Pizza Roquefort (Bleu Cheese)

Pre-cooked Pizza Dough
Pizza Sauce
1/2 lb. Roquefort or Bleu Cheese
1 lb. Mozzarella (somewhat thick slices not shredded)
Dried Oregano
8 Large Spanish Green Olives (Not-pitted)

Oven preheated at 400 F.

With your pre-cooked pizza dough from this section you can start to prepare your pizza recipe. 

Spoon a little extra pizza sauce over the dough create another smooth and light coating.

In the following order, lay out these ingredients so that they cover the entire pizza.  Do not leave much room AT ALL for an empty crust.  This isn't a pizza that you will eat with your hands.


Next place the olives around the pizza so that when you slice it into eight pieces each piece will have it's own olive.  Sprinkle oregano liberally over the cheese.

Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes.  Slice into eight pieces and serve.

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