Do YOU know the stories of Prince Lotor's Sexy Scribes? You don't?! I find that pretty shocking!! After all it has always been a great dinner topic in the Denubian Galaxy how he gathered such a bevy of beauties. To be sure, he had many slaves, but the Scribes were special.They were free to come and go as they like, bed who they like, do whatever they wanted, even insult King Zarkon! They were extremely beautiful, of all races, shape, size, and color, some royal, some not,all intelligent, compassionate, fun to be with, and madly in love with their Prince. And he was madly in love with them as well, going so far as to make some of them his brides! Many wealthy men offered up vast fortunes for just one of these jewels, but Lotor would never part with them. They were his greatest source of happiness. And his father's greatest obsession.....