The Following Information May Be Considered Spoilers For "SCREAM 3"

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May 10, 1999: No surprise to me. The
Internet Movie Database reports that Roger Jackson as part of the cast for "Scream 3." If you do not recognize the name, Jackson is the guy who has provided the "voice" (phone or voice box) of the masked killer in the two previous films.
May 10, 1999: Various websites are reporting that Liev Schreiber WILL NOT reprise the role of Cotton Weary for "Scream 3."

April 26, 1999: During this weekend's "Entertainment Tonight", they interviewed Neve Campbell about "Party of Five", her new movie called Hairshirt and they asked her about Scream 3. Here's what she had to say:

Neve Campbell: There's definitely gonna be a Scream 3. I'm probably only going to do about three weeks on it. The character's been through so much, so there's not much more further to go with her.

April 26, 1999: From
Scream-Trilogy.Com: Website reports that an employee from Maddalena Entertainment contacted them about actors in final negotiations for roles in Scream 3. The site reports Kate Hudson (200 Cigarettes), Breckin Meyer (Clueless), Sarah Polley (Go), Parker Posey (Party Girl), and Ben Affleck (Good Will Hunting) have been approached for roles in Scream 3.

April 23, 1999: From
E! Online: E! Online asks Drew Barrymore regarding the rumor of her appearing in "Scream 3."

E Online: We're in Hollywood, where any plot line is possible, anything can be done, any character or their twin can be brought back. Has anyone approached you about returning for Scream 3?

Drew Barrymore: "No. I think it's best that Casey Becker stay in the grave. And she's happy there, by the way. She and the earthworms are just hittin' it off like a house afire. They were a little afraid of her physical appearance, but they got over it."

April 23, 1999: From Meg at
KevinWilliamson.Com and The Site of Scream: Jamie Kennedy's possible apperance in "Scream 3" will not be directly noitceable. No speaking line, but his cameo may be better seen than Matthew Lillard's cameo in "Scream 2."

Also, Wes Craven denies that he will play a part or cameo as himself in "Scream 3." However, he says that if he is in "Scream 3", it will be more like his cameos in "Scream" and "Scream 2."

April 18, 1999: From fellow "Scream"-fan Meg over at
The Site of Scream and KevinWilliamson.Com. TONS and TONS of news today! Here are the highlights below. Some are considered spoilers, so please be warned!

Due to schedule conflicts with Courteney Cox, production has been moved to begin June 27.

Wes Craven confirms that part of the "Scream 3" script has hit the internet. However, it has been re-written and changed.

Just like Scream 2, Scream 3 will be kept under tight security. Pages of the script will be printed with maroon bands down the middle of the pages(preventing faxing or copying). Cast members will be issued I.D. numbers and will be forced to turn in their copies of the script when revisions or new copies are sent.

Wes Craven officially denied that there would be any lower-budget direct-to-video Scream sequels, quote, "It would be disappointing to our fans. I feel that rounding it off as a trilogy is the proper way to do it."

This endless rumor continues, but is likely. Jamie Kennedy is RUMORED to have been approached to have a brief cameo in Scream 3.

The following is RUMORED but convincing. Remember the rumors of a prequel?!? Well, it seems that the old rumor may be true. Sort of. Just like The Godfather: Part II, Scream 3 will be a prequel and a sequel. It is RUMORED that the killer in Scream 3 is tied to the Maureen Prescott murder. (Sidney's mother who was murdered by Billy and Stu a year before the Woodsboro Murders in Scream.) The killer returns to present day and plans to finish off Sidney and anybody else connected. If this is indeed true, we may get to see Billy, Stu, Tatum, Casey, and Randy onscreen again, but is highly unlikely.

Rumors continue that Dewey will be paralyzed and will appear in a wheelchair in Scream 3. Also, the fate of Sidney Prescott has been announced. It's an old rumor that has been confirmed, scroll down to read the once-rumor.

April 14, 1999: From
E! Online: Ted Casablanca reports that Courteney Cox has said that Kevin Williamson is not done with the script just yet.

April 14, 1999: Reports are coming in that Kevin Williamson recently hinted to the long withstanding rumor that Sidney (Neve Campbell) may die early on in "Scream 3."

April 11, 1999: From
KevinWilliamson.com: The following information appears in the May issue of Total Film magazine regarding the plot for "Scream 3."

"Just when you thought the tired teen-slasher genre was hemorrhaging ketchup at the box office, the Hollywood Reporter has announced Dimension Films is rushing Scream 3 towards a May '99 shoot. (It's already been announced as June 15.)
While there were no doubts that a final Scream movie would bookend the trilogy, the real shock is that the sole survivors of the first two movies Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox and David Arquette are to return for a final gut-hacking outing. Late last year, Neve Campbell had told the press she wasn't interested in another segment, for "fears of being typecast".

Judging by the Kevin Williamson penned script, she's clearly had a change of heart, since the plot will again centre around jinx-magnet Sidney, who, attempting to muffle her angst, goes to Hollywood to persue an acting career at the same studio where they are filming the sequel to film-within-a-film Stab. Guess what happens next.

Hoping to have its cake, eat it and spit it back into the face of the backer, Dimension Films is also shooting slasher spoof Scream If You Know What I Did Last Halloween. It all places the studio in the frankly bizzarro situation of extracting the urine from its own franchise. Wes Craven's Scream 3 is tentatively scheduled for a December '99 release."

April 6, 1999: Update! While watching "Regis & Kathie Lee" this morning, David Arquette appeared to promote his role in Never Been Kissed. He confirmed that he will be joining Courteney and Neve this summer for "Scream 3."

April 6, 1999: From
The Definitive Scream 3 Page: "Scream 3" has been set for a budget of $20 million. The budget for the original "Scream" was 15 million while "Scream 2" was at a budget of $24 million. Meanwhile, various reports RUMORED to have seen Neve saying that the reason she is going to do "Scream 3" is because the script is "unpredictable."

April 1, 1999:
Mr. Showbiz reports that Courteney Cox and David Arquette have signed on for the romantic comedy The Shrink which begins shooting on April 19. Cox will play a woman who pretends to be her therapist and ends up falling in love with one her eccentric patients (Arquette). The Shrink wraps production just in time for Cox and Arquette to join Neve Campbell on June 15th for the first day of shooting on Scream 3!

April 1, 1999:
The Definitive Scream 3 Page, (and a great site I might add), reports that Amy Jo Johnson ("Felicity"), Selma Blair (Cruel Intentions), and Julia Stiles (Ten Things I Hate About You) are RUMORED as possible cast members for Scream 3.

March 21, 1999: Various sources are telling me that minor scenes for "Scream 3" will be filmed in May at Agnes Scott College (aka Windsor College in "Scream 2").

March 14, 1999:
E! Online basically confirms what the past two reports have said. It confirms that "Scream 3" is set to begin production beginning in late May. They also state that Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, and David Arquette have agreed to reprise their roles.

Scream 3 Showest Logo
March 12, 1999: At the annual Showest Convention in Las Vegas, Miramax Films presented their annual 1999 film lineup. For Scream 3, they presented following logo above and stated that the film's stars are Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, and David Arquette.

March 1, 1999:
Variety reports that Dimension Films has greenlighted Scream 3, the third and possibly final film in the Scream franchise. The film is currently is pre-production with Kevin Williamson returning as writer and Wes Craven returning as director once again. Stars like Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, and David Arquette are certain to return to reprise their roles! The film is expected to enter production sometime in May while Dimension has set a tentative release date for December 10.

All design and graphics created by Aeraj Ahmed Rehman
Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3 are all owned by
This site is not associated at all with the creators of the Scream Trilogy