That it is the Aikido?

Aikido is a Japanese martial art, created in the decade of 1920 by the Great Teacher Morihei Ueshiba.

In Aikido trains KI, that is the universal principle of the creation, through its technical repertoire that includes projections, immobilizations and atemis (blows to key points), in addition to fall and to receive the technique practices ukemi. The Aikido looks for to reconcile this universal Ki with the Ki (life breath) of each person. Aikido literally means "AI=armonia-KI=energia-DO=camino". The Aikido is the Budo (joint of Japanese martial arts) purer, since it unifies the body, the mind and the spirit. The Budo, that will pronounce in case single, does not depend on the technique, but on the heart of the medical instructor. The objective of the Aikido is to express the gentility of the heart through the spirit of the Budo. The goal of the training of Aikido is not to perfect steps or technical, if not to improvise, with the laws of the nature, the diverse situations that appear and as a result of the training an excellent physical training conditions and mental is obtained. The movements in the nature are right, efficient and smooth, conserving his center it signs and stable. The movements of Aikido maintain this center signs and stable making emphasis in circular movements. And as well as the nature, although smooth and stable, the techniques of Aikido are tremendously effective and powerful. This causes that the practice of Aikido is propitious for men and women of all the ages. The Maxima quality of the Aikido is that it takes the theory to the practice. The Aikido constitutes in its practice an integral system of self-defense, physical activity, and spiritual or internal development. In addition one practices in a tranquillity atmosphere that favors to the reflection and the unification of the mind, body and soul. On the aspect of self-defense, the techniques of the Aikido are based on the assumptions of the manifold and varied forms in which it is possible to be attacked and it trains in addition like conserving the mental clarity to apply developing them the sense of entrance (irimi) and distance (maai). With forms it is entered but actually for the application from the Aikido to a real situation, it is discovered that the sense of physical aggression is trained until controlling the instinct, because if a technique becomes of uncontrolled or visceral form this will not have the wished effect that he is the one to control the opponent.

As physical activity (the Aikido is not a sport if not a martial art) is excellent because it adapts to the conditions of individual age, sex, rate or faculties. When initiating each class is made a set of strechings, falls altogether with the breathing that allow to warm up, to make flexible and to coordinate the movements of the body (Aiki taiso). Weights do not become, there is no competition against anybody (but the victory of one same one looks for) so that the correct execution of a technique does not have answer on the part of the other, improves the agility and the speed of the body, is used the force in rational form in conjunction with the breathing and increases to the physical training conditions by the practical constant of the falls and its incorporation. The joints become flexible and resistant, activates the sanguineous circulation, the respiratory capacity, and the muscular system neuro offers fast and immediate answers but because this in a mental but relaxed state.

And as spiritual or internal development the Aikido offers a good perspective of the true form to be each person and contributes to its development. Simultaneously of which it offers greater understanding, tolerance and understanding of the world that surrounds to us. The important thing of these qualities is that in most of the cases they do not remain in dojo if not that extend to the outside in the personal scope, professional, scholastic, etc. System of Graduation the uniform of Aikido of training or "Keiko gi" consists of a resistant dress coat and trousers

When arriving at the Shodan in Aikido a called skirt will be used trousers "hakama" black color that was used in the antiquity by samuráis. In the scope of the martial arts it means the transmission of the spirit of the Teacher or the art and the serious commitment to follow the study of the Route.

Hakama tied well to the waist helps aikidoka to fix a slight tension to the abdomen, already mantenerce centered in seika tandem, with all the advantages that it tolerates, besides to hold of way, much more safe all the uniform


The Aikido, being a martial art that comes from the art of the arms, for his practices uses bokken or wood sword, jo or cane of wood and as much or the wood knife. These help to develop the technique of Aikido and to give perspective of distance and effectiveness him at the time of their application.

Place of Training

The place of training or Dojo (place to practice the route) is made up by a hall closed with superposed or fixed long cushions or "tatamis" for the execution the technique, that mainly is based on falls or ukemis. This dojo must have a small enclosure in addition to a photography of the founder (Or Sensei Morihei Ueshiba) to the bottom of this.

As in everything it is important to actually follow certain norms of behavior of Aikido, next some rules were enunciated that would be due to follow in most of the dojos.

The norms of dojo according to the Founder Morihei Ueshiba are:

1. This dojo works of a strict way and following the rules traditional. It is the place destined to receive the education of the founder of the Aikido. It is to have of all the students to honor and to follow this education.

2. Each student must contribute to the creation of a positive atmosphere, of harmony and respect.

3. The cleaning constitutes a gratitude act and respect, each medical instructor must participate in the cleaning of dojo as well as dedicate to the purification of its heart and its mind.

4. Without the direct authorization of the teacher, dojo does not have to be used for other aims that are not the predicted classes.

5. It is left to discretion of sensei the acceptance of students in dojo. The technique is not bought. The monthly payment guarantees to the students a place to practice and it is not but that one of the means to demonstrate its gratitude by education that receive. The quotas will have precise to be satisfied.

6. You respect to the Founder and its education as it is transmitted by your Sensei. You respect dojo, the instruments of work and respetaos mutually.

Rules of the Medical instructor

1. It is necessary you respect education, the philosophy of the Founder and the way in which the Sensei transmits it.

2. Each medical instructor morally commits itself to never use a technique of Aikido to make damage to others or to express his ego. The Aikido is not a creation but destruction technique. It is a tool that leads to the development of a better society through the development of a better society through the development of the character of the individual.

3. This prohibited to resolve personal conflicts on tatami. The Aikido is not a street fight. Stays in tatami to extend and to purify your aggressive reactions, to adopt the spirit of samurai through the discovery of the own social responsibility.

4. It must not have competition spirit on tatami. The objective of the Aikido is not to fight and to defeat the enemy but to fight and to defeat to the own aggressive instincts. The force of the Aikido does not reside in the muscular power but in the flexibility, the communication, the same control of one and modestia.

5. Any class of insolencia will not be tolerated. We must be conscious of our limits.

6. Each student has different physical capacities and different reasons to practice Aikido, all deserve respect. The true Aiki is the correct and flexible application of the appropriate technique in any circumstance that appears. It is your responsibility not to cause damage some. It has to protect itself to the companion and one same one.

7. You accept the advice of sensei and try to apply them the best thing sincerely than podais. Answers are not accepted.

8. All the medical instructors study principles such. He must not have discords in the group, all the inhabitants of dojo form a great family. The secret of the Aikido is the harmony, if podeis not to respect these rules will be impossible to you to study Aikido in this dojo.

It labels of the Dojo (King Shiki)

It is the set of norms of courtesy and behavior, labels ceremonial, that is precise to observe in dojo, including all the aspects of the relations between professor and student.

1) one is due to salute when entering and when leaving tatami. 2) Saludar always in direction of shomen, kami za and to the picture of the Founder. 3) Respetar all the instruments of work. Gi must be conserved clean and in good state. The arms must be in their place while they are not used. 4) not to use gi or arms that do not belong to you. 5) Efectuar heating exercises minutes before initiating the class. To seat in seiza, all in the same line and position of meditation. These few minutes allow that your mind is freed of the problems of the day and is prepared for the study. 6) the class begins and finishes with a ceremony. The puntualidad to participate in her is essential, but if the delay is inevitable, you must wait for seated next to tatami until sensei signals for incorporarte to the class. 7) the correct form to seat on tatami is the seiza position. In case of having an injury in the knee, you can sentarte with the crossed legs. You never stretch the legs and you do not lean against the wall or a column. You must be kind to react at any moment. 8) you do not leave tatami during the training to less of lesionarte or having malaise. 9) When sensei demonstrates a technique, you must remain seated in seiza and to observe with attention. After the demonstration, to greet the teacher, next to a companion and soon to begin to work. 10) At the moment that announces the aim of the technique, to stop the movement immediately which you are carrying out, to greet your companion and to meet with the other medical instructors seated in line. 11) not to remain of foot, without working, on tatami. If it is necessary, to wait for its turn seated in seiza. 12) If by one or another reason is absolutely necessary to do a question to sensei, to approach him, never you call it, to greet it with respect and to hope to that he is available. (a foot greeting is sufficient in this case). 13) When the teacher demonstrates a movement in individual, to put themselves of knees and to observe with attention. To greet it when he has finished. When it corrects some medical instructor, you can stop your practice and watch. To seat in seiza and to salute in the same way. 14) Respetar to the medical instructors of greater graduation. To never discuss with regard to the techniques. 15) These here for entrenarte, do not stop to impose your ideas to others. 16) If you know the movement and you work with which it does not know it, you can guide it. But you do not try to correct your companion if you do not have the level of yudansha. 17) less possible Hablar. The Aikido is experience. 18) you do not remain idle on tatami before or after the class. The reserved space this for students who wish to work. Dojo has other spaces to develop social activities. 19) the ground will have to sweep every day before the class and when this one finishes. It is responsibility of all to maintain dojo clean. 20) During the classes it is prohibited to eat, to inside drink, to smoke and to chew chicle and outside tatami. At any moment it is prohibited to develop these activities within tatami. 21) he is not advisable to take jewels during the training. 22) you do not take spirits while you have position gi.