Dear Grandma, Save Me a Dance
To Lorena Leech, In Memoriam

I never saw you dance to the country western bands
swinging your fancy skirt
wearing your bright red lipstick
But I expect there's a place for that in Heaven
Dear Grandma, save me a dance.

I don't remember your award-winning pies
though you were generous enough to praise
my lesser versions
But I expect there's a kitchen or two in Heaven
Dear Grandma, I like apple ones best.

I never got a reply when I sent the first letter
after I left for college
But I suspect God knows a thing or two
about making memories and writing things down
Dear Grandma, make it legible this time.

I never saw peace in your eyes
like the peace I expect you've found in Heaven
or sat down to a conversation
in which I felt we truly connected
But I know ours is a God of restoration
Dear Grandma, I'll give you that kiss next time.

(c) Alicia 2007
orig. 09-28-07 rev. 10-28-07

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