’d really like to go dancing with you and…that’s not hearsay your honor, that’s direct evidence."

        Andy and Antonio look deeply into each other’s eyes and when their faces are close together they begin to kiss passionately, as Cristian looks on.

        Andy and Antonio are still at the table looking happy. Cris comes over to the table.

        Antonio sees Cris.

        Antonio: "Hey! Congratulations huh?"

        He turns to Andy.

        Antonio: " He just won an art contest at his school."

        Andy: " Oh…that’s great! Congratulations."

        Cris: " Thanks."

        Antonio: " Sit down, I’ll buy you a soda."

        Cris: " Nah…Nah…that’s all right, I’ve got stuff to do."

        Cris looks like something is bothering him.

        Andy: " You wouldn’t be getting in our way, I’m just trying to study for the Sergeants exam and your brother is driving me crazy."

        She playfully hits him on the shoulder.

        Antonio: " Yeah uh…she just can’t stand that I’m smarter than she is, that’s all."

        Antonio knows that something is bothering his brother, he gets up and puts his arm around his shoulder.

        Antonio: "Come on."

        They sit down at another table.

        Antonio: "So what’s up?"

        Cris is silent.

        Antonio: "Okay…don’t tell me…let me guess…you’ve got women trouble right?"

        Cris: "I don’t know, look Jessie and me…we’ve been getting kind of close."

        Antonio has his concerned brother look on his face.

        Antonio: " How close?"

        Cris: " See…that’s it…all right, fine…tonight we were making out right? Nothing heavy, and then ok…fine…it got a little heavy and then she starts freaking out, like I did something wrong, you know? I…I…I know she wanted to, at least at first and so I don’t know man…I mean may…maybe…maybe you were right…maybe we’re just too different for each other."

        Antonio: " Listen ok…Women…Women are different…I mean one minute you think you understand them and the next minute you are speaking a totally different language. Hey look it happens to all of us, and sometimes it’s really distracting. Who needs it anyway, huh? I mean you gotta gift…you’re an artist."

        Cris: " Yeah but sometimes when I’m painting, I feel like I’m doing it only because of Jessica."

        Antonio: " Please…All right, you had your dream way before you met that girl…all right…all she’s doing is messing you up and slowing you down."

        Cris looks at Antonio like he is crazy.

        Cris: "No she’s not."

        Antonio: " Oh really? When was the last time you finished a painting?"

        Cris is speechless because he knows his older brother is right.

        Antonio: " That’s what I’m talking about Cris. You gotta keep your eyes on the prize all right? Don’t get side tracked now all right…You gotta go for your dream while your young…before your dream fades away."

        Cris: "Well Antonio, I want you to know that it really means a lot to me, you know? That you think I’m really going somewhere."

        Antonio: " Hey I’m not the only people. You have to do this for you too."

        Cris: " I know…and that’s what I’m having trouble with…It’s usually so much easier than this."

        Antonio: " You mean before you met Jessica?"

        Cris: " Tonio, I think about her all the time, I close my eyes and poof there she is, I wanna be with Jessica all the time, but…you said it yourself man…I mean hey, we’re from different worlds right? So maybe it’s just not possible."

        Antonio: "Except when I’m talking to you little brother uh…Sometimes I wonder if I’m saying the wrong things…You don’t see all the walls that I do. Is that because you’re dumber than me…or because you’re smarter?"

        He smiles at Cris. Cris laughs.

        Cris: "I’m gonna get back to the old art room. I’ll try to figure that one out while I’m painting. Thanks a lot."

        Antonio: "Later man."

        Cris leaves and Antonio goes back to where Andy is sitting.

        Antonio: " So have you been doing any studying, or just eavesdropping?"

        He sits down next to her. Andy laughs.

        Andy: "Well it is a public place and you were talking loud."

        Antonio: " Well lets see how far you got. Answer this one. A drunk is being held by officers under your affair, when he complains that one of your men stole his wallet. What do you do?"

        Andy: " I…pull the drunk aside and I make him tell me everything he remembers."

        Antonio: "Wrong. The answer is search the area for the wallet first because that can solve the problem with just one step."

        Andy: "Nah…If the wallet isn’t going anywhere, but the guys memory is. When I was a cop on the beat, I always got a statement first."

        Antonio: "Mm…Hmm…you don’t believe me."

        He hands the book to Andy with a smug look on his face.

        Antonio: "Eat your heart out."

        Andy closes the book.

        Andy: "I hate it when your books right."

        Antonio takes the book and they both are smiling.

        Andy: "You know I bet you even knew the answer to that before you even looked in there."

        Antonio: "It was common sense."

        Andy: " No it was more than that. You’ve gotta…You’ve got a feel for this stuff. You know? You oughta call up Nora Buchanan and see if that law clerk job is still open."

        Antonio: " Look, I thought I asked you to drop that."

        Andy: " All right, ok I will…when you answer me one simple question. What do you wanna be in ten years? Wanna work in a law office? Or in a diner?"

        Antonio: " I wanna own a diner, this one, ok? But they won’t give me a mortgage, so where am I gonna be in ten years? I don’t know but it’s probably not gonna be here, so that’s the last time you talk about that because my future is none of your concern!"

        Andy: " Isn’t it?"

        They stare at each other.

        Antonio: " Look um…I’m sorry, I just don’t like being pushed around."

        Andy: " No kidding. You know, you’re probably the most stubborn man I’ve ever met. You know what? I’m just as bad and I’m not giving up because you happen to matter. And I know you have dreams…like wanting to buy this diner for starters and giving it back to your mother. The problem is every time you come up against a road block you blame the establishment, you just wanna pick up your ball and go home."

        Antonio: " Yeah and you work for the establishment so how would you know where I’m coming from?"

        Andy: " You’re right, it’s hard, because you hide all the time. I had no idea you got your college degree in Statesville. What’s that all about? Why’d you even bother? You know why? Because you got this crazy dream that you wanna be a lawyer and deep inside you know you’d be great, your just afraid that if you put it out there and go for it somebody is gonna slam another door in your face. The fact of the matter is you're…you're chicken Vega."

        Antonio: " Excuse me?"

        Andy: " Did you, or did you not turn down a job offer to clerk for the best lawyer in Llainview?"

        Antonio: " So let me get this straight, you want me to join the establishment that’s been hitting me in the face my whole life!"

        Andy: " If you got on the inside, don’t you think that you could change it? Not to mention all the money you could make, you could give it to your mother to buy this place. You could make a lot of things happen if you could just follow the advice you gave your brother just minutes ago. Do it yourself, follow your dreams, don’t let anything stop you. We just blowing smoke Vega?"

        Antonio looks at her angrily.

        Nora walks in the library, carrying a large amount of law books for a case that she is working on. She talks to the waitress and mentions loudly that she would love some help so that Antonio can hear her.

        Andy: " It might be in your cards. Look who just walked in the door."

        Antonio looks across the room at Nora, who smiles at him.

        Antonio: " Subject’s closed."

        Andy: " Not while I still believe in you. I dare you to go over to Nora and ask her if that clerk job is still available."

        Antonio grins a little bit.

        Andy: " Well, are you gonna talk to Nora or not?"

        Antonio smiles and gets up.

        Antonio: "Here goes nothing."

        Andy smiles as he walks over to her. Antonio is now standing behind Nora. Nora turns around.

        Nora: " Antonio? Buy you a cup of coffee?"

        Antonio: " No thanks...But I was just wondering if that...clerking job was still available?"

        Nora: " Oh in that case...why? Wanna take it?"

        Antonio: " Well I...I was thinking maybe I could give it a shot...but you know if...if the price is right."

        Nora: " Well, lets see...how does a lot of experience and twent bucks an hour sound?"

        Antonio: " I suppose I could live with that. So when do I start?"

        Nora: " You can start right now."

        She hands him all the stuff that she came in with.

        Nora: "You can pull the all nighter...I’m gonna go home to my loving husband, assuming that he still...remembers who I am. Now you remember our common wealth uh...versus Weiner?"

        Antonio: " That’s the guy who’s lawyer pulled a fast one and screwed him on a plea bargain."

        Nora: " I’m very impressed. Well, I’m handling a case right now very similar to that...so what I need you to do is...I want you to find every case in the last five years that’s quite sufficient."

        Andy walks over to them.

        Andy: " Well...wait...will somebody tell me?"

        Antonio has money in his mouth.

        Antonio: "Uh...I’m gonna do the job."

        Nora: " And you’re gonna do the job."

        Andy: " That’s nice! Night!"

        Nora leaves. She is happy.

        Andy runs to hug Antonio.

        Andy: "Congratulations! Where we gonna celebrate?"

        Antonio: " Uh... How bout the law library? My boss just gave me a ton of work so it looks like I’m gonna be pounding the books. So uh...why are you down?"

        Andy looks upset.

        Andy: "I don’t know. Well uh...we can forget about celebrating...didn’t your mom invite us over for dinner tonight?"

        Antonio: " You’re right... So when you go there, you can tell her why I’m gonna be late."

        Antonio leaves, leaving Andy by herself.

        Transcribed by: Clarissa
        Do not use on any other websites without permission.