Welcome to Bill's


pirates strong.

Now, you may be wondering just what this page is all about. Well, I'll tell ya. It's a list of keen topics and some information about each one. I won't lie to you-- not much on this site makes any sense. Also, I just stole your wallet.

Well, with that said, here is a list of rules that you must agree to before getting to the actual list of topics.

Hey, visit these Hoobervillian colonies while yer in the area!

Mosey on over to The Cleptomatic Leprichaun's Hooberville site

Amble warily along to Tony's Hooberville site

Hooberville's Physical Rules

1) When tread upon, soil shall not spring forth with abundant life. Wild Creeping Charlies shall not entwine the antelope this year, my friends!

2) Windows left open shall result in the bringing about of the Arctic Land condition whenever the leaver open of said windows turns his or her back. Note that the bringing about of the Arctic Land condition is illegal in many of the great Hooberville's mighty provinces.

3) Burning dogs shall in no instances be petted.

4) Most people are not average people; most people are mean people.

5) The name of the game is five card untraditional Mow. Play begins to the dealer's left.

6) Shackles are legally binding.

7) Burning dogs play red hot poker.

8) Being attacked mercilessly by barbarian hordes is bad luck, and should be treated as such.

9) That which is is, and that which isn't isn't. Note that this rule does not apply in some of the grand Hooberville's mighty provinces.

10) Flaming cats shall in all instances be petted.

11) Today is opposite day.

12) Today is not opposite day.

14) Article 13 does not exist.

15) If a train is traveling from New York at 102 mph and a car is traveling from Chicago at 450 mph, they will collide, causing an explosion which shall create a flaming cat which shall, in all instances, be petted.

16) All of the above.

17) Article 16 is to be ignored in all eclipses, alignments of the planets, high tides, and all other astronomical astrological events, in which case article 18 shall be instituted indirectly in retrospect the day before.

18) You are a jaded monkey.

19) Beware the random ax of violence.

20) No one is the greatest person alive. I mean, seriously; no one is an island, no one is better than anyone else. Geez, no one can do everything!

21) Stuff is.

22) Article 21 shall be void in all circumstances in which it is not true.

23) Don't ask; it was a weather balloon.

24) You are reading this. Note that this is void in all circumstances in which you are not reading this.

25) Muchos cosas son en la cabesa de tu pato.

26) Tu eres un pato mexicano.

27) Hooberville is as Hooberville does.

I agree

I donut agree

Hey you! Sign my guestbook!

Hey you again! View my guestbook too!

Email Bill (me) at Im frozen@AOL.com. Be sure to make the subject eye-catching though; I don't want to accidentally ignore yer message.
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