The Other Level

an experience by Alicia (January 2002)

we'll call this ņoco- for annick.

i think of you today
when i need a little more
i think of you imagining
all the things we'd say, things we'd do
things that are not the same old thing

do you think of me?
i don't know you
but there's a lot of me
that lies in wait
you're the only one who will ever know me this way

do you want to see this?
will i ever have the chance to show you?
when i meet you maybe i won't want to
maybe no one will ever find this other level of me
could be i'm unchosen

Mirror poem:
a ballad of unrecognized potential

It will never be.
You won't see, you won't be together laughing
you will not touch the girl where no one else should
you will not be the first to open up her world

You will never know if the way you see her
is different from every body else
You will never know if she hurts you or does not
You will never look at her and know she belongs to me

what she looks like when her clothes are off
what she looks like when she screams
these things will never be discovered
you will never meet her she will never be seen

because you will never know her you will never see
These things are hidden to all eyes
they are yours someday yet you find them not
Everything that lies in wait isn't unsought

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note: title inspired by the third level by jack finney