... Andy & Antonio Scenes From OLTL

        ~*~Antonio Tells Andy He Wants to Have His Case Reopened~*~

        Javiar Perez has just come to see Antonio at the Diner. He is upset because Andy confronted him. He informs Antonio that RJ Gannon owns him and that he needs to remember that. Andy walks in, just as Javiar is leaving, they glare at each other briefly until Javiar walks away. Andy walks over to the counter...

        Andy: "Hey Antonio, what was Javiar doing here?"

        Antonio: "He just stopped by to grab something to eat."

        Andy: (Not buying it) "No way, I've seen that look. It's pay back time. I've been hassling him so he came here to…make trouble for you, didn't he?"

        Antonio: "What makes you think Javiar's on my case?"

        Andy: "Well I was questioning him about Rachel, and he made some comment about how you were ready to take a big fall. Blowing smoke, but face it, he came here to make trouble for you."

        Antonio: "Look, we've got history. It was his gang against mine. Now he's watching me put my life together, where I'm my real boss, and he's still shining RJ's shoes."

        Andy: "He came from the same place and he turned out so different. I mean come on, he just…he went for the fast buck by working for RJ, and you took the highroad."

        Antonio: (Looks up from what he is doing. He has been putting mustard on a sandwich) "The highroad huh?"

        Andy: "Yeah…you got a future. Stick to your dreams. Remember every bank in town turned down your loan application, but you kept trying, you kept with it, and finally one of the banks… they gave you the loan. The system works. Even for you, you proved that yourself. I'm really proud of you."

        Antonio: (Has a flashback of shaking hands with RJ after he has gone to him to get a loan.) "Proud huh?"

        Andy: (Smiling) "The whole neighborhood looks up to you."

        Antonio: "Yeah…well they shouldn't, okay? Look, I'm no role model Andy, believe me, alright? You don't know, don't get it."

        Andy: "What? I don't understand."

        Antonio: "You're right, you don't, and you can't." (Antonio looks like he feels guilty.) "Look, Andy, there's something you should know, and I might as well tell you now."

        Andy looks at him, wondering what it could be

        Antonio: "I don't think you know Angel Square, well around here you get pulled in or pulled down like that. (Snaps his finger) If it wasn't for my family it probably would have happened to me, I probably would have turned out just like Javiar."

        Andy: "No way, you're too smart. You would have found the right way on your own."

        Antonio: "Sometimes it's hard to see the right way down here. Everything's brick walls, I mean there's only your family, if you've got one. See you…you see all this stuff and…and you wanna get it for the people you care about, and after a while it doesn't matter how…you…find a way. It's just like looking for the loan. I mean after a while, when all the banks had turned you down, down here there is really only one way that I know of left to get that kind of money."

        Andy: "You mean a loan shark? I was glad you didn't have to go that far."

        Antonio: (Kinda looks a little annoyed) "Right."

        Andy: "That's why I love and respect you so much. You have such high principles."

        Antonio: "Look um…let's drop this. I just got a lot of stuff on my mind and I'm a little down on my…on my sleep. Nora's got this new client she's trying to get off on an appeal, and its got me really geared up on getting my name cleared again."

        Andy: (Happy) "You mean you're gonna get your case reopened?"

        Antonio: "You think you could uh…pull my file down at the station and make me a copy? There's a lot of witnesses that they haven't followed up on from back then."

        Andy: (Pretends to ponder his question.) "Let me think. Do I mind helping someone that I love clear his name?" (They inch close to each other and kiss.) "I'm glad you feel you can trust me."

        Antonio just stares at her.

        Transcribed by: Clarissa
        Do not use on any other websites without permission.