As the jungles rise north, the trees thin and give way to the large expanse of dry grassland known as the Balajim Savanna. Wedged along the western slope of the Ironspire mountains, the moisture coming in from the Crimson Sea is trapped by the peaks. The only thing that prevents the grassland from becoming desert is the thick, moisture laden jungles to the south. Sharp, brittle grasses grow across the savanna, adapted to the long dry summers of draught and the short quick flooding of the rainy season. Many animals too, have taken to living in this brittle land. Manx, ramhorns, taranters, ovuhz, the demonic girants and the illusive zebromorphs. Wandering the land are the tall people known as the Majaninyokawatu, the first people conquered by the Parthenians.

The Majaninyokawatu
The Majaninyokawatu, or Majani, once roamed through the Balajim and the Kukri jungles as three different tribes; the Majaninyokawatu, the Pymga, and the Siltamma.  The Siltamma where a short race, averaging around 5' tall with scaled, yellowish brown skin. They lived peacefully along the desert rim to the north, living off a land that appeared deserted and barren to other people. The Majaninyokawatu ranged through the savanna land, hunting and gathering off the bounty. The Pymga where even shorter than the Siltamma and survived throughout the jungles. All three tribes worked in harmony with nature and within themselves. Trading was frequent and their location allowed them to mount a resistance, if not actually defeat the first two Anasar invasions. However the battles decimated the numbers of the Siltamma and severely crippled the Pymga. Only the fast breeding Majaninyokawatu where able to survive intact. In fact they prospered, encroaching on the territory of the weakened tribes and monopolizing trade.

When the Anasar invaded for the third time they washed over the savannas and desert enslaving all the peoples within. The Great Expulsion further decimated the tribes and left much of the land uninhabited. The Majaninyokawatu recovered quickly and using the skills of war that they learned from the Anasar began to invade the other tribes. The Pymgu and Siltamma tried to resist, even forming an short-lived alliance. However greater numbers overwhelmed the ineffective alliance and the Majaninyokawatu wiped out the Siltamma and pushed the last of the Pymga into the farthest corners of the jungles, where they where wiped out by predators and the growing numbers of the Talwar.

The Majaninyokawatu tried to expand north and south only to be stopped by the Whitebone Silt to the north and the ferocious Talwar to the south. Only a few years later the Parthenians quickly conquered the Majaninyokawatu and renamed them the Majani. They used their numbers as slave labour and in their armies to conquer all that is the Parthenian Empire today. The Majan are the most common people within the Empire, and are found at every level from slave to governor.

They are a tall people ranging from 5'6" to 7' with long, thin builds. Their skin ranges from a deep black to grey and is covered in fine, translucent scales. Their eyes are yellow and reptillian. In the Savanna they wear little clothes, just tribal costumes of  loincloths and jewellery made of bone and semi-precious stone. But in the cities and the rest of the Empire, they will wear whatever is appropriate for their status.

The tribes have expanded outwards from the Savanna into all parts of the Empire. They are an intelligent and resourceful people who adapt quickly to new environments and cultures. The Parthenians use them in all functions from Governors, and administrators to slave labour.  Their numbers make up almost three fourths of the army and members of their race can be found in every corner of the empire, serving in almost every capacity. Their skill with culture and language has made them popular as ambassidors and merchants, and so they are common throughout the continent.

In the savannas however a small group of tribesmen continue their native way of life, living off the land and game, usually in competition with the more civilized Majaninyokawatu who wish to turn the savannas into herding grounds for land lizards, ovuhz and erd. Structured into small tribal groups of about one hundred people who migrate with the herds between two villages, they spend the rainy season to the north living off the bountiful lakes and rivers that suddenly appear with the rains. Moving south to the edge of the jungles as the dry summer heat moves in and steals all the water from the north. The tribes live in two villages each; one to the north and one to the south, migrateting between the two. The villages lie empty for much of the year but each tribe knows whose village belongs to who and will not enter without permission. The villages are often left filled with traps or raw meat to attract predators, all to ward off others who might try to sneak into the villages while they are away.

The tribes are lead by a cheiftan and a shaman who conducts the rituals and leads the tribes in their migrations. The shamans are said to know many secret rituals and spells to create new and different magical items. All carry a Spirit Skull and have pouches filled with strange powders, drugs and ointments.

The rest of the tribe is made up of tribesmen, a few warriors and gatherers. Women gather fruits and roots to eat and act to drive game towards the hunters. They tell their stories through art, painting rich and detailed reliefs on the sides of their huts and are famous for their beautiful story sculptures.

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