realpolitik - politics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations
What is Realpolitik and how did it influence the process of unification? Is Realpolitik just a rationalization for Prussian militarism?
Realpolitik (literally meaning real politics) is the practice of politics independent of moral or ethical considerations, usually for the advancement of the national interests of a country. One of the most famous proponents was Niccolo Machiavelli, best known for his Il Principe (The Prince). Machiavelli held that the sole aim of a prince was to seek power, regardless of religious or ethical considerations. The ancient Greek historian Thucydides, who wrote the History of the Peloponnesian War, is also cited as an intellectual forebearer of realpolitik.

Other significant practitioners of realpolitik include Otto von Bismarck and Count Camillo Benso di Cavour.

In the "realist school" of Anglo-Saxon Political Science of the late 20th century this term is mostly used as a synonym for power politics. The policy of Realpolitik was introduced to the Nixon White House by Henry Kissinger. In this context, the policy meant dealing with other powerful nations in a practical manner, i.e. diplomacy with the People's Republic of China rather than containment.

Nationalism is ethnocultural national identity. It is inseparable from race. Many of us want to avoid the tiresome name-calling and "hate" of racial movements, whether they are Jewish, Mexican, black or white in nature.
  1. Noun 1. realpolitik - politics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations
  2. defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “politics based on realities and material needs, rather than on morals or ideals
  3. noun a ruthlessly realistic and opportunist approach to statesmanship, rather than a moralistic one, esp. as exemplified by Bismarck [ETYMOLOGY: 19th Century: German: politics of realism]
  4. Realpolitik -- “politics based on realities and material needs, rather than on morals or ideals”
  5. defined by Henry Kissinger as "foreign policy based on calculations of power and the national interest", that suggests that the exercise of power should be informed by a system of values

Social conflicts are always struggles around terms and definitional power deciding how problems are generally seen..Whoever has definitional power over what is reality and what is realpolitik dominates ideological semantics. The semantic cartel dominant today declares the necessities of capitalist crisis management as the reality principle and correspondingly redefines the term reform.
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