Now why is this site called "A Lonely Place Of Dying"? I have 2 reasons for it. 1)It sounds cool 2)it was the storyline in the Batman comicbooks that introduced one of my favorite charectors, The third Robin Tim Drake. Yes for those who don't read comics or the Batman stuff there have been three Robins. The first Dick Grayson retired from the sidekick biz and became his own superhero Nightwing. The Second Robin was Jason Todd. He was beaten within an inch of his life by the Joker with a crowbar and then blown up. The third is Tim Drake the most realistic superhero in comics today. But this is all beside the point, the point simply is that the story "A Lonely Place Of Dying" was a story symbolizing the passing of the torch to a new Robin. AND it also had another meaning. No one can live alone and even if they can they shouldn't. Batman needs a Robin and everyone else in this world needs a friend or loved one to get by. Without them you'll find yourself in A Lonely Place of Dying.

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