No Certainties...

There are no things certain in your future or your past
Death could come for you tomorrow and dreams don’t always last
The beauty of things around you could disappear
The love you thought was waiting was never even real
Friendships can be broken or surely grown apart
The status you live under
The answers that you find
The things you had found comfort in are now what cause your fear
Time is only relevant and numbers can be imagined
Speech is not a given and neither is your sight
Reason is ridiculous and was abolished years ago
Drugs help cloud your vision but the images are in your mind
Possessions can be stolen
And you can lose any fight
Whatever you have today do not take for granted
It will not always be there and anarchy has been planted

written by Latasha Lynn Boyd
January 21, 1997
to be published in the National Library of Poetry’s Passages of Light Anthology in April 1998