... Andy & Antonio Scenes From OLTL

        ~*~Andy and Antonio Have Dinner with Carlotta~*~

        Antonio has just accepted Nora's law clerk job and is spending his evening at the law library studying. Him and Andy were supposed to have dinner with Carlotta, but Antonio tells her that he is going to be late and to tell his mother.

        Carlotta: "We will own the diner again... I mean Antonio hasn't gotten the loan yet but..."

        Andy: " But... he's working two jobs now. Maybe the banks will reconsider his loans."

        Carlotta: (Surprised) " Two jobs?"

        Andy: " Yeah. I mean... I know I shouldn't have blown it but... he's not just working at the diner now. Now he's Nora Buchanan's law clerk."

        Carlotta: (Smiling) " Really!"

        Andy: " Yes! I know I shouldn't have told you or anything, but you know how I like to keep everything in. I don't know... it's just that I've never met anybody like him, it's just he's so... " (She starts to get embarrassed.)

        Carlotta: (Laughing) " Come on, please, you know how a mother loves hearing her children praised. Especially from a woman who means so much to her son."

        Andy: " I don't know Carlotta. I have known Antonio for a while and I'm still not really sure how he feels about me."

        Andy: " Antonio never really says anything about how he feels on the inside. You know like... does he ever talk around the home... I mean, or most of the time I just try and guess."

        Carlotta: (Chuckles) " Yeah... Antonio keeps everything in side I know. You know it's so unbelievable, Cristian is completely different. All his feelings just pour out of him, but with Antonio... you have to look very carefully. It's in his eyes. You look in his eyes, you can see everything that he is feeling."

        Andy: " I look in his eyes a lot Carlotta."

        Carlotta: " He has wonderful eyes don't you think?"

        Andy: " I know, they go on forever. Sometimes he gives me that look, you know? That says don't even bother trying to hide because I know everything there is to know about you."

        Carlotta: " Oh... but he doesn't. He'd like to though Andy. Yeah you know what you see."

        Andy: " Well what if I'm wrong? I mean... I just keep thinking that I'm seeing what I wanna see because I... I... I just wanna believe it so badly."

        Carlotta: " And you can. Oh trust me, Antonio wouldn't be spending all this time with you if... if he didn't care a great deal about you."

        Andy: " Thank you." (She rushes over to hug Carlotta.) " Thank you."

        Carlotta: " You're welcome."

        (Antonio watches through the door.)

        (Antonio walks in. Andy and Carlotta are still hugging.)

        Antonio: " Hola."

        Carlotta: " It seems. Look whose finally decided to join us."

        Antonio: " I'm sorry I'm late."

        Andy: " No, right on time. Perfect."

        Carlotta: " As a matter of fact we were just talking about you."

        Antonio: " Oh yeah... And what about me?" (He takes off his coat.)

        Carlotta: " Well we were just saying about how quiet you are, how you never talk about anything with anybody... you know? How congratulations are in order because you just got a new job."

        Andy: " And with your new job maybe the bank will reconsider your loan."

        Antonio: " Look, there's not gonna be any loan, all-right... I'm not wasting my time on that dream anymore. We can never get that diner back. Just forget about it."

        (Carlotta looks disappointed.)

        Carlotta: " Why is getting back the diner only a dream?"

        Antonio: " Look... I uh... ran across Juanita when I came across Angel Square and um... she got a new offer. Two hundred thousand dollars." (Carlotta is devastated, she puts her hand to her heart, shocked.)

        Antonio: " She said she's put the guy off for a couple of days because she wants to sell it to us."

        Carlotta: " I was hoping it would be much less than that."

        (There is a knock on the door. It is Clint Buchanan. Antonio goes to get the door.)

        Clint: " Evening Antonio."

        Antonio: " Yeah... hi... Look, we're uh... getting ready to have dinner."

        Carlotta: " Clint? Please... please come in."

        Clint: " I'm sorry to uh... interrupt your dinner. I... um... actually stopped by to see if you wanted to join me. We can do it some other time."

        Carlotta: " Oh... why do we have to do it another time? Why don't you just join us?" (Antonio isn't too thrilled about this.) " I think we're just gonna wait a little while longer for Cristian."

        Antonio: " Well I wouldn't wait too long. He and Jessica got into an argument, nothing important. But they're probably working it out right now."

        Clint: " Well I hope so... I know uh... I know how Jessica feels about Cristian. Frankly, I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I'm not the number one man in her life anymore."

        Carlotta: " Well, if we're not gonna be waiting for Cristian, why don't we sit down and enjoy the food while it's hot? Uh... Andy... sit right there, next to Antonio." (She shows Clint where to sit. Antonio glares at him.)

        Andy: (They are all sitting at the table.) " I'm really glad that you dug out these recipes... You know... I just can't believe that these are the kind of meals that you were making every night at the diner."

        Clint: " Cook meals like this every night at the diner again, and you wouldn't have an empty seat in the house."

        Carlotta: " Well, it's too bad I won't get that chance. It seems that someone has made another offer."

        (Antonio is uncomfortable so him and Andy go outside.)

        Andy: " I hope we didn't upset her."

        Antonio: " Why? Because we left? Look, she wanted to be in there alone with him anyways."

        Andy: " After we had coffee."

        Antonio: " Before, after, what difference does it make? Why did you have to bring up the diner in front of him?"

        Andy: " I'm sorry... it came up."

        Antonio: " Yeah well I'm sorry too. Everybody's sorry."

        Andy: " You know... Would you mind telling me what your problem is? Why don't you let the guy help? Come on, he's the answer you're looking for."

        Antonio: " It's not gonna happen, okay? I'm not gonna owe Clint Buchanan, not ever."

        Transcribed by: Clarissa
        Do not use on any other websites without permission.