Real Name: Aurora
Legal Identity: Jeanne-Marie Beaubier
Group Affiliation: Alpha Flight, former associate of The Brotherhood
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #120
Origin: Alpha Flight #9
Creator: John Byrne

        Aurora is a split personality of Jeanne-Marie Beaubier. Beaubier's split-personalities came about as a result of harsh physical and mental abuse at a Catholic boarding school. Although the Aurora personality has undergone several changes over the years, as a rule it is much more uninhibited than the Jeanne-Marie personality. For years the Aurora personality acted as a member of Alpha Flight while the Jeanne-Marie personality had nothing to do with the team. More recently, both of the primary personalities have served with Alpha.

        Beaubier's mental problems were apparently impacted by her exposure to the Weapon X bacteria. It is currently unknown if the Aurora personality is still intact within Jeanne-Marie's psyche.

        Aurora possesses numerous super-human abilities. For a full description, please see the Jeanne-Marie entry.

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