Welcome to my information page...

Some things might be repeated from the previous page. (Sorry about that!)

Some things about me:

My Name: Anne Marie (but you already knew that)
Where I live: Buffalo, New York, USA
The current weather in Buffalo

Where I go to school:
State University of New York at Buffalo

Physical descriptions of me:
Birthdate: 3/11/75 - If you want to send me b-day cards *laugh*
Height: Petite 5'2
Hair: Short Auburn
Eyes: Brown

And for those who like sign information:
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Chinese Animal Sign: Rabbit
Element: Wood

Pictures - It might take a minute to load so be patient please.

* I love to go fishing as much as possible during the spring, summer, and fall.

* When I have time I like to read (not that I have much time for that with school and work).

* I love to do photography. I enjoy taking pictures of sunsets or nature scenes. I have a camera close by whenever I am out.

* I love going out with my friends.

* I like a few artists such as:
Bev Doolittle - known for her camouflage art.
Susan Seddon Boulet - known for her shaman art
Monet - well known for a lot of his works
and probably some more that I can't think of...
I don't really care for modern art, I guess it depends on how it looks.

* I like to go to science museums (especially with hands on projects you can work with) and historical societies.

* I like driving down different roads to see where they go... especially in farm country. Did I mention I LOVE horses?

* I like humorous people.

* I like playing on muds.

Some uninteresting things about me:
* I sometimes do cross-stitch needlework
* I still watch cartoons (my way to relax)

* I love animals (especially dogs, cats and horses)

* I also love kids (who sometimes act like animals *grin*)
* I am not good at telling jokes. That's why I have a joke page. But I love getting them and passing them on.

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