Keep in mind that this is a brief overview.

The Illuminati is an organization devoted to the ushering in of the New World Order. The all seeing eye atop the pyramid (see above) can be found printed on the United States One Dollar Bill. More than just an unseen Government organization, the Illuminati is said to participate, as well as implement, occult rituals for sometimes bizarre reasons. The organization was founded (to the public) on May 1, 1776 at the University of Ingolstadt, by a professor (Canon Law professor) named Adam (Sparticus) Weishaupt. In 'reality', however, the Illumaniti has been watching from atop the pyramid for thousands of years.


Some believe President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a Government Agent unknown to us. Some believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the Agent, but botched his mission, in turn getting caught. Some believe that it was just a Crazy fool who assassinated JFK.

You guessed it... There is also another side to the story. The Illuminati. What better way to increase the speed of a falling society than eliminate it's spotlight figure? Even some investigators were pushed, or thought, to believe that it was a government-related incident. There were theories that an 'underground' series of organizations were responsible for the assassination. The same organization(s) were believed to be responsible for the death of the King of Camelot, the possible downfall of the Roman Empire, mind control operations in cooperation with the Nazis, Charles Manson, and so much more. The JFK assassination is believed to be a direct result of mind control experiments on Oswald, possibly the same methods used in the Third Reich.

If you have any knowledge about the Illuminati, or have any theories, beliefs, or just want to ask a question, check out the Message Board

Coming Soon : The Illuminati in the Middle Ages, Mind Control, and the New World Order

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