Real Name: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Beta Flight, former member of Alpha Flight
First Appearance: Alpha Flight v2 #1
Creators: Steve Seagle & Scott Clark

      The origins of the mechanical being called Manbot are unknown. Although at one point he was hinted at being the combination of a man and the Box robot, more recently he has been referred to as purely mechanical.
      Manbot's original purpose in Alpha Flight was to serve as a spy on the rest of team during combat missions. With the "cleaning up" of Department H following General Clarke's death, that role apparently ended. Manbot has proven to be quite useful on a number of team missions, including the one against the Brass Bishop.
      Manbot came close to sacrificing his mechanical "life" against Weapon X. Luckily, a backup of his systems was saved. It was revealed in Wolverine #142 that Manbot has been reconstructed and is now a part of the new Beta Flight.
      Manbot possesses numerous abilities of a mostly unknown nature. These abilities include a variety of weaponry. Manbot appears to lack any flight capability. Manbot possesses audio/video recording capability, and has been shown to be capable of scanning for life signs in a given area.

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