Full Name: Anna Lynn

Nickname: Annie, Rosebud, Annie Bannanni

Actress: Reese Witherspoon

Pet: A huge cat named Freddy

Magazine:  seventeen, Teen People

Height: 5'0"

Religion: Catholic

GPA: 3.90

Intrument:  Clarinet

Books: The Harry Potter Series, A walk to remembar, Holes, Alice in agony series\

Hobbies: Clarinet, reading, listening to smooth music, eating, Flag Team

Color: Light Purple, Blue, Most Pastels, DEEP RED.

Birthday: July, 26

Singer:  Paul Winter (He plays the clarinet), also classical piano players, Norah Jones

Food: Sizzling Rice Soup, Ruffles, the cookies they sell @ school, zesty chicken border bowl @taco bell

Best Best Friends:  Amanda, Maura, Natalie, Jayme (click
here for more)

Note: I am class president!!!  for the school year of 2002-2003
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