Submissions Guidelines

We gladly accept submissions - with just a few guidelines. Please read and follow them. Thanks!

1. Please include the title, your name and e-mail address,
and a brief summary of the story.

2. Please nothing too sexually or violently graphic(No
NC-17, please!) There are some very good sites where that
can be submitted.

3. Please run your fic through spell check, it's makes the
the story easier to read if most of the words are spelled
correctly! And I won't frown as much when I'm formatting it!

4. After you have spell and grammar checked, (I'm not a
grammar fanatic but I do want quotation marks where needed
etc.) It's always a really good idea to send your fic to a
beta reader. This is someone who will give you an honest
bit of constructive criticism on the fic. This will help you
smooth out the rough edges and let you submit a wonderful
fic! I often send my work to Robyn the Snowshoe Hare, and
she has been gracious enough to allow me to give her e-mail
addy out. Her addy
Please put beta read in the subject line of your e-mail.
I am looking for some other beta readers also,so Robyn won't
be overwhelmed.

5.If you meet all of the above, then e-mail your fic to me

6. Please be patient and I will try to get your fic up as
soon as I can. Thanks, Andra and Kris.

Now - go start writing!