Keywords: Anime, Animation, Comics, The Seeker,
blue dot.gif Hello, and Welcome, I hope you find what you're looking for and if you have any sugestion e-mail me at
The Seeker's Best Picks
The Phantom Page
SideWinder's X-Men PageOne of the Best X-Pages!
GENERATION X Generation X (One of the best pages ever)
The Wolverine PageWolvie-Central with links to lots of graphics.
Jonah Weiland's Comic Book ResourcesComprehensive List of Comics-Related Links.
The Comic Characters Data BaseIf you want info on any charater go there, and if you can't find it write it, and send it in yourself like I did.
AAA Aardvark - WraithSpace Comics Index - AAA Aardvark - WraithSpace Com
The Robotech Destroid Page
Tegan's Aquaman Page A very good web page about one of my favorite charcters.
The Dominon Scifi Webpage This is for all the things on the SciFi channel
UltraNet Home Page The Ultraverse Web Page
DoomGate One of the best Doom Pages
Comics From The Vortex
Wizard Press Home PageThe Page by Wizard Magazine
The Immortal Dr. Fate & Fate Homepage
The Unofficial Green Lantern Page
The Kindred: The Imbraced Website
The Madrox The Multiple Man page

Toons and Anime

Robotech and Such

The Robotech Destroid Page

Anime Links & Resources
Entertainment:Comics:Anime yahoos resorce
Expanded Ranma 1/2

Adventrues of The Galaxy Rangers one of my all time favorite cartoons, I hated when it went off the air.
The Gargoyle Home Page
The Transformer Page Autobots transform and roll out.
The Critic Home Page
The TV links page (C/0 Puma)
The Cartoon Mecca of the Net

The Phantom Page
The SciFi Chanels Page Bulliten Board
The Kindred: The Imbraced Website
Mystery Science Theater 3000

Other Parts Of My Web Page

Back to My Home Page
The Seeker's "X" Home Pagethis page isn't anything about the X-Men but X from DarkHorse Comics
Nomad's Home Page one of my favorite characters.
Spiderman 2099 Home page
The Night Man Home Page
The ThunderStrike Home Page
The Steel Home Page
The Guy Gardner Warrior Page
The Stryker Home Page The Four armed cybernetic mutant from Stryke Force and CyberForce.
The Seeker's Smurf Page
The Seeker's Page O' Links Part 1This is for Mostly mainstreem comics (Marvel, DC, and others that branch off from them)
The Seeker's Page O'Links Part 2 Indipendent comics (Image, Dark Horse, and others)
The Seeker's Page of Anime and Cartoon Links