Aya's stuff

Well here's my dumb page.

Some Links

STELLA Here she is!! The new doggie!!

ElendorMUSH's homepage is a good place to go to learn about, well, Elendor...

This will get you a list of MUSHs, although I really do recommend Elendor...)

Ok, some pictures of Aya andBeezer, the cat. Also, horseback riding in Central Park.

I have a couple of roleplay logs from elendor here, but don't expect much.

9/98 Elendor party pics. don't expect much here, either. I only posted them. Nothing fancy at all.

Summer '99 Elendor dinner pics.

Various climbing pictures can be found here.

These are some of my costumes... Arwen's chase Eowyn Arwen's BR

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