Welcome to the Lord of the Rings Webring!! My name is Mark Anderson, although some of you may know me as Frodo Baggins of the Mellon Tolkien Internet Society, FrodoB of EFnet, or Marko of FDFnet. I am the Ringmaster for this Webring. If you would like to join or edit your information, please use the utilities below. If you have questions, email me at andersma@luther.edu.

I have some rules pertaining to this Webring...

1. Any site submitted MUST contain the code for the Webring, which is sent upon submission to the queue. Failure to add the code will result in your being deleted from the LOTR Webring queue after a period of about 2 weeks.
2. Any site submitted must pertain in some way to Tolkien's works or Tolkien himself. Failure to have any basis in Tolkien will result in being deleted from the queue.
3. The codes for the Webring are subject to change. I will notify you if I update the codes in any way.
4. Any one site, excepting my own, may contain only 1 submitted site. The page submitted must have a clear link to the Webring code. Preferably, the code will be on the submitted page.
5. Any site submitted will be checked by me. Invalid URLs will be fixed. URLs with no valid address that I can find will be deleted and may be re-submitted, correctly.
6. Any rule, either expressed or implied, is subject to change at any time.
7. Failure to follow the rules for the Lord of the Rings Webring will result in deletion from the ring.
8. Anything that is not written here but is considered necessary by me is to be considered one of these rules.
9. A notification email will be sent for any deletion detailing the reason.
10. A valid email address is necessary for me to add you to the ring and keep you up-to-date on ring happenings.
11. A site may not contain pornographic works or vulgarity. Exceptions: Michelangelo's David, the Venus de Milo, and similar works that are made for artistic intent.
12. A site must be able to be easily navigated by English speaking persons. While the page may itself be in a non-English language, an English speaker must be able to easily find the navigation code.
13. Any site that promotes illegality or hate groups (example: the KKK or neo-Nazism) will not be admitted for any reason.
14. A site may modify the ring code to pertain to its overall theme, including modifying the table border or rearranging the images. However, all the links contained in the standard ring code must be present in the altered code.
15. URLs must be valid before submission. Example: If a site is under construction, saying it will at some point contain Tolkien content, it may not be submitted until some Tolkien content is displayed.

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