Untitled: Tiilin's Story
by Necromancer

Tiilin dragged the inert body of the Aamanian into her tent. His armor was battered and falling apart; most of the white lacquer had peeled off. Tiilin stripped off his armor and attempted to stop the blood from the Aamanian's head.

"What a nasty wound", she thought. Most of the paint had washed off of her face in the rain that continued to fall outside of the tent. The bleeding stopped eventually and Tiilin wondered if the warrior would be alright.

The Aamanian's eyes fluttered open later in the night; "Where am I?", he asked.

"In my tent, about a day out of Akbar. You took a nasty lump from the Kharakan's club. I am surprised that you are still alive. Your fellows didn't make it though. I lined them up, but didn't want to bury them as I don't know you Aamanian's burial rituals."

"Ummm, who's rituals?" he asked.

"Aamanian. Your rituals, you are an Aamanian are you not. Your armor and nearly hairless body led me to believe that."

"I'm not quite sure what you are talking about", he replied. "What is an Aamanian? Also, where is Akbar? Ohh, and who are you?"

Tiilin looked puzzled and thought that maybe he was just tarkusing around with her. She was thinking that she probably should just slit his throat and be on her way, and she was wondering why she hadn't already.

"You are an Aamanian, from Aaman? Aa is all and all that? Akbar is north of Durne. No idea, huh? Oh, my name is Tiilin. I'm a mercenary and a sailor. I hail from Danuvia."

"I was on my way to Zanth and from there probably on to Thaecia. I have heard that there is some trouble brewing with the Imrians and I haven't killed an Imrian in years. I stumbled on to a battle earlier today. You and your mates were 'having a little trouble' with some Kharakan Giants and some other low life you could say. I sat atop a tor and watched for a while. You are a damn good fighter. I have never seen anyone go head-to-head with a half-dozen giants and live. All of your mates were down, but you kept fighting. Stupid, I thought, but then again I don't much worry about how I look in the eyes of Aa. Anyway, you took care of four of the brutes when one of 'em deep sixed you with his club. I thought that I might as well kill the last two; who knows how much loot they had. After looting the bodies, I noticed that you were still alive. I thought that I may as well help you. It's a long way to Zanth and I could use the company, and sword arm. By the way, what is your name?"

"I don't know", he replied looking worried. "I don't seem to remember being in any fight. Actually, I can't remember anything. Thank you for helping me, though. I'm sure this Aa person will appreciate it."

"Well, his priests are supposed to be fairly wealthy, so maybe I can get a reward by returning you to Aaman, which is kinda like Zanth...well, you will just have to see", Tiilin said.

"I will have to call you something, any ideas?" She asked.

"I don't care really. I just want to remember", he replied.

"Hmmm, how 'bout Sohl-Lekz? I heard that name somewhere before and I kind of liked it."

"That would be as good as any", Sohl-Lekz replied.

Well, that is my introduction of characters.
Tiilin the Danuvian swordswoman and Sohl-Lekz, the Aamanian Warrior-priest with amnesia. They are both PC's.


Next: A Matter of Pride.



