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Hey! I have updated with the Robotech camping trip! Check it out here. Be careful, as the usual insanity associated with my fiction is present. 7/28/01

Hmm, It's been almost a year since I updated. I am putting the site temporarily on active so I might update more often. Well, hopefully with my growing web skills, I can improve the site. Another story is coming, and I hope to upload some more RT sounds/music. 7/26/01

Heh, I found some news!! It's a mod for the game of Starcraft that converts a terran Battle cruiser into...the SDF-1!!. Get it here. I guess the clock stays too. I have been think about doing an editorial, but with school fast aproaching, I most likely won't be able to get one up. 8/18/00

Yes, this IS an update about part 2. It's done!!! Go view it here. Also,if you find that clock annoying, please e-mail me. 8/13/00

No, this update isn't about part 2. However, after reading the latest issue of ComputerGamesMagazine(tm), I know now that the rumor of Mattel making a Robotech game is in fact true. No other info has been released on the game however. 8/1/00

Hooray!! I have added part one of my new mini-series!
Part 2 will be coming hopefully within a month, but since I have next week free, it might be done then. Check out my series here. I also got rid of that huge annoying counter. 7/26/00

You actually beleived that I'd have a new layout? Wow you are gullible, but there will be new mini-series when i get off my lazy butt and stop weeping about d2. Remember that one series that I said I lost, well i found it and am making some changes. Expect the first part 'soon'. At least now I am leaving old updates so all can see how lazy i am. Also, Geocities *cough*lame*cough has screwed up my files for the web game i had and is inacessible. Repeat, it is NOT my fault. I don't know when, if ever it will be back up. 7/21/00

Links to other sites on the Web

Some points on me. Food's Robotech Game! The Message Board! Strange facts about Robotech
CHAT! 9:00 p.m. est Wed. or when you want How should she die this week? Get a bunch of Robotech pictures from this zip(384KB) Food's wisdom Macross Saga
More Robotech Championship Wrestling
Lang's Radio Talk Show!
Mr.T vs Dolza SouthernCross Saga
A Sci-fi battle
Read this if you don't know Robotech

Robotech episode list
My favorite Robotech links. Now you can get your page here! Download annoying sounds here!
Improved graphic page
Sound Madness

Q: When did the SDF-1 crash land on Earth?


More mini-series!

Much Later

Southern Cross Profiles and Sounds

E-mail me if there's something you want on my site.

Please come back to my page as I'm always making improvments.

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