The grades two and three “Super Duper Deltiologists” at Valmont Academy, King’s Point would like to thank everyone who helped bring the world into their classroom. These students not only reached their goal of 2000 postcards, they doubled it, with the grand total of 5368 fantastic postcards. They would like to send a special thank you to the following people who sent them more than three postcards:
Thank You Pages
Grace  Abelseth          Kelowna,  British Columbia
Brittany Adams            King’s Point, Newfoundland

Nick  Alach                 Auckland,  New Zealand

Cecil  &  Florence  Anderson      Passadena,Nfld.

Gloria  Andrews            Halifax,  Nova Scotia

Jamie  Andrews             Hamilton,  Ontario

Margaret  Best  Annett      Douglastown,  Quebec

Maxine  Ash                  Lethbridge,  Newfoundland

Harold & Lois Barrett       Homasassa,  Florida

Lisa  Blackler                  Springdale,  Newfoundland

Roy  Blakeburn                Sydney,      Nova Scotia

Daphne  Blandford          Ocean Springs,   Nova Scotia

Mary  Boeckmann           Eden Valley,  Minnesota

Rebecca  Bowers             King’s Point, Nfld

Roberta   Boychuck         New Iberia,   Louisianna

First  Kanata  Brownies       Kanata,  Ontario

Lynda  Bruton                 Arcadia,  California

Dale Budgell & Trevor Reid   Springdale,  Nfld

Joshua  Budgell               King's   Point, Newfoundland   

Beverly  Bull                Spotslvania,  Virginia

Phyllis  Burke              Bridgewater,  Nova Scotia

Louise  Carroll              Sechalt,  B.C
W. Chapman         North Sydney,  Nova Scotia

Mme.  Chassoulier                France

Caroline Leblanc Chatman       Brooklyn,   Nfld.

Louise B.  Chew               Lakefield,  Ontario

Muriel  Chislett             Stephenville,  Nfld.

Andrew & Dorothy Clark     Vancouver,  B.C.

Harvey Clarke            Welland,  Ontario

Malcolm & Kharis Collins          Ontario

Athena Colpitts      Indian Harbour,  Nova Scotia

Robin  Cooze          Kitchener,  Ontario

T. J.  Corbett             St. John’s,   Nfld.

Cal & Sandra  Cutler       King’s  Point,   Nfld.

Ray & Ann  Davis           Vail,  Arizona

Junior & Trish  Dawe    Labrador City,  Labrador

Phyllis  Deering       Grand Falls-Windsor,  Nfld.

Marc  Despatie          Toronto,  Ontario

Evelyn  Dicks            Elnora,  Alberta

Zelda & Bill Dixon        Baie Verte ,  Nfld.

Ceclia Dodge              Grand Bank,  Nfld.

John & Sheila  Dodge     Lunenburg,   N.S.
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