Sailor Scouts Fanfic Library!

As for all stories, Sailor Moon, its good and bad characters and etc, belong to Naoko Takeuchi. Neptune Knight, Sailor Aphrodite, the Feline Senshi and Sailor HotShot belong to me. Please don't sue me, I don't have that kind of money. Please don't use my Scouts without permission. I put alot of time into them. I use some Japanese. For those who only know the NA version of Sailor Moon, Here's a little lesson for you. Odango atoma = Meatball head. Youma = Monster. Senshi = Warrior. Gomen ne = I'm sorry.
--Sailor HotShot

HotShot For An Ally!

Feline Senshi
Before The Wars
The Final Stand

The Silver Sailor Millenium

Crystal Key! Take me back to the Sailor Scouts Place!