... Andy & Antonio Scenes From OLTL

        ~*~A&A Make Love for the First Time~*~

        February 14, 1996

        Andy is getting ready to go to Marty and Dylan's wedding rehearsal, when there is a knock on her door.

        Andy: "Sheila, it's about time, I just can't decide what I'm gonna wear."

        She opens the door and is shocked to see that it is Antonio. Antonio smiles at her.

        Antonio: "You look fine."

        They stare at each other for a moment and then Antonio presents her with a dozen roses.

        Antonio: "Happy Valentine's Day."

        Andy closes the door.

        Antonio: "You said that Marty Saybrooke had reserved some rooms at the Palace so her bridesmaids could change, so I thought I would drop by."

        Andy: (Smiles, she smells her roses) "Mmm... these are beautiful."

        Antonio: "I thought I'd bring a little gift before the party got started."

        Andy: (Grins at him) "Even after you said that Valentines Day was just a sentimental gimmick?"

        Antonio: " Oh uh... it... uh... still is. But when someone passes their sergeants' exam and that same someone pushes me to buy the diner, well that special someone deserves some flowers."

        Andy smiles at him.

        Antonio: "But I bet you want a Valentine's gift too..." (Andy giggles) "Okay... here goes."

        Antonio pulls out a giant Valentines Card and Andy laughs.

        Antonio: "Corny rhymes for my Valentine. And... you can read that while you have some of these Bon Bon's."

        Andy is now laughing so hard at this point, as the Bon Bon's are in a huge box themselves.

        Antonio: " But wait, there's more... Romance for sale in a bottle."

        He pulls out a huge bottle of perfume. Andy is just hysterical.

        Antonio: "Check it out Lush Love."

        Andy: (Still laughing really hard) "Lush Love?"

        Antonio: "I don't know, maybe it's perfume for alcoholics."

        Andy: "Oh man Vega, you're really something, you know you never do things halfway."

        Antonio: "You got it. It's all or nothing."

        He is smiling at her, looking deeply into her eyes.

        Andy smiles back at him, and puts the perfume down. Antonio looks at her dresses on the bed.

        Antonio: "So uh... what's with the dresses?"

        Andy: "Oh I... I can't choose."

        Antonio walks over to the bed and picks up the dress he wants her to wear.

        Antonio: "Well... Choose this one."

        He holds it up for her to see.

        Andy: "Why?"

        Antonio: "Because I would like to see you wear it."

        Andy: "Oh? Okay."

        She unties her robe and takes it off, wearing nothing but lingerie under the robe. Antonio stares at her with desire in his eyes.

        Andy spins around in her dress, showing it off to Antonio. A classical version of "Unchained Melodies" plays on the radio.

        Andy: "Um... aren't... you gonna tell me I look okay?"

        Antonio: "Can't you tell what I'm thinking by the way I'm looking at you?"

        Antonio walks over to where she is.

        Andy: "Um... I... I um... got you something too. But then you'd said all those things about Valentines Day and well... now that you changed your tune."

        She hands Antonio a present. He is touched.

        Antonio's present is a briefcase. He stares at it.

        Andy: "If... If... you don't like it... you can take it back, I mean... I knew... I know you bought the diner for your mom but... I... I also know that you have dreams for yourself. I mean after you clear your name and maybe become a Lawyer... Hey a Lawyer's gotta have a briefcase right? I'm serious... If you wanna take it back it is fine... I mean... Um... did I... did I do something wrong? You always tell me I'm butting in when I shouldn't. Come on Vega, say something."

        Antonio is still being very quiet.

        Andy: "Are you mad at me?"

        Antonio: (Grins at her) "I don't know what it is with you. I mean nobody's ever believed in me the way you do. You're just..."

        He takes her face in his hands and begins to kiss her very passionately.

        A&A are still kissing passionately. Finally they break apart for air. Andy picks up the giant Valentines Day Card and opens it, showing him that he hasn't signed it yet.

        Andy: "You forgot to sign it."

        Antonio: "I don't have a pen."

        Andy: "I think there is a pen in the drawer."

        Antonio gets it out of the drawer and signs the card. In great big letters he writes LOVE. They stare intensely in each other's eyes. They move towards each other and begin to kiss passionately. Antonio picks her up and carries her to the bed, where he gently sits her down.

        Andy and Antonio have somehow made it off the bed and are headed back towards it, still kissing very passionately. Andy is doing some serious moaning as Antonio is kissing her neck.

        Andy: (Stops him) "Oh God no Antonio wait... "

        Antonio: (Frustrated) "Damn it! Look, if you wanna play that game again fine, but not with me!"

        He starts to walk away.

        Andy: (Grabs him) "No wait... wait... wait... come on... come on... I didn't mean that. Look, I feel the same way about you but look what time it is. I mean the rehearsal dinner is gonna start soon and I'm the Maid of Honor. I told Marty and Dylan that I would be there early to get everything ready and if I'm late..."

        Antonio cuts her off by taking her face in his hands and kissing her extremely passionately. They fall back on the bed.

        Antonio is kissing her neck again.

        Andy: "Oh God... Oh God... I gotta get downstairs."

        Antonio grins.

        Andy: "Oh I told them I'd be downstairs. I'm the Maid of Honor, I'm supposed to help get everything ready and greet everybody... that's my job... I mean that's not my job... besides Max and I said... "

        Antonio: "But you're so beautiful. You're eyes, you're hair."

        He strokes her hair.

        Antonio: "And your skin."

        He kisses her briefly but passionately and then looks deeply in her eyes.

        Antonio: "You know I want you, don't you?"

        Andy smiles at him, they continue to stare intensely in each other's eyes and then they begin to kiss yet another fiery passionate kiss.

        Andy turns on the stereo and "Pretty Girl" by Jon B. begins to play, as her and Antonio stare into each other's souls. She seductively removes her high heels and begins to walk slowly towards him. He is still staring intensely into her eyes. He unbuttons his shirt and opens it, revealing his gorgeous chest. He takes Andy's hand and puts it up to his mouth. Her hand is covering his face, running along his entire face. Andy's hand makes its way down to Antonio's chest. She removes his shirt and they begin to kiss passionately. He moves his mouth down to her neck and begins to kiss it. She is turned on beyond belief. She turns around and he unzips her dress. He kisses her shoulder passionately and at the same time he slowly slides her dress down her body. She turns back around to face him and slowly runs her hands down his body, until they reach where his belt is. She unbuttons his pants. They slide to the ground and Antonio is now only clad in boxers. They kiss some more. He is about to lower her to the bed.

        Antonio: "I have never felt this way about anyone before."

        Andy: (Whispers) "I know. I feel it too."

        They begin to kiss some more, and he lowers her to the bed. They make love. Antonio says something in Spanish.

        Andy and Antonio are still making love.

        Andy: "Oh... I love it when you do that."

        Antonio: (Gazes down at her.) "You're so sexy and yet so innocent. How do you do that?"

        Andy: (Smiles at him and says happily.) "You do it to me. Um... I'm... I'm gonna tell you something and... I don't want you to get all weird on me, okay? I mean I don't... I don't want you to think that ... I want you to say things back because... I mean it is not a demand. It's a gift. I love you."

        Antonio lowers himself and begins to kiss her passionately.

        Transcribed by: Clarissa
        Do not use on any other websites without permission.