The world's highest Scout

The highest Scout of the world was called Robert Pershing Wadlow and he was recognized in the Guinness Bokk of the Record like the highest man of the world.
It was born the February 22 of 1918, in Illinois, U.S.A. In the photo you can see him with his Troop's Chief when it had hardly 13 years of age and his height was 2,13m.
Its maximum height was of 2,47m to the 22 years of age.

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Famous Scouts 


Henry "Hank" Aaron, Baseball Superstar (Boy Scout)

Bill Alexander, U.S. Represnetative from Arkansas (Eagle Scout)

Gary Anderson, U.S. Representative from New York (Eagle Scout)

Neil Armstrong - Astronaut & First Man On The Moon (Eagle Scout)

Charles Bennett, U.S. Representative from Florida (Eagle Scout)

William Bennett, Former Secretary of Education (Eagle Scout)

Bill Bradley, Pro basketball star and U.S. Sneator from New Jersey (Eagle Scout)

James Brady, Former Press Secretary to President Reagan (Eagle Scout)

Milton Caniff, Comic Strip Artist "Steve Canyon" (Eagle Scout)

Bill Clinton, U.S. President (Cub Scout)

Walter Cronkite - Journalist, T.V. commentator

Willaim Dannemeyer, U.S. Representative from California (Eagle Scout)

William C. DeVries, M.D., Transplanted first artificial heart (Eagle Scout)

Arthur Eldred, (First Eagle Scout)

Daniel J. Evans, Former US Senator and Governor from the state of Washington (Eagle Scout)

Gerald Ford, 36th President of the U.S. (1st Eagle Scout to become President)

Harrison Ford, Actor (Life Scout)

Murphy J. "Mike" Foster, Governor of  Louisiana (Eagle Scout)

Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft (Life Scout)

Richard Gere - Actor

David Hartman, Actor (Life Scout)

Bruce Jenner - Olympic Gold Medal Decathlon (Cub Scout)

John F. Kennedy, U.S. President

James Lovell - Astronaut (Eagle Scout)

Richard Lugar, U.S. Senator from Indiana (Eagle Scout)

J. Willard Marriott, Jr., President, Marriott Corporation (Eagle Scout)

Branford Marsalis, Jazz musician (Life Scout)

Jim Morrison - Rock Legend (Boy Scout)

Sam Nunn, U.S. Senator from Georgia (Eagle Scout)

Merlin Olsen, Actor, Pro Football Player and Sportscaster (Boy Scout)

Ellison Onizuka, Challenger Astronaut (Eagle Scout) 

H. Ross Perot, Self Made Billionaire and Presidential Candidate (Eagle Scout)

J.J. Pickle, U.S. Representative from Texas (Eagle Scout)

Samuel Pierce, Former Secreatry of Housing & Urban Development (Eagle Scout)

Eddie Rabbitt, Country/Western singer (Boy Scout)

John Ritter, Actor

Richard Roundtree, Actor (Boy Scout)

Nolan Ryan, Pro Baseball Player

Alberto Salazar, 3-time winner, NYC Marathon (Life Scout)

Harrison Salisbury, Pulizer Prize winning Author (Eagle Scout)

John Schneider, Actor/Singer (Cub Scout)

Willaim Sessions, Former FBI Director (Eagle Scout)

Howard K. Smith, Former ABC-TV commentator (Boy Scout)

Steven Spielberg, Film Director/Producer (Eagle Scout)

Mark Spitz - Olympic Gold Medal Swimmer (Cub Scout)

James Stewart - Actor (Boy Scout)

Wallace Stegner, Pulitzer Prize winning Author (Eagle Scout)

James Stewart, Actor

George Strait - Country/Western Singer (Cub Scout)

Percy Sutton, Chairman of CBS (Eagle Scout)

John Tesh, TV Celebrity (Eagle Scout)

Joe Theisman, Sportscaster, former NFL player (Life Scout)

Peter Ueberroth, Former Commissioner of Baseball (Cub Scout)

Paul Winfield, Actor (Cub Scout)




Of the 214 former and present astronauts, 142 have taken part in Scouting.


Adamson, Armstrong, Bagian, Bluford, Bowersox, Brady, Carr, Carter, Chaffee, Covey, Creighton, Duke, Eisele, Fullerton, W. Gregory, Griggs, Hoffman, Jones, Lee, Lind, Llewellyn (King's Scout, U.K.), Lovell, McCulley, O'Leary, Onizuka, Oswald, Parazynski, Reightler, Searfoss, See, Tanner, Truly, D. Walker


Anders, Basset, Brand, Bridges, Casper, Cooper, Evans, Fabian, G. Gardner, Givens, Gregory, Kregel, Low, Mattingly, McArthur, Mitchell, D. Scott, Spring, Springer, Van Hoften, C. Williams


Barry, Cameron, England, W. Fisher, Garriott, R. Gibson, Gordon, Grissom, Haise, Lounge, McNair, Stafford


J. Allen, Bean, Clifford, Coats, Engle, Freeman, D. Gardner, E. Gibson, Hammond, Henize, Linnehan, Nelson, Overmyer, Schirra, Schweickart, W. Scott, Shepard, Veach, Worden


Bolden, Buchli, Carpenter, Cernan, Culbertson, Mullane, Parker, Pogue, Shriver, Swigert, W. Thornton, White, Young


Aldrin, Bursch, Hawley, Lousma, McDivitt, Michel, Schmitt, S. Smith


O'Connor, D. Williams


E. Collins, Davis, A. Fisher, Helms, Jernigan, Lawrence, Seddon, Sherlock, Sullivan, K. Thornton, Janice Voss, Weber


A. Allen, C. Brown, Conrad, Foale (Wolf, Germany), Gernhardt, Henricks, Leestma, Lopez-Alegria, McBride, Meade, Readdy, Rominger, Shepherd, Thomas, Thuot, Wolf


C. Brown, Bull, Clervoy, Garneau, Harris, James Voss


                              UNITED KINGDOM

Sir David Attenborough - Naturalist, TV Personality

John Major - Prime Minister

Paul McCartney MBE - Songwriter, Entertainer

George Michael - Singer/Songwriter

Sterling Moss OBE - Motor Racing Champion



Rich Little, Impressionist & Actor (Queen's Scout)



Carl XVI Gustav of Sweden, King

Ingvar Carlsson, Prime Minister

2003 - Grupo Scout "433 Medalla Milagrosa"