All lands to the north of the Doragon corridor from the fortress city of Hittigar to the edge of the great Sylar forest comprise the richest and most powerful empire on the continent.

The Empire rivals the largest on Archaus and is compised of many different people and lands. The Kukri jungles to the south hide the secret and brutal race known as the Talwar. Prized for their skills in battle, combat and conflict is their way of life. The jungles give way to the Balajim savannans where the Majani make their living of the land. The Whitebone Silt lie uninhabited save for the inhuman Kinara. The Firesands desert is home to the solitary wandering wizards known only as the Jinn and the unhuman Armadimians. From the southern jungles to the Northern wastlands stretch the mighty Ironpspire mountains where the Malthan mind mages plan world conquest from their subterranean enclaves.

Ruling all of these lands and all of the people are the race of sentient Automations known as the Parthenians.

As the contient of Simbar sank beneath the waves ships, the Neurian's automations that had been out to sea returned to find their home destroyed. Unsure of what to do, they drifted to the shores of Alconia where they established a small settlement on the northern shore of Drakken. There they battled for their existance against monsters, the elements and their own programming. They did not know how to construct new Automations and so their population quickly dwindled .

Half a world away, an Automation known as Ovid was working as a scribe for the great wizard, Koraq. Taking in so much magical information for centuries on end, Ovid began to slowly gain self awareness, something that Koraq noted and encouraged. When Koraq disappeared into the higher planes, Ovid began to wander the world in search of new experiences. He explored Talislanta and Alconia and even the western shores of Parthenthius (then known only as the Unknown Continent) before settling down on the isle of Parthene. A few years later a run-down and broken ship crashed upon the shores of Parthene carrying a few Automations who had not gone to Alconia. Ovid rescued them and using the skills taught to him by Koraq, repaired them. Listening to their story, Ovid agreed to go and find the rest of the Automations and bring them back to Parthene. After years of searching, he succeed.

Ovid then began to teach the Automations the skills they would need to survive. The Automations however still behaved along their old programs however and would do nothing unless Ovid asked them. Ovid realized that the Automations lacked true sentience and existed only as servants and would remain so until they gained self awareness. He began to search the origins of life and the meanings of intelligence, often consulting his mentor Koraq, who now abided on the higher planes. Finally, after years of research he ordered a tomb be built on the island and ordered himself sealed inside. For two weeks strange lights danced about the tomb and along the still Automations. As the lights subsided the Automations began to become aware of themselves. When they opened the tomb they found the body of Ovid lying on the crypt, the lifeforce within him having departed. Inscribed on one wall was the process Ovid has used to give the Automations true life.

Unable to duplicate the process, unsure of what to do now, the Automations sealed the tomb and began to build what would become the first trireme. They then set out,  travelling the coasts of all three continents searching for someone who could decipher Ovid's Process. In their journeys they encountered many peoples, beginning the trade routes that would one day feed their Empire.

Off the shores of Talislanta, they came across a small cabal of mages who had survived the Great Disaster and lived on the island of (       ). These mages had saved a small  library that included the works of Koraq and knowledge of the most elusive  of the arcane arts,  Sorcery. Using this arcane knowledge, the mages came to understand Ovid's Process. The Automations then took many of the mages, along with most of the library, back with them to Parthene.  Soon, more Automations appeared, and for the first time they came to be known as Parthenians.

The city of Ovid was built around Ovid's tomb, in honour of their saviour and his effigy was placed on the hulls of Parthenian ships to remind them of who lead their path to true life. They gathered slaves to mine the  mineral wealth of Parthene and begin active trading with the Kilan, the Anasar and the Ispasians. However their population began to grow too large for the small island and the mineral deposits where quickly running dry.

On the Unknown Continent the Anasar hordes where pushed from the mainland for the third time and the Parthenians were quick to take advantage of the confusion that followed the Great Expulsion. They landed a small force on the west coast and marched inland.

The first race they conquered were the Majaninyokawatu of the Balajim, and then they marched south into the jungles to defeat the Talwar. With a growing armies of slaves they attempted to cross the Doragon corridor and seize the Mil Tanor Realm. They underestimated the skill of the Tanor army and began a costly, drawn-out battle. The discovery of gold in the Firesands desert however caused the Parthenians to rethink their strategy. Quickly withdrawing their armies from the south, they pushed north to quickly conquered the Endazi and the Jinnai settling into the desert to gather their strength before moving north or south. Then the Malthan suddenly surrendered, trading their magical powers for a privileged place within the Empire.

The Parthenians then tried to push north where them became entangled in the forest of Sylar where the Naejeeri harassed the slave armies from the treetops and small squads of Korsalish would sneak in at night to kill patrols and watchmen of until they where forced to withdraw.

Faced with a military impasse to the north and south, the Parthenians began to concentrate on trade and the building of wealth. They began the construction the infamous mining platforms for scouring the deserts and began harvesting the trees from the rainforests and jungles to build the triremes needed to establishing trading ties to the great nations of Archeaus. Their Empire quickly grew  to rival the other great nations of Archeaus. Their reputation is known across the world and has even lead scholars to name the Unknown Continent, Parthenthius.  


The Sanctum Alcedon

The Parthenthius
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