Military Characters



Katrina Ivanova, Cptn.
Being a rather proficient swordswoman Ivanova enjoys her frequent spars with Dr. Shaw, the ship's medical doctor, and soon comes to appreciate his friendship as well. The two form a rather tight bond despite their reluctance to admit to any weakness (which makes them couch their "heart to heart"s as small talk during their sparing practices).
Jonathan Ford, Cmdr.
Ford generally gets along pretty well with the crew and is well respected by all. However, Brody's cocky nature and incredible self-confidence does seam to irritate him which leads the 2 of them into having some barbed verbal exchanges rather often, but under it all they are pretty good friends and are always there for each other when it counts.
James Brody, Lt. Cmdr.
Brody has a fairly tight but lively friendship with Ford. He's also fairly close to Harm. His easy going nature puts him in almost everyone's good graces, especially the ladies. He is definitely the resident ladies' man and not too happy about the new guy, Rive, cutting in on "his turf". He gets incredible amusement out of pushing Rive and his cousin, Matt, together (much to Matt's gratitude and Rive's anoyance and unease).
Kathrine Hitchcock, Lt.
Hitchcock is pretty close to Ford and most of the other crew members who were on SeaQuest's first tour. She still has little tiffs with Krieg, both of them tending to forget that they're no longer married to each other.
Vince Black, Lt.
Nobody is sure how Black came to be amember of SeaQuest's crew. He keeps to himself a lot and although he knows that when it comes right down to it he could probably trust Ortiz and Shan, and maybe even the rest of the crew, he still maintains a "u-keep-out-of-my-business-and-I'll-keep-out-of-yours" air about him. Black is hiding from and trying to expose an admiral (not Bridger) who has some command over SeaQuest and he figures "where better to hide than right under his nose?".
Cody Madison, Lt. jg.
This former lifeguard and olympic gold medalist (in swimming) came onboard SeaQuest looking for adventure. He becomes close friends with Cain and the two of them often have friendly swimming competitions. He has a very optimistic character and his almost eternal cheerfulness gets on Luna's nerves a fair bit.
Camden Stone, Master Chief
Honourable and very strong (both in physique and in spirit), Stone acts and looks like something out of a historical novel. He is very suceptible to female wiles and especially to Mag who reminds him a lot of his mother.
Margaret Jane Durham, Chief
Durham rules the transport room like a prison warden. She especially seams to like picking on Lucas, Stone and Krieg. Although she almost manages to send the former two cowering, she almost never gets the better of Krieg.
Miguel Ortiz, Chief
Ortiz forms a strong interest in the martial arts and starts studying in ernest under Lt. Black, with some help from Lt. Shan. This starts off a strong friendship between him and Shan and earns the 3 of them the title of "The 3 Musketeers".
Rive Mercier-Valois, Ensign
This good-looking new french guy on SeaQuest gets on Brody's nerves in a major way, as Brody gets on his nerves. Neither one seams to appreciate the "competition" for the women.
Peter Cain, Seaman
Cain was recruited after Piccolo left because Ford fealt that SeaQuest could really use someone with their ability. Cain is a former police officer and has extensive training in the martial and magical arts of the Shaolin priests. Something in his past made him quit the force and his old life and agree to the experiments that gave him his gills but no one knows what that something is.

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