Castle Kitchen

Castle Kitchen

Welcome to the castle kitchen...Here you will find some
recipes for all differant kinds of food you will also find
links to other food and recipe related sights that I have
found on my travels of the net...This page will be updated
on a regular basis so please come back and see the new
recipes..As you probably know by now from reading my page
I am a vegetarian but there will be meat recipes on here
as well as baking and vegetables...I do all my own baking
bread,buns,pies,cakes,muffins etc....everything is made from
scratch in my kitchen...If you have a recipe that you think
I might like or if you need a recipe that I might be able to
help with please e-mail me and I will get back to you as I
answer all my e-mail and I will try to find the recipe you
require to the best of my ability..Have a nice tour of the
and please sign the guest book so I know you were here.....


song...Silver Rain
The music on this page is a copywrite 1997 by Tom Williams III
and is only to be used with his permission
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