
Silent Death

LosHades - OLD NEWS
NEWS:   20020420 1230
New map added to the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20010617 1330
Many battles added to the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20010518 1800
More battles on the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20010514 1800
More additions to the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20010508 1800
Changes to the StarCraft site once again.

NEWS:   20010424 1800
More changes to the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20010410 1800
Numerous changes have been occuring on the StarCraft site. Most changes are additional recaps, but new pages were added along with a revision of the graphics.

NEWS:   20010315 1800
Changes to the StarCraft site to include additional recaps.

NEWS:   20010311 1800
Altered the StarCraft site to run from a new location that is now dedicated to DorkLords StarCraft. The site became large enough by itself to justify having a separate site.

NEWS:   20010207 1730
Numerous updates to the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20010202 1730
Updated the LosHades site to run from the new location. Also added a recap to to the StarCraft subsite.

NEWS:   20010124 1930
Dropped the LosHades banner graphic to improve loading speed. Moved news older than 2001 to the Old News page. Additional changes occured on the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20010108 2130
Added the Extreme 3on3 map to the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20001022 2030
Added a page to the Silent Death site.

NEWS:   20000802 2330
More changes on the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20000718 2230
Again, changes occured on the StarCraft site. Not all changes were listed here, but changes occured on 6/21, 6/26 and again on 7/18. Check out the StarCraft site for full details.

NEWS:   20000619 2230
Numerous changes have occured on the StarCraft site. Not all changes were listed here, but changes did occur on 6/10, 6/15 and again on 6/19. Check out the StarCraft site for full details.

NEWS:   20000602 2245
Finally created the Silent Death site. Currently there is not much information available, but as more is created it will be posted. If you're in the Baton Rouge, LA area you may want to check out the upcoming game schedule and join us for a game if you can.

NEWS:   20000601 2345
Added a recap to the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20000504 1215
Added three recaps to the StarCraft site. Two of the recaps are for 2on2 battles and the third recap is a 5 man FFA.

NEWS:   20000427 2100
Updated the StarCraft site with additions to the recap for 12-09-99 and added the temporary recap for 20000329.

NEWS:   20000327 2240
Updated the StarCraft site by creating some links to member sites and adding the new Pitfall 2000 map to the maps page.

NEWS:   20000202 2245
Added Unreal Tournament maps to the download section of the StarCraft site. If more items become desirable for Unreal Tournament I may end up creating an Unreal Tournament sub-site similar to that of StarCraft and RoboRally.

NEWS:   20000123 1615
Added two new maps to the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20000117 2115
Multiple updates on the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20000115 1500
Updated the roster on the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20000112 2230
Completed updating the links on the RoboRally pages to point to this site instead of the old site.

NEWS:   20000110 2240
Updated some links on the RoboRally pages to correct missing pictures and sites that have moved. Still have more to verify and hopefully they will be fixed soon.

NEWS:   20000109 0345
StarCraft changes: Added 20000108 recap, updated "The Ridge", and added a new link.

NEWS:   20000106 2245
Made changes on the StarCraft site.

NEWS:   20000101 0030
Developed the corner logo and banner for this new version of the LosHades site. Also verified most links on the links page and revised it to match the new format of this site.

NEWS:   19991229 2240
Added text to the buttons and lots of complex JavaScript behind the scenes. If you don't have JavaScript enabled in your browser you are missing some of the cool stuff this site does.

So far only the StarCraft and RoboRally links are active and the RoboRally pages still contain numerous broken links that need to be fixed. The Links page is merely a copy from the old site. None of the links were verified and most of them need to be checked.

NEWS:   19991228 2300
Began the process of moving into this new address. The links aren't labeled yet and some don't even work, but changes will occur at a fairly regular rate until the move is complete.