Hikaru Itaka Sulu's Series Quotes

  1. "Astrosciences standing by, Captain." -- Sulu (his first words), Where No Man Has Gone Before, Stardate 1311.4, Episode 2
  2. "Mr. Sulu." -- Kirk, "If you want the...mathematics of this, Mitchell's ability is increasing geometrically. That is like having a penny. Doubling it every day. In a month, you'll be a millionaire." -- Sulu, Where No Man Has Gone Before, Stardate 1312.4, Episode 2
  3. "One minute. I knew he would. (However, Balok missed his cue)" -- Sulu, The Corbomite Maneuver, Stardate 1512.2, Episode 3
  4. "A third crystal sir. Now supplementing with battery power." -- Sulu, Mudd's Women, Stardate 1329.1, Episode 4
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[George Takei] [Star Trek TOS]