Killash's Fanfic Dungeons

Click her 'ere to find out some dark secrets about the author.

Warnings. The usual.  It's a werewolf story! But it has lots of good images! hee hee
Rated.   PG/R

Bad Moon

by Kias


Drowsy Kaya searched for the phone.

It really was pointless to ignore it. It kept ringing for quite some time now. Seemed that somebody was very obstinate. Kaya knew before she picked up the phone, that this could only be her friend Janet.

"Hello?" she answered the phone.

"Hi Kaya, this is Janet. But I’m sure you knew already."

Janets voice sounded almost as usually, but only almost. Kaya noticed at once. So she didn’t say anything right now and concentrated on the voice of her friend.

Janet continued "Kaya, what are you doing right now?"

"Well, at the moment I’m lying in bed. You’ve woken me."

Kaya smiled. "No, I didn’t mean it that way. I wanted to know what you’re doing the next few days. Couldn’t you come over for some time?"

Janets voice sounded insecure and worried. Kaya thought, that this wasn’t her usual behavior in any way. Therefore she asked "What’s the matter, Janet?"

On the other end of the line she heard Janet sigh. "Well, I’ve told you about my brother Ted. He’s back from Nepal."

Silence fell between them. Kaya remembered at once. Ted was Janets younger brother. He worked as a photo journalist all around the world. "Well, he actually is living with us now." Janet fell silent again.

Kaya had the strange feeling, that Janet hesitated to continue. "Listen Janet, it’s 4 am at the moment here. That’s really not my favorite time of the day. So please start to tell me, what’s worrying you. And for the gods sakes go on!" Kaya knew her friend Janet for a long time; therefore she was used to some tricks to make her talk.

"Kaya, Ted’s changed somehow. I mean he’s more sentimental and tender now – I don’t know, I mean different."

Kaya shook her head. "Where’s the problem?" she demanded.

"I simply don’t know, Kaya. Why aren’t you coming over and have a look by yourself? Please!" It didn’t take her much consideration. Kaya had gotten a clear picture of her friends description. Janet needed her.

"It’s okay, Janet. I’ve understood. I’ll be in Timberline until tomorrow noon. Don’t worry, honey. I’ll be right there in a few hours. Bye."

Kaya started to stroke her wolf Thor – lost in thoughts – who was laying next to her on the bed. Her best friend was a big wolf with a gray-black coat. He was something very special – Thor was a magic wolf. He was able to communicate in silence with Kaya, almost the way if he were human.

‘Come on Thor. Wake up! We don’t have time now!’ Kaya tried to convince her friend.

‘It’s okay, Kaya. I’ve already heard everything!’ Thor answered. ‘We’re going now to Timberline, don’t we?’ It was more a statement than a question.

‘Right Thor. I want to have a look by myself and find out, what Janet’s worrying about. She sounded rather peculiar. Thor nudged her with his nose.

‘Yeah well, you must know that. You are a witch, aren’t you?’ he stated.



When Kaya entered the driveway to Janets house, she recognized immediately Ted’s silver trailer. It was standing on the edge of the woods behind the house.

Brett, Janet’s 10 year old son came running around the house to greet them enthusiastically. He loved Kaya’s wolf very much. Thor and the boy greeted each other like old friends who’ve missed their company for a long time. Janet had arrived behind Brett. After Kaya had brought her things to the guestroom, she sat down with Janet on the terrace. Brett was playing with Thor in the garden in front of them.

"Well Janet, where’s Ted?" Kaya asked with hidden curiosity. She only knew Janet’s brother from a short meeting in last fall.

"Here he comes." Janet answered and pointed right behind Kaya. Kaya turned around. Ted was approaching her with a wide smile on his face. Kaya wasn’t able to notice anything strange right away.

"Hi Ted. Back home again?" she greeted him. Ted glasped her hand firmly. Than he sat down beside his sister.

Suddenly Thor had approached almost invisible and pressed his body firmly against her legs. Kaya bent down and started to caress her wolf. "How was Nepal?" she asked Ted.

When Ted started to speak she took a careful look at him. Kaya had noticed that Thor’s back-hair had started to raise.

‘What’s the matter, Thor?’ she asked him quietly .

‘Take a sharp look.’ Thor recommended.
Kaya concentrated. ‘He

really looks normal.’ she tried a weak objection.

‘Are you mad, Kaya? Look in his eyes!’ Thor answered.

And now Kaya saw it by herself. Ted had a strange glint in his eyes.

Everyone had retreated after dinner. Brett had to go to bed, Ted went back to his trailer and Kaya was finally left alone with her wolf. She was tired after the long drive to Timberline.

‘Well Thor, what are you thinking about this strange glint in his eyes?’ she asked her wolf. ‘You can’t see it permanently.’

‘I don’t know exactly, Kaya. But I don’t like it at all!’ Thor answered. ‘You don’t like it either, don’t you?’

‘No, but I can’t explain it. Janet’s right. There definitely is something different. But I can’t tell what it is. It’s rather a strange feeling, you know.’ Kaya pulled the cover over her. ‘We’ll see anyway.’ she sighed. ‘Come on Thor, let’s get some rest. Tomorrow there’s another day and another chance.’

Thor snuggled against her body. It didn’t take long and they were both fast asleep.

Kaya woke up very suddenly several hours later. Thor was howling madly next to her.

‘Be quiet Thor! There are no wolves outside!’ Kaya advised him.

‘Oh yeah Kaya, there is one outside.’ her wolf insisted.

‘Don’t talk any nonsense. You’re a magic wolf, you must know that.’

Thor didn’t listen though and started howling again.

‘Okay, okay, Thor. I understand. I’ll get up and dress, wait a moment.’ Kaya sighed, pulled the cover back and got out of bed.

Usually she took her wolf very seriously, never mind how strange his demands or thoughts ever had been. She knew that Thor was right with so many things, she relied on him. Quietly they moved out of the house. Kaya was used to dark; she could manage very well with her green cat-like eyes although never as good as Thor was able to. When they reached Ted’s trailer, Thor suddenly stood still and growled before he started to move again – directly into the woods behind it.

Kaya tried hard to keep tracks. And then she heard him, too. A wolf was howling in the distance, and it wasn’t Thor. Kaya noticed at once that it wasn’t a normal howling. Suddenly Thor stopped moving. He waited for her and pushed his body firmly against her legs, when she reached him.

‘There, have you seen him?’ he asked her.

Kaya looked in the indicated direction. Behind a tree she could see a big wolf. His coat had a shining black pattern. When he saw Kaya and her wolf, he stopped moving. He growled and showed two rows of dangerous, shining white teeth. His back-hair had risen. Kaya tried to communicate with him as she did with Thor, but she could not get close to him. The other wolf didn’t pay any attention and started to approach them threatening.

Every other human would have started to run away now, but not Kaya. She was none of a normal human anyway, at least she was a witch!

"Shut up now!" she yelled at the wolf who was still challenging them. "Ridiculous! Who’s afraid of the bad, black wolf?" she mocked.

Thor paid close attention. He had recognized from the beginning, that Kaya didn’t need his help. She could perfectly manage by herself.

"What’s the matter? Come on, lay down. Do it, now!" she commanded with her deep voice. Kaya made a magic sign in front of the wolf. Immediately he yielded to her command. "That’s good. Now let’s see what we’ve got here." Kaya bent and stroke the coat of the wolf laying in front of her. But the wolf had not given up his defense right away. He tried to bite her hand. But Kaya was quicker than him and clapped her hand on his snout. The wolf jumped up and disappeared into the brushwood. Kaya searched everywhere but couldn’t find him. Finally she gave up.

‘Come on Thor, we go back. Whatever kind this wolf had been, I’m sure he’ll come back again. But it’s strange anyway. You know Thor, his coat didn’t feel like a wolfs coat, it almost felt human. There are definitely some very odd things going on.’

Thor and Kaya went back to the house. When they passed Ted’s trailer, Kaya had an idea. She approached the door and concentrated. It was very easy – even the young and inexperienced sorcerer trainees could do that. Easily she could look through the door inside the trailer – it was empty.

In the morning Kaya hid behind a bush next to Ted’s trailer. She only waited for the door knob to turn and Ted to come out. She heard the door open and left her hiding place abruptly, blocking his way.

"Kaya, what are you doing here in the early morning dawn? You’ve scared me pretty much." Ted tried to joke.

Kaya looked him all over closely. He wore Jeans and a sweatshirt – looking almost totally normal – except the scratch on his nose. "Ted" Kaya's voice had changed to a deeper tone "I know!"

Suddenly the strange glint was back in his eyes. "What?" he tried to laugh.

"Stop it Ted. I know it! I saw you last night!" Ted casted his eyes to the ground. Kaya couldn’t go on any further. Janet had walked out on the terrace and called them in for breakfast. Silently Ted and Kaya sat next to each other. Thor was laying on the floor between Kaya's feet and watched them constantly.

After breakfast Janet and Ted were going to town to do some shopping. That was a good opportunity for Kaya. She sat down on the lawn in front of Ted’s trailer.

‘What do you mean, Thor? Is it possible that an enchanter is lasting such a long time?’ she asked him.

‘Yeah well, under certain circumstance, it is. But you’ve got to wake it, though.’ he answered.

‘I know that Thor, but you’ve seen him. He couldn’t even understand me. Rather dilettante that whole enchanter. But still it’s rather a big thing to transfer a human into a wolf.’ she decided.

‘You’ve to find out what happened.’ Thor looked at her. ‘It was Ted, there’s no doubt.’

‘You’re right, Thor. I’ve seen his eyes and at least the scratch on his nose.’ Kaya answered.

‘You must have hurt him with one of your rings.’ Kaya lay down on the lawn and stretched her muscles. Then she closed her eyes.

‘I’ll send my spirit back, Thor. Maybe I’m able to find out something important.’ she mumbled. As long as Ted had not returned from town she couldn’t do anything anyway.

Kaya was laying on the lawn, her arms and legs stretched like a big X. She sent her spirit back, beginning with the interior of Ted’s trailer. She sucked in the atmosphere, looked through his books and took his clothes in her hands. She tried to form a picture out of all the items. Then she followed him back, through woods, over the sea, the black continent, until she reached Nepal.

She let herself be led by his tracks. Further and further she went, she had almost reached her aim. Suddenly she jumped. Brett had touched her shoulder lightly. That was enough to bring her back. He was home from school now.

Curious he asked her "Hey Kaya, what are you doing here?".

Kaya got up "I just did some kind of meditation." she answered.

Janet and Ted entered the driveway, she could see them from the distance. It was a pity, Brett had disturbed her too early. She wouldn’t have had to go very farther.

"Kaya" Brett started again "Can I go for a walk in the woods with Thor, I mean, after lunch?"

"Yeah, sure. If Janet agrees with it and you can convince Thor to come with you, why not?" She smiled at him. Brett was a nice kid, she thought.

"He’s allowed to." Janet said from behind them. She and Ted had arrived at the garden.

"I don’t think that’s a good idea." Ted objected. "I’d not let him go to play in the woods. I mean, there could be some dangerous wild animals out there."

"Ted, don’t loose your nerves. We’re living for quite some time here now. I’ve never heard of any dangerous animals out here. Besides, Brett’s not without any protection with Thor going with him." Janet looked rather strangely at her brother. Ted opened his mouth to say something more, but suddenly decided not to, turned on his heels and walked over to his trailer.

"What’s the matter with him?" Janet looked worried at her friend.

Kaya gave her a hidden glance. "Janet, did he never tell you, what had happened back in Nepal?" she asked.

"What should have happened?" Janet again looked worried at her.

"Well, I don’t know. But there must have been happening some kind of things, I’m sure about that." Kaya set down on the terrace. "Janet, why don’t you go make lunch for Brett? He can go then with Thor. I’ll handle Ted." she suggested.

Janet nodded. "I’m really very glad that you’ve come over, Kaya. I almost thought I was imagining things." She called Brett and left for the kitchen with him. Kaya nodded lightly. Janet was right, that was sure as hell.

Kaya stood up and walked over to the trailer. Silently she opened the door. Ted was standing with his back to her and wanted to put on a tank top. Kaya now closed the door with a loud bang. Hearing the noise Ted spinned around. His eyes once again had a hidden glint in them.

"What are you looking for?" His voice didn’t carry a much too friendly tone. Kaya looked him over. Her glance fastened on a big scar on his chest.

"Ted" she started "we’ve been interrupted this morning. We need to talk about certain things."

"About what?" he demanded harmless.

"About that for example." Kaya answered pointing to his chest. "Or about the scratch on your nose." she continued.

With no warning Ted broke. "Oh Kaya, I don’t know what’s going on. Sometimes it’s like if I got a big blackout – like being unconscious. I always come back to consciousness in the morning, somewhere in the woods. I can’t remember anything, neither what I’ve done nor how I’ve gotten there." His voice was colored with fear. "I can’t remember what I’m doing through all these hours!"

Kaya had already thought of something equal to that. "Ted, I know what’s happening to you. And I’m sure you already found out, too. You’re changing into a wolf while the moonlight shines."

Ted totally broke down by her announcement. Blinking back tears he hugged her close and hid his face in her long black hair. "Yeah, it’s true. I sensed it a while ago. I thought, the love of my family will help me. But I was wrong. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. I didn’t want Brett to go into the woods with Thor. And when they find something?"

Kaya felt the tears running down his face. Trying to comfort him she caressed his hair and back. Doing that, she recognized at once the feeling – it was the same, when she had stroked the coat of the wolf last night. "Don’t be silly, Ted. What shall they find? You’re not changing into a werewolf. They have ended to exist many centuries ago." she soothed him. Kaya took his face in her hands and stroke away the tears on his cheeks. "What’s happening to you is the result of a very old enchanter – although a rather dilettantish one." she tried to explain to him.

"What shall I do about it?" Ted asked desperately.

"I don’t know now. But it’s rather sure that you can’t do very much by yourself. Someone else will have to do that for you."
Kaya reached tenderly for the scar on his chest. "May I?" she asked.

Ted nodded silently in approval. She carefully touched the big scar. At once a clear image formed itself behind her eyes. She saw Ted laying on the ground, bleeding, with a big open wound. Suddenly the image faded. She couldn’t get any other information. Thoughtful, Kaya moved her hand away and looked into Ted’s eyes. For a few seconds once again she saw the glint in them. ‘We can’t go this way, it’s a pity. It’s not that easy as it seemed. Anyway, we’ll have to wait for the night then.’ she thought. Loudly she said "Get dressed now, Ted. We’ll have to do our own enchantment. Come on, we’ll look for a quiet place in the woods."

Ted and Kaya went deep into to woods. On a glade Kaya found the right place. She started to lay stones in a circle around Ted and herself. When she had finished she started with her magic work. Kaya made a magic chain which she fastened behind Ted’s neck. "This chain is a kind of a shelter – for you and others. With it you can identify your clan even being a wolf. Nobody can release you from it, not even you, unless it’s my say."

When they returned, the afternoon was almost over. Brett and Thor had been back from their walk. The boy was now doing his homework. Thor was sleeping next to him. Janet was sitting on the terrace on a sunbed, reading a book. When she heard them approach, she stood up.

"At least you’re coming now. Where’ve you been all the time?" she asked with a slight smile on her face. Kaya smiled back at her, but didn’t say anything. Janet understood, that she shouldn’t ask any further.

After dinner – dark had almost set in – Kaya talked to her friend while she helped her cleaning the dishes.

"Janet, I’ve found out something. Well, you won’t like it." she started. "Ted had been bitten by an animal in Nepal." Kaya fixed her friend with a steady glance. "And now he’s changing into a wolf whenever the moon shines." That was a kind of announcement! Janet was breathing heavily.

"That’s horrible! How did you find out?" she asked weakly.

"I saw him last night."

"What does it mean, he’s changing into a wolf?" Janet asked frightfully.

"Yeah well, it’s a certain kind of enchanter. It changes humans into wolves." Kaya explained to her.

"Werewolves?" Janet whispered.

"No, not that kind of wolves. Werewolves have ended to exist many centuries ago. There are no more of that kind left, even not by an enchanter. No, he’s changing into a normal wolf. And then he behaves like one, too." Kaya tried to soothe her friend. "Don’t worry, honey. He’ll be alright again. I’ll find out how to break this enchanter. By the way it’s rather a dilettantish one."

Kaya looked out of the window. It was dark now. "I’ll have to go now, Janet. I’ll sleep in Ted’s trailer tonight. And I’ll take Thor with me." she explained.

"Is it dangerous?" Janet asked.

"No, not at least. Don’t worry, Janet. I’ve given Ted a magic chain. With it he’s able to recognize his family even being a wolf."



Kaya was looking after Thor and then went with him to Ted’s trailer. He had been waiting impatiently for them.

"What are we gonna do now?" he asked insecure.

"Nothing, we’ll wait and see what’ll happen. The moon is raising." Kaya answered.

After a while Ted started to pace down the trailer. Thor was laying beside Kaya's feet and watched the humans constantly.

The longer Ted moved around the more impatient she grew.

"Please Ted, stop running around like an animal in a cage. For the gods sakes, please do sit down!"

Ted stopped and then took some steps into her direction. But he didn’t reach her. His eyes started to glow yellow. After that everything went that fast, that Kaya couldn’t identify the whole changing. Suddenly a big, black wolf appeared on the spot, where Ted had stood before. "Easy Ted." Kaya said in a low voice. "Come here, you. What’s bothering you? You know exactly who I am." Slowly the wolf walked over to her. Kaya started to caress his coat. The magic chain showed it’s power. ‘What are you thinking about that?’ Kaya asked her wolf Thor. ‘The speed of his changing was incredible.’ ‘That part of the enchanter is working at least properly.’ Thor muttered. ‘Well Thor, let’s see what we’ve got here. The night’s short.’ Kaya started to caress Ted’s coat in a rhythmic manner. Thor knew at once what she was up to. When Kaya lay down on the bed he joined her immediately, snuggling against her left side. Ted slowly lay down on her other side. Soon he dozed off. Now Kaya was able to start. Again she sent her spirit back, following Ted’s tracks. She reached her destination without any interruption. She saw the place, where the tents had been standing, felt the ground under her feet and smelt the fresh air. But she also felt the power of a strong enchantment there. She followed a half hidden path deeper into the woods. She reached a glade with the half hidden entrance to a cave. Kaya concentrated. It was easy for her to read the old capitals forming in the dark – "Gwyneth" they said. All that was an enchanter of dumb, sloppy Gwyneth, Kaya couldn’t believe it. But how on earth had Ted managed to wake that old enchanter? One had to be the utmost dumb to manage that. And Ted wasn’t really dumb, not in any way. And he had no magic skills. Kaya moved away from the cave and looked around. The answer must be somewhere around here, she thought. Kaya sat down on the ground – and suddenly the pictures kept flowing to her mind. She saw Ted coming along the path with a beautiful girl. They kissed passionately and started to love each other in front of the cave. Somewhere during their passionate love-making suddenly a big wolf sprung out of the cave attacking the lovers. He bit Ted in the shoulder. When the girl started screaming and ran away, the wolf disappeared as fast as he had first came out of the cave. God, that was really like Gwyneth, Kaya thought. To weave an enchanter with sex! She for sure intended to cause something totally different by doing it this way, and the whole enchantment had gone wrong. Kaya didn’t want to think right now about the counteraction of the weird enchanter. It was really insane, that was the only thing, that was sure like hell, Kaya decided. She slightly felt coming back to her own world. Someone was licking her face, and she woke up. When she opened her eyes she stared right into Ted's glittering wolf eyes. Tenderly the big wolf licked her face. Thor watched them amused. ‘Now look at that.’ he started. ‘That wolf has fallen in love with you. But what about the man?' he mocked. Kaya gave him a sharp glance. She finally succeeded in moving Ted from her body. She caressed his coat slightly. "Stop it, Ted. Come on, go to rest." Then she turned to Thor ‘You needn’t mock, Thor. I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures by yourself. That can be simply hilarious – an enchanter from old Gwyneth. She was named the most sloppy and dumb witch of all centuries – simply dilettantish. Can you imagined how hard it will be to find the right counteraction to all that nonsense?’ Her voice carried a challenging tone. Thor nudge her with his nose. ‘Don’t worry about it, Kaya. What have you gotten me for? We’ll find a way.’ he assured her. In the meantime Ted had snuggled against Kaya. Thor noticed it and growled. ‘Thor stop it. Do you wanna wake everybody? What’s the matter, are you jealous?’ Kaya smiled at her wolf fondly. ‘Jealous about this ridiculous mix of a man and a wolf? You must be kidding!’ Thor muttered. Kaya caressed the coat behind his left ear, a favorite spot of his. He stretched contently beside her. ‘Get some rest Kaya. It was a long way.’ After a few seconds he fell asleep. Kaya closed her eyes, too. She was tiered. She woke up when the first sun rays fell on her face. She felt slightly strange. When she opened her eyes, she realized why. Ted was laying – now turned back into a human – over her stomach. Thor had snuggled close to her right side, as he always did during sleep. Kaya sighed deeply. That wasn’t really very comfortable. That whole mess could turn out into a hell of a fun, she thought. She couldn’t go any further with her thoughts though, because Ted opened his eyes. His gaze was clouded. Kaya ruffled through his hair. "Take it easy, Ted. It’s not so easy to come back, in the beginning." It took him quite some time until he moved away from Kaya. "What happened?" he asked her in a low voice. "Nothing. You’ve be sleeping the whole night right beside me." Kaya informed him. "Have a shower Ted, and get dressed. I’ll do the same. I’ll wait with breakfast for you." Kaya rose to her feet. But Ted didn’t move and kept staring at her with a slight smile on his face. "What’s the matter, go on." Kaya gave him a tender shove. With Thor right behind her she left the trailer.

After breakfast Kaya carried her witchcraft books to the garden and started reading. Ted had went back to his trailer. She was deeply lost in thoughts so that she didn’t pay any attention to what Thor was doing right now. Only when she heard him growl, she looked up. Thor was standing in front of the trailer, next to the door, growling deeply. Then he rose one hind leg and marked this territory. Content he came back and rested next to Kayas feet. She gave him a stern look. It was strange anyway, Thor seldom did such things, she decided. She started to say something to Thor, when she heard Ted open the door. He immediately realized the scent of the wolf. He gave him a glare "Hey Thor". It didn’t sound very pleased. Then he walked over to Kaya and sat down next to her. "What are you reading?" he asked her. Thor immediately sprung on the bench to her right side and lay his head into her lap. "I’m looking for some counteraction to the enchanter." she explained to him a bit absent minded. In silence she added to Thor ‘Thor, what the hell are you doing?’ But he didn’t answer her. Instead he closed his eyes and pretended to go to sleep. In the meantime Ted had moved closer to Kaya. When Kaya turned around to grab a book from the other side of the desk, she practically found herself in Ted’s arms. He cuddled her close. "Kaya, I guess you don’t know how much I love to be with you." he whispered close to her neck. Softly he caressed her back. Kaya opened her mouth to say something, when Thor talked to her ‘Now look at that. Now the man has fallen in love with you, too.’ he mocked. ‘That has got nothing to do with it!’ Kaya informed her wolf briefly. She was not ready yet to admit, that she liked being together with Ted. She moved away from Ted and fixed him with a serious glare. Ted only smiled at her, bent his head and kissed her deeply.

The rest of the day they both sat on the bench in the garden, reading in Kayas books. Ted had an arm wrapped around her shoulders. When Janet arrived home from her work she saw them sitting cuddled closed on the bench. She smiled and entered the house. She didn’t want to disturb them.

Kaya carried her books back to her room. She had not been very successful. All she knew yet was, that a "normal" counteraction wouldn’t help in any way. Thoughtful she look out of her window into the garden. "Hello, what we’ve got there?" she said to herself. She saw Ted walking through the garden, heading directly for one of Thors favorite places. He stopped straddled-legged in front of it and started marking his territory, like Thor had done in the afternoon. "To hell with them!" Kaya shouted in anger. "Like we didn’t have problems enough at the moment!" She stormed out of the room and into the garden. When she turned around a corner, she saw Thor and Ted challenging each other. Ted glanced at the wolf with a mocking smirk around his mouth. Thor growled loudly, showing his dangerous teeth. His back-hair was bristled up. He looked very dangerous. "Freeze, both of you!" Kaya yelled at them with an angry tone in her voice. Quickly she moved between them. "What the hell have you done, Ted?" "I’m perfectly able to do the same thing like your wolf." he answered with a slight smile still on his face. Thor started to growl again. "We don’t have any time right now for your childish behavior. There’s no need to mark any territory, understood?" she yelled at them. "This is neither your territory Thor, nor yours Ted. Damn it! And now start to behave yourself again!" Her eyes kept glaring furiously on both – the man and her wolf. Really, they are none of a help at the moment! Kaya thought. She gestured towards the house. "Come on now. Janet’s waiting for us."

Dinner wasn’t a big affair though. And Kaya was very glad about that. When the dark fell over the land, Ted, Kaya and her wolf left for the trailer. Brett gave his mom a curious look when he watched them leave. "What do you think, mom? Is there any chance that Kaya’ll stay forever?" he asked hopefully. Janet smiled fondly at her son. "Maybe, I don’t know, Brett. But it looks like if Ted has fallen in love with her." she answered.

Ted – changed back into a wolf now – was laying next to Kaya on the bed. Thor was sitting in front of her, head bowed. ‘I’m sorry, Kaya.’ he started to apologize. ‘I didn’t meant to cause you any problems.’ ‘It’s okay, Thor. I just was so surprised, that you’re jealous.’ Kaya answered and started to caress his coat. ‘And besides, Thor, I know very well, that Teds feelings will chance, when we can relief him from that enchantment. I really could curse Gwyneth! It’s all her fault. Causing this insane enchantment she must have gotten herself for sure into the scandal book of witchcraft. And she deserved it, the gods know it! Combining a wolf enchantment with sex! And leaving out the most important words as well! Really, that’s more than dumb!’ ‘Well I think, that you’re only able to break it with simple means. I mean, she was a dump witch. It must be something simple, not much to do with the original words.’ Thor suggested. ‘Maybe you were thinking just too complicated.’ ‘Yeah, might be. But the day’s over for me now. I’ve done enough for today. Even a witch has to rest sometimes.’ Kaya sighed and stretched on the bed. With both wolves snuggled against the sides of her body she drifted off to sleep.

The first rays of sunlight woke her up. Kaya felt awful. She had the strong image of a millstone laying on top of her. It wasn't a millstone though; Ted was laying naked half on top of her. She was surprised – he felt heavier than he could have been. That was a clear sign to her that Ted started to get more and more earthy. This was another unexpected change in the whole thing. Kaya couldn’t think about it any longer, because Ted started to wake up. He stretched appreciatively all his muscles. Then he started to lick Kayas face. "Stop Ted!" she laughed. "You’re a human again, not a wolf!" "I know!" was all she got for an answer. Then he kissed her deep and hard. Kaya was unable to catch one clear thought. It felt fantastic! Ted was a tender but passionate lover. Hours passed by, during which they kept loving and giving pleasure to each other. Kaya was cuddled in his arms. He caressed her tenderly. "God, I love you so much Kaya. No one every has meant that much to me." he mumbled softly against her skin. Kaya sighed. She knew exactly what would come next. It wasn’t the same when a man fell in love being cursed with an enchanter. Kaya was aware of that but she simply pushed the thought aside. She could deal with that later. Oh yeah, she had fallen in love, too – although she wasn’t sure whom she loved more – Ted being a wolf or a human.

The next days were some kind of an emotional storm for all of them. Kaya was working on the counteraction for the enchanter. She had been pretty successful by now. Thor tried to help her whenever she needed him. And Ted overwhelmed her with love. He never moved away from her side. Sometimes it was really hard for Kaya to deal with it. In the end she had the strange feeling, that her life was spinning round sex and enchanters.

That was the reason why she didn’t notice at once the emphatically change going on with Ted. Kayas body was covered with hickeys and scratches. Their love-making had turned more wilder lately. But she didn’t bring it at once in correlation with the enchanter. When she saw Ted hungrily eating raw steaks meant for barbecue she couldn't deny the facts any longer. Nothing could deceive her, that Ted was behaving more and more like an animal. Kaya silently approached Ted, when he licked appreciatively his fingers clean from the blood of the steaks. "God Ted, stop with it! Thor behaves himself almost more than a human than you do!" When he heard her voice he spinned around – in his eyes that strange glint, which now almost never left him anymore. "Come here, you. It can’t go on like this anymore. Not much longer and you won’t change back into human form, if I don’t find the right counteraction quickly." "Never mind, Kaya. Then you’ve got a bestial lover!" he laughed at her. Kaya hit him hard in the face, without even meaning to do so, the outlines of her hand shining on his cheek. "You beast" he growled angrily and took a half step closer to her. Kaya shook her head in disbelief. Seemed that he was ready to bring up her low instincts as well. She took a deep breath and concentrated once again. "Easy boy. Calm down." she said and lay her left hand on his solar plexus. Immediately the energy started to flow again. Thor had approached them quietly. ‘What are you doing? Come on, you don’t have much time left Kaya. This is surely not the right way to go.’ ‘Well I’ve been really dump, Thor, haven’t I? But that’s over now. I do know now, what’s missing all the time.’ she answered him silently. Looking back to Ted she said loudly "I’ve to go to Nepal to fetch some things. And I’ve to go right now." "Please, don’t leave me!" Ted’s voice sounded thunderstruck. "Please don’t let me alone, don’t leave me!" The pleading in his eyes was almost more than Kaya could bear. "If you want to be human again, I don’t have any other

choice." Her voice sounded very serious.

Kaya explained to Janet what she was going to do. "Thor will stay here and have a look on Ted. Don’t worry, Janet. I’ll be back soon." When Kaya disappeared into the dark woods, Ted watched her for a long time with a worried look on his face.

Even a magic journey needs quite some time. Kaya finally reached Nepal. It was rather easy to find the place again. Then she started with her magic rites. From each element she took a part with her – water from the spring, from which Ted had drunk, earth form the place where he had made love to the girl, and she even captured fire and air from the place. Before she went back she destroyed the old enchanter of Gwyneth. It could be possible that another two lovers would come along sometimes, just to choose this place for making love. Kaya hurried with her magic work, she had heard Thors call.

Ted was laying on the bed in his trailer and stared on the ceiling – totally lost in thoughts. He had scared the hell out of his sister. Ted had been in a bad mood and edgy since Kaya had left. He didn’t eat very much; and when he walked around during the day Thor never left his side and watched him constantly. When Janet opened the door, Ted sprung up from the bed in anticipation. "Kaya?" he called. Realizing it was Janet, he sighed. "It’s only you, sis." Janet hugged him close. "Janet, why isn’t she back right now? I hate her for leaving me!" he suddenly yelled. Janet quivered by the tone in his voice. It sounded strange, full of hate, nothing like her brother at all. Suddenly Ted started crying. "I miss her that much! I feel so much yearning for her!" Janet started to caress him tenderly. "I’m sure she’ll be back soon, Ted." she tried to comfort him. Janet hoped earnestly , that it would turn out to be more than just a white lie to soothe her hurting brother.

Finally Kaya had succeeded. She was back from her magic journey and had brought with her all necessary things for the counteraction. It was almost noon, when she approached the house from the woods. Thor had felt her arrival and awaited her, whimpering impatiently. When he saw her he sprung up at her and licked her face and hands tenderly. ‘Kaya, I’m glad that you’re back! I’ve missed you. And besides it wasn’t really very easy with this ridiculous mix between a man and a wolf.’ Thor started whimpering again, when Kaya bent down and started to caress his coat. Ted and Janet had heard Thor and had been following him outside. Seeing Kaya caress her wolf, he started yelling at them "That’s typical for you, Kaya! You love your wolf more than me! Bitch!" Furious he turned on his heels and headed for the house. Janet tried to stop him. But he didn’t pay any attention to her. Ted shoved her out of his way. He had caught her off balance and she fell on the lawn. "Gods, looks like if I just have returned in time." Kaya sighed and help Janet back onto her feet. ‘You can’t imagine what had been happening the last few days. Teds feelings are spinning round like a roller coaster.’ Thor explained the situation briefly. "It’s better then, when I talk alone with him." Kaya said to Janet. "Well then, go ahead into the lions cave or shall I say the wolfs cave?" she tried to joke even though she didn’t feel like joking. Kaya entered the house. Ted was sitting in the kitchen, his head resting on his arms. Kaya recognized at once his sobbing. Lightly she touched his shoulder. But before she could say something, Ted turned around and cuddled her close. "Oh Kaya, I’m so sorry! Please forgive me, please! I didn’t meant to hurt you. I missed you so much!" Ted kissed her passionately. Scared Kaya recognized that his tongue felt the same like Thors. Ted pushed his body closer and shoved her against the opposite wall. Automatically Kaya wrapped her arms around him. ‘No other feeling but wolf!’ she thought. Still being in human form, Ted felt intirely like a wolf now. Kaya could not waste any more of her time. Examining she started to caress his back. The only thing she felt was a wolf. Ted started to moan loudly under her touch and deepened his kisses even more. ‘To hell with it! We don’t have time for that!’ she thought. She moved her left hand under his sweater and placed it over his solar plexus. Feeling her touch, Ted tried to move her hand deeper down into his waistband. But Kaya resisted his intentions. "Stop it, Ted! Calm down! Stop moaning and try to breathe normally. Come on!" Kaya concentrated on the flow of energy through her left hand. It didn’t take much time until Ted had calmed down. Janet and Thor had entered the kitchen quietly. When Kaya felt Ted relax she moved her hand. "Okay, let’s go then. I’ve brought everything, we need. We’ll have to start at once. We can’t afford loosing much more time now." Then she turned back to face Ted. "You’re coming with me now. I know, you won’t like it, but I’ve to lock you in the cellar." She turned to Janet "Janet, don’t you let him out! No matter what he’s doing or saying! He stays there until I’m ready to let him out again. You understand?" Janet nodded silently. Kaya took Ted by the hand and moved to the cellar with him. "Come on Ted. Do trust me, okay?" Before locking the door she hugged him close. The she let go and locked the door.

Thor helped her to prepare the counteraction. Meanwhile Ted had changed once again into a wolf. He was howling madly in the cellar. Kaya knew, that from now on he would stay a wolf, never changing back again into human form.

"Ready!" Kaya sounded proud. Janet and her son were sitting in the living room. "Okay, and now the final step." Kaya said to both of them. "Come here, Brett. You’re not afraid of wolves, are you?" she asked him. "No, not at least, Kaya." he answered her bravely. "Okay, I’ll start to cover your hands with this mixture. When I’ll bring Ted up from the cellar, all you have to do is let him lick your hands. Then he will change back into human form. You think, you can manage that?" She looked him seriously in the eyes. Brett swallowed hard. "Sure I can do that for you Kaya. I won’t let uncle Ted and you down. I promise." ‘Brave kid.’ Kaya thought and hugged him close. "That’s very brave of you, Brett. But you needn’t be afraid. Ted’s changed now into a big, black wolf, but he won’t hurt you. I promise." Thor had been laying down next to Janet. His magic presence kept her calm. Kaya moved to the cellar and unlocked the door. The big, black wolf recognized her at once, sprung up on her and licked her face. "Yeah, it’s okay Ted. I love you too." Kaya tried to soothe him and caressed his coat. ‘No more human feelings left.’ Kaya sighed. "Come on Ted. Let’s go." The wolf followed her into the living room. When Brett saw them coming, he stretched his arms, as Kaya had told him. "What’s the matter, uncle Ted? Don’t you recognize me?" he asked in a low voice. First the wolf hesitated, but then approached the boy and started to lick his hands. Suddenly, everything was over. A second later, Ted – now changed into human form again – lay unconscious next to the boys feet on the floor. "Thank the gods!" Kaya sighed and sat down on the couch. "We’ve made it!" Janet and Brett hugged her both close. They were all more than relieved. "Come on, Janet. Help me laying him on the couch. He’ll sleep for a while now." Janet and Kaya moved him onto the couch. Now he had his normal weight back, too. Kaya put a cover over him and turned back to Janet. "Get some rest too, Janet. You both need it badly. I’ll stay down her with Thor and watch him."

When Janet and Brett had gone to bed, Kaya sat down next to Thor on the floor, leaning her back against the couch. Thor lay his head into her lap. ‘Don’t feel sorry, Kaya. We finally have succeeded. The enchanter is broken forever.’ Thor tried to comfort her. ‘I know, Thor. But it’s hard anyway. Yeah, we’ve succeeded, but I’ve lost a love, Thor.’ Kaya sighed softly. She knew, when Ted would wake up, he would have forgotten everything, that had happened after the wolfs bite. Well, even witches can fall in love sometimes. ‘A love is never lost, Kaya. Love, you know that pretty well, is always magic.’ Thor reminded her. ‘You’re right, Thor, as you always are. Besides, it’s not that bad, you know. At least, I’ve got you!’ Kaya looked him over fondly and caressed his coat.

The first rays of sunlight woke Ted up. Kaya was sleeping on the floor, next to her wolf, who had snuggled close against her. Ted smiled fondly at them. Then he rose from the couch and lay down beside her, pulling the cover over both of them. Thor watched him contently through his eyelashes. He felt something very special going on. Kaya and Ted slept peacefully on the floor. Thor watch their sleep.

When Kaya woke up she felt awful. Her whole body hurted badly. She tried to stretch her muscles and froze, when she felt somebody laying beside her. Ted had woken up when Kaya first moved. "Kaya" he mumbled softly and reached over to kiss her tenderly. ‘That must be for sure a hallucination.’ Kaya thought sleepy. ‘I’m only imagining things. In reality, Ted’s laying on the couch, fast asleep.’ "I’m neither laying on the couch nor sleeping. Come on, feel me!" Ted answered her thoughts loudly. Her eyes sprung open at once. No doubt, he had been reading her mind! Ted started to caress her tenderly. ‘That’s unbelievable! This ridiculous mix between a man and a wolf has become magic!’ Thor mocked. ‘You shut up now, Thor. And don’t you ever call me again a ridiculous mix between a man and a wolf!’ Ted smiled at Thor. It was incredible, he was even able to understand Thor! Kaya still stared in disbelieve at Ted. And suddenly she started to laugh, she wasn’t able to stop anymore. Tears from laughing ran down her cheeks. Kaya gasped for breath. "That’s funny! Typical Gwyneth, though! First changing a human into a wolf ‘cause he’s got sex at a cursed place, and after all that guy gets magic. I’ll laugh myself to death!" Kaya cried out between her laughs. It took her quite some time to calm down again. Kaya could still not believe that she had been that lucky! There wasn’t any sign that Ted couldn’t remember everything that had happened. Ted lifted her up and carried her to his trailer. Then he showed her for a long time which part he could remember best.

Janet opened the door carefully and looked inside. "Be quiet Janet." Ted whispered. "Kaya’s sleeping. She’s very exhausted from her magic journey." Janet smiled fondly at her brother. "Don’t worry, sis. Everything’s okay. I’m fine." he answered her worried thoughts. "I love you all, Janet. You, Brett and of course Kaya." Ted smiled happily at her. "We love you, too." Janet mumbled and closed the door behind her.

Ted stretched his hand towards Thor, who was laying next to him on the bed, and started to caress his coat. "Well Thor, what’s about you? Still jealous about me?" he asked the wolf. ‘Not anymore, Ted. Well, I’m a magic wolf, you know. But a magic man has got his advantages, too, don’t you think so?’ Ted smiled at him. "You’re pretty pert, you know that?! What do you mean, are we shaking paws, I mean from wolf to wolf?" Ted joked. "And becoming friends?" he added. ‘When you love Kaya and protect her the way I do, then it’s quite possible.’ Thor answered him. Ted once again started to caress the wolfs coat.

"I swear to you Thor, I’ll always love Kaya. Not ‘cause I loved her being a wolf or ‘cause she broke the enchanter. I love her ‘cause she’s the most fabulous woman I’ve ever met."



© Kias

E Mailthe author Kias
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