So, traveler, you come searching for the secrets of the Unicorn. If you dare, step through the portal you wish and be enlightened. For enlightenment is the way to peace, the way to perfection, the way to the Unicorn ....

The Legend of the Unicorn

This is the path to take if you wish to know about the Unicorn throughout legend.

The Magic of the Unicorn

For More info on the modern Unicorn in literature or on the magical silver screen.

The Unicorn's Road

This is my links page of other Unicorn pages as well as other interesting sites.

The Sorceress's Pond

This is a page where you can find out a little bit about me - The Sorcess of the Unicorn.

The Unicorn's Brook

This is an area where you can read some of my writings: poetry and stories.

Acknowlegements: A page to say thank you to those who helped.

While your wondering, you may wish to see some of The Unicorn's Awards or Try on my rings.

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9 February 1999

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© 1997-1999 Amanda C. Barton