Representative Emblems

Group Emblem

Is formed by the Flower of lily of the old Association (U.S.C.A.) along with the emblem of the Miraculous Medal and the colors of our handkerchief. 

National Standard

It represents the Scouts of Argentina. It was created in 1996, after the fusion of U.S.C.A . (Union of Argentine Catholic Scouts ) and A.S.A. (Scout Association of Argentina)

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Ceremony Flags
Are displayed in some ceremonies of the Group and the District

In Ceremonies of:
- Scout Promise
- "Pase de rama" (Section promotion)
- Delivery of standards
- Opening of the Scout Season

Handkerchief of Group
Is the essential identification of each group.
Meaning of his colors: 
Red : The blood that Christ was pour by us.
White : The purity of the Scout.
Blue : The predominant color of ours Parish.

More info about the uniform >>

Members | History | Uniform | Emblems |

2003 - Grupo Scout "433 Medalla Milagrosa"