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In Janet Kagan's Uhura's Song, the Enterprise is sent to help contain a plague ravaging the planet Eeiauo, a world of cat-like beings. Years earlier, Uhura had befriended a diplomat from Eeiauo, and the two women had exchanged songs as an intimate bond, swearing never to reveal them to anyone. But the only hope for a cure may lie in the song given to Uhura, and they must penetrate its layers of mystery if there's any hope for Eeiauo, or the Enterprise.

In Janet Kagan's Uhura's Song, the Enterprise is sent to help contain a plague ravaging the planet Eeiauo, a world of cat-like beings. Years earlier, Uhura had befriended a diplomat from Eeiauo, and the two women had exchanged songs as an intimate bond, swearing never to reveal them to anyone. But the only hope for a cure may lie in the song given to Uhura, and they must penetrate its layers of mystery if there's any hope for Eeiauo, or the Enterprise.

In Barbara Paul's The Three-Minute Universe, the hated Sackers have stolen a powerful new device to tear a hole in the fabric spacetime, an expanding tear so that one universe is leaking into another, and unless the Enterprise crew can stop it, it will consume everything in its path. The Sackers are the most hated race in the galaxy, so repugnant that their mere appearance makes most Federation citizens ill.

In Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, and Robert Greenberger's The Disinherited, Gamma Xaridian is the third Federation world to suffer a brutal attack at the hands of a mysterious alien fleet. With Lt. Uhura gone on an important mission of her own, Captain Kirk and the Enterprise investigate the attacks, only to find the planets completely devastated. When another nearby colony is attacked, the Enterprise is ready and encounters a fleet of quick, small and deadly ships. Though Kirk and his crew manage to turn the raiders away, the U.S.S. Enterprise is severely damaged and the aliens escape. As Kirk and his crew prepare for their next encounter with the raiders, Mr. Spock makes a startling discovery about the purpose behind the alien attacks, a purpose that, if realized, could have deadly consequences for the Federation and the U.S.S. Enterprise.

In L. A. Graf's the Firestorm, Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise are dispatched to mediate a dispute between the Elasians and Federation geologists. The Elasian Dohlman claims that the planet and its dilithium deposits are hers, but the geologists warn that if Rakatan Mons -- the galaxy's largest known stratovolcano -- should erupt while the Elasians are mining its flanks, no amount of dilithium will save them. While Uhura and a landing party strive to determine if the Dohlman's claims are true, Kirk struggles to keep the two sides from each other's throats, but that delicate standoff is shattered by the arrival of an Elasian armada and the eruption of Rakatan, which could well destroy everyone on both sides.


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