
******GOM: Storm of the Stars:

Chapter Four of Eight: Thunderclouds of Truth

(Extended) AUTHOR'S NOTES: at the end.
(whew! This is halfway over).

Anyway, (Summaries and Gratuitous Moralizing)
SAILOR MOON SAYS: (Summary of Lita's Past)
"You know, even though Lita drank that wine,
she shouldn't have.  Even if she was on a date
with the coolest guy! A girl can't be
too careful, and besides, drinking when you're too
young to handle it can be like, so majorly upsetting!
Talk about trouble. Not every guy is as sweet as
my Darien!She was totally lucky
that Field wasn't a creep (er
even negacreep at the time) but


SAILOR MARS SAYS (Summary of Present)
Shut up already Meatball head!  All you
had to say, was Lita had a date with Freddy!
Any way, *I'll* handle the *interesting* part of
the story.  Lita ran into Freddy again--just
as Molly sees him and realizes he's Neflite.
Finally, I appear, as everyone
gathers at the Ski lodge, for the trip I
organized--but unfortunately
so does our enemey--THE ASSITANT!  And
obviously, she realizes my power and decides
to target *me*. Dumpling-brains here
must not  look like much of a threat.

 (Sailor Moon sticks her tongue out at Mars,
who retaliates, and is too busy sticking her tongue
out to finish the summaries.)

SAILOR PLUTO  (Summary of Past)
Queen Selenity invited the Generals to the
moon but not [she blushes] Endymion.  He
vowed to go regardless, following
a suggestion by Neflite.  Neflite worries
about the twisted path of fate he sees before him.
[She smiles slightly, and  mysteriously, keeping
her thoughts to herself. She dissappears.]

Alina Says:
Look for the "End of Chapter!" Or something
went wrong!
Lita's Past
The mists of sleep finally cleared Lita's
head. She blinked awake,  and then shifted her gaze skyward upon
noticing Freddy's face hovering heartbeats away from hers.

"Oh wow stars!" She blurted out, trying to gain
some composure, and relax the tension in her muscles.
He was *so* near that she felt disoriented by his gaze. How  long had
she been sleeping? Had he watched her the whole time
like this!?

"Yes, those usually appear at night." He said
with a smile, as calm as she was ruffled. "I love
watching them."

 "They're so beautiful." She commented, as she stared at the
 diamond lace curtain of stars.  She didn't know why
she suddenly felt so shy. Hadn't she been dreaming
of being close to him like this?  He was holding her,
and he was looking at her in a way that both dissolved
and invigorated her.

"Just like you." He thought, but didn't say.
As if to soothe her racing pulse, Freddy began to tell her
the names of the constellations, keeping his arm around her.

The soft syllables of the star names surrounded her, easing
the tension away.  She began to relax against him.

"And see that cluster over there? In America,
they're called Pleiades, but here I've heard them
named everything from Subaru to Shichifukujin.
Bright lights and Seven Happy Gods." He smiled.

"Why so many names?" Lita asked, following
his gaze. "Bright lights and Happy gods??
Where do those names come from?"

"People create myths and stories,
inspired by the same lights.  We get different
names, because people see different things. There's another--
HokiBoshi--Brush Daub... That's my favorite name."

"Why?" Lita asked, staring at the soft sprinkle
of stars.  They did sort of look like the stroke of
a brush against the dark paper of the sky.

"I like the name.  That's what I see and its poetic.
What a person sees in the stars says a lot about
them. So what do you see?" He turned his mighnight-blue
eyes on her.

She squinted a bit, and laughed "I think
it looks like someone's elbow!"

He winced, but laughed.  "I hadn't heard that one before."

She considered.  "I guess that's
not the prettiest thing to call them."

"I'm sure you're not the first." He brushed a strand
of her hair away from her cheek, no longer looking
at the stars.  "That's what fascinates me about stars.
Think about it Lita, you and I are gazing at the
same stars that people viewed a life time ago!
In a thousand years, that sky hasn't moved, and it won't
for many thousands to come.  Do you feel it?"

"Feel what?" She whispered, as he drew a little closer to her

"The shiver of the stars--that sense that we're connected
to all things and people through those shared lights! I
feal so close to humanity... like we're those little stars
huddling in our destiny against the vastnes of space."
His deep blue eyes locked into her green ones.

Lita stared at him, thinking. "I have no idea what he
means, but it sure sounds *cool*.  He's so awesome..
I can't believe we're here, like this.  I wish I could stay
 here forever with him. Is he going to kiss me?   My
first kiss! This is so romantic!!!"

Knowing she should say something, she blinked, trying
to gather her thoughts. She could feel the rush of her breath
caress his face as she spoke.  "You really know a lot about stars."
The raspiness of her voice betrayed her emotions.  She
was finding it difficult to make rationale thoughts.

"If only I knew as much about you" He said lightly,
reading her signs, and leaning into kiss her--but a noise
distracted him, he looked up through the gazebo slats, and
he suddenly stiffened.

 "What's *he* doing here?" He pulled away from her, the movement
leaving her cold.

"What's wrong?" She asked, squinting in the dark to see
what had ripped his gaze away from her.

"Lita  I can't really talk about it..." He ran his free hand
through his short mop-like hair.He leaned forward and peered
through the latticework of the gazebo.

"Well, why not? It helps if something's bothering you." She said
 trying to look--all she saw was a slightly built man with a
briefcase crossing into the building where her Father worked.

He sighed.  "That was my step-father, Eris Sineheart"

"Oh? So does he work at Stanton Electronics?  Maybe
 he  just forgot something at the office. My
Dad does that all the time ?" She suggested.

"I don't think so.  Look, none of
the lights are going on in the building."

"He could be using a room on the other
side?"She suggested hopefully. "What's got you spooked?"

"Let's just forget it, I don't want to
waste the evening bothering about my family troubles. What would
you like to do now?  It's only about
9:15  now! I'm yours to command, my lady?" He managaed
a smile, shaking off the dark worry in his eyes.

"OH NO!" Lita flushed, worry clouding her eyes like
thunderclouds. "It can't be! I'm going to be so majorly
in trouble! I have to get home!"

"Why? Does your dorm have a curfew or something?"
He asked, perplexed. "That's archaic!" With a gesture
of his hand, he dismissed the problem, and tried pulling
her close again. He felt calmer as he inhaled her
floral scent.  "You know what I'd like to do?" He
said suggestively but not seriously.

"9: 15!!! OH My GOD!"Still in a panic state, Lita
pulled out of his arms, and bent.
She rapidly grabbed the basket and stood up.

He let out a long sigh of frustration.
"Calm down Lita!  I'll drive you--you'll
get home soon. You act like someone's
going to ground you or something!"

She stumbled, and he caught her.
"I was staying with my uh, cousin's
family this weekend. " She flushed with the lie.
"The one I was with at the tournament?"

He smiled taking the basket from her, casually
his hand caressed hers.
"I bet you were supposed to babysit him tonight
weren't you? He looks old enough to take care of
himself though--his parents are probably overprotective.
They'll forgive you!"

"I hope so!" She said "I had such a good
time, but they'll be so worried! They'll
never trust me again!"

Freddy's mouth turned up a bit at the corner, but
didn't quite smile. "If you didn't come home to me,
I'd be worried too. But I don't think it would destroy
my trust in you.  Just explain that it was my fault ok?
I was too selfish to give you up any earlier, so
let them be mad at me."

"Uh, I don't think that'll work. I'm so majorly
in hot water!" She continued to tap her foot hard, as
she scrunched up her face in concentration. "I need
some excuse!"

"Anyway, if you need to get back,
you need to get back.  We can do something else another time.
I promise, with the stars as my witness!"

"OH! I'd like that." She said sincerely, her features
relaxing.  She smiled her bright smile at him.  He
felt as if he were encased in a cool green forrest
canopy, listening to the laughter of trees.

"You'd like that? Then how about this?"
 Quickly,he leaned over and kissed her.  Surprise
highlighted the deep emerald green of her eyes
as she blinked up at him.  "Hope you liked
that too " He added, hoping he didn't sound nervous.

Was she angry or happy that he'd done that? He'd
just crossed a line with her, pulling this budding
relationship away from friendship into something
more. When she didn't say anything, he added,
 "I know I enjoyed it, but I need to get you home."

He was surprised when she grabbed him and kissed
him solidly back.  After a minute he said, "Well, I
guess you did, Princess."

She smiled, but looked at him puzzled. "Why'd you
call me that??!"

"Because I'm your humble subject" He teased her, making
a mock bow. "I'm yours to command."

She rolled her eyes, and playfully shoved him back.
"Sorry I asked!"She said. "Ok, well, get me home then!
And fast!"

"As you wish." He replied.

With the basket in one hand,and the other round her waist,
he steered her along the quiet, dimly lit path.

Lita tried not to stare in awe at the red
sports car.  Low slung, powerful and sleek
the car stood out even in the dim light
of the park's street light.

"That's your car!" She said, unable to contain
her excitement.  "Isn't it a Supra 3000XGT? The kind the champion
race car drivers use.?"

"Yeah. I borrowed it from a friend." He
mumbled.  He eyed her warily.

"Oh!  You've got a nice friend then!" She
smiled innocently  "Ken dreams of this car!He
won't believe it when I tell him I rode
in one! Does it really take the curves
of the road like--"

"Who's Ken?" He asked trying not to
sound jealous,  one eyebrow lowering suspciously.

"Oh!  That's just my little cousin.."
 She smiled. Her conscience twinged with
the lie, but then again what else
could she do?

"Good.  Because otherwise I'd be jealous.
But if your little cousin wants a
ride sometime I'll do it--if you
come too." Freddy offered.  He had a feeling
he would do anything for her. He opened the
door and held it open.  "Madame, your
carriage awaits!"

She giggled as she slid into the car. "This is *so*

He gunned the engine a bit, and let the car
roar to life down the streets.  He changed gears,
and for a second as he took a corner in
heart-stopping split-second timing, he felt
her grip his hand.  He slowed, cursing himself
for frightening her--until he realized her expression
was one of exhileration.  "You're good!" She said
"Too bad I'm almost home!"

"This is it!" she said as they pulled outside
the building.  "I had a good time." She
stated again. "Here's my phone number here
and at my .uh,..dorm room" She said handing him
Ken's number and hers.  "Call
me soon, ok?"  Just hope I answer the phone, she
thought.  Parents are such a nuisance! *Why* couldn't
she live alone?  But at least, everything had worked
out like she thought with Freddy.  Right now,
she could be stuck in Paris with her Parents.
She shivered supressing the ghastly thought.

He laughed, leaned and kissed her again quickly
and unsatisfyingly. "Cold? Well, get inside
already. "  He shook his head. "You are  so refreshingly direct!
  I *will* call you, Lita. Soon." He grinned to himself,
and watched until long after she'd dissappeared inside
the building.

A few seconds later the car careened down the streets
of Tokyo once again. Freddy's thoughts flew even faster.
He was in love. He had to be.  She wasn't like any
woman he'd ever met before. She didn't force him to strip
his emotions raw with no hope of learning what she thought.
She didn't toy with him while making up her mind.
 Lita was as direct as lightening,
as sweet as maple sugar, and as beautiful as a star.
His Lita. He thought, wondering if a man had a right
to be possessive of such a goddess?

His mind calmed as he pulled up at the large
mansion where he had grown up, rather than the
cheap dorm room he usually occupied.  He
parked the car in the garage.

He only took the car today because he knew
he'd have made Lita wait otherwise.  Seeing
her face and the fact that she was impressed
by the *type* of car rather than how
much it cost made him feel justified. He hadn't
meant to test her, but she'd passed
that anyway.  So far she was passing all his tests.

And he needed tests. Because most women, the minute they found out
he was Maxfield "Field"  N. Stanton Jr, grandson
and heir to the owner of Stanton Electronics, well,
most women changed into these calculating greedy thieves.

Suddenly he was no longer a person, but a ticket to
a free meal, movie or the historic mansion.  His feelings didn't
matter,nor did his dreams or his desires.

He couldn't stand women like that, but everyone he
met had been like that.  They'd coyly disguised any
attraction they felt to him, or  exaggerated it into

Then there was Lita.  Innocently interested in *him*
 and not his money. She asked him what he thought, and
what he felt. And she listened for the answers.

He probably would have continued his mental rhapsodization
on the virtues of Lita, had he not heard
the sounds of his step-father entering the mansion.
As always a sick cold feeling
encased him at the sight of Sineheart.

He hated the man who had married his mother a few years
ago.  ÔWe were fine without him' thought

"What are you doing here?"Sineheart
asked coldly. "Field?" He said the nickname like an insult.

"It's still my home." He replied, his voice edgy and tight. "What
 were you doing at the office tonight? You don't work there..." As
always his tone was challenging and utterly disrespectful.
 In the six years they'd known each other, they'd never
earned each other's trust.

Sineheart  looked at his step-son, but didn't meet his eyes.  If he
had, his contempt would be apparent."How do you know that I was there? "

"I have my sources." came the reply.

"Well, check them again. Don't
interfere in what doesn't concern you."
He said as he went up the steps.

Field frowned.  He'd never liked Sineheart.
That was part of the reason he'd moved into the dorms
 as soon as he was old enough.  He'd felt bad leaving
his mother alone with that man--but she refused to
 listen to him.  She said she was in love.

He hated arguing with his sweet, quiet mother.  She grew sad that
 her father-in-law or son refused to accept
the new man in her life.  In fact, part
of the reason Field's grandfather wouldn't let him grow
his hair out was because his step-father wore his that way.
"I don't want you doing anything like that snake."
His grandfather had ordered.

Opening his backpack, Field began to separate the mail he'd picked up
yesterday when he'd gotten the car.

By accident he'd picked up a package meant for his step-father.  He quietly
resealed the thing, and stealthily placed it in his step-father's study.

He never would have stooped to opening another's mail--but this
 happened by accident.  Field had an interest in astrology,
and sometimes ordered esoteric works through a mail order
company. He'd seen the familiar brown and grey envelope in
the packages, and merely assumed it was for him.  Only when he'd
opened it had he realized that the books were not on astrology,
 but on darker or more direct forms of magic.

Field frowned as he placed the package on his step-father's desk. He didn't
understand what this letter meant.  He knew Sinheart had some
strange hobbies, but nothing
this strange....What was this "Summoning Spell" that
the books referred to? What was his step-father doing with
these  darker forms of magic stuff about?
He was too tired to think about it anymore.

*********************   *       *       *       *
****************** @)------>----->
"This place is amazing!" Lita, Princess of  Jupiter exclaimed
as she stepped out of the crescent shaped
design that marked their place of teleportation.

Neflite was escorting the Princess of Jupiter
to the palace, along with Zoycite.  Mentally, Neflite
reviewed his friend's positions.  Jaedite
and "Darien" (the name the prince had
chosen for his disguise) were escorting the Martian Princess.
Meanwhile Malachite and another lower guard escorted
the one from Mercury.  He wasn't sure which, but he knew two lower
guards escorted the Venusian Princess.

He had yet to see those women, but he had a feeling
he was escorting the most beautiful one.  Too bad,
he thought, he didn't have time to be distracted by her.

The Queen had created a rather formal receiving ceremony. This made the
whole process run smoothly and without much chance for the
guards to speak with their charges but surprisingly, the Queen
invited the guard to stay on the Moon for
two weeks.  Neflite agreed with the comment spoken by his
tall brunette--this place was amazing.  He laughed, thinking of
her exuberant comment--everyone else
had been quiet out of respect and awe
when they'd arrived.

Still, he thought to himself, deliberately willing himself *not*
to stare at her, he was on a mission here.  Whether he
liked it or not, the stars foretold of troubled times ahead.
 He needed to keep his eyes open so he could ascertain the cause.
He couldn't be staring at her.

During the formal induction ceremony, Neflite overheard Endymion whisper
to Jaedite "Who's *she*?" nodding toward the slender figure of the moon's
princess, as she stood before her court.

"The Moon Princess of course" Jaedite said
his eyes momentarily darting from the dark
haired Martian Princess.  Neflite observed and smiled.

"I thought she was just a little girl."Endymion
wondered. "But she seems so poised. "

"She's almost eighteen. She'll start
ruling soon." Zoycite interrupted informatively.
"Anyone else catch your eye?"

Entranced, the Prince continued to stare at the golden
haired girl standing before the semi-circle
of her court. He didn't answer Zoycite's question.

"So it begins..." Neflite thought to himself.
He caught the Queen's eye--and had the
sense that she shared his thought, though
she gave no outward sign of this.

Present Day:

"Hey..what took you guys so long?" Kerri
asked as the three got to the car.  She sat,
toying with a small jewelled pin in the
shape of a dragon.  "Lita, you have to be
firm with these guys!"

"Nothing..."Ken said brusquely.  Lita
got in the back seat, next to Joe.

Lita shook her head... "Sorry, I'm
a little shaken--ran into this old
boyfriend of mine..."

Joe frowned. So that's who that was.
A stab of jealousy and inadequacy ran
through him.

"Bad breakup?"Kerri asked.  "You shouldn't
let a guy disrupt you like that! This club
I joined taught me that a guy who doesn't
respect  you isn't one you should respect."

"I'll keep that in mind." Lita replied.

"Let's put some music on...Kerri, where's
that Three Lights tape?  Let's hit
the road..."Ken said trying to change
the subject.  He hated his girlfriend's
new "women power" kick, and the subject of
Lita's Ex was even worse.  They  pulled out
onto the highway.

A few hours later after playing
random road games, the sky darkened
and the terrain grew rougher and higher.

"Forget how beautiful those things are..."
Joe said staring at a constellation "Can't
usually see the stars in the city but out here,
they feel so close."

Lita ignored the stars, but
 felt a sense of release just looking
at the light from the sliver of moon...
The dark forms of trees whipped by as
the car sped on up the mountain to the
lodge.  She breathed in--she was leaving
him behind. He couldn't hurt her
anymore, and especially not here. The
branches of the trees spanned out, as if
blocking her from the memories.

They parked near the large wooden frame
lodge, and next to a blue sports style
car that Darien owned. Warm lights
and laughter greeted them, as Serena
opened the door.

"There you are!! Finally!" Serena complained
happily (and loudly) as they entered.  "I'm SO HUNGRY!!!
Let's get that food in here--"She
ordered "We can worry about everything
else later!"

Lita grinned. "It's nice to know you missed us.
I'll start dinner!" It was good not to think about Freddy, she
thought as she chopped vegetables and joked with
the others.

"But Muffin, "I haven't eaten since lunch!!!"
I'm soooo hungry!" Serena wailed as Darien pulled
the tray of cut veggies out of Serena's grasping fingers.

"So are the rest of us Meat-ball head!" Raye chastised,
grabbing the tray away. Of course, the ensuing tug-of-war
between Raye, Darrien, and Serena resulted in the veggies
hitting the floor.

With a loud, long suffering sigh, Lita grabbed another handful
of cucumbers and began to cut again.  "Good thing I brought
a lot of food!" She said.

"Need some help?" Serena asked sheepishly.

After dinner, Lita sat drinking hot
chocolate with the other females.
The men went to get the skis waxed or wood for the fire, or
do other things besides listen to Kerri's sales speech
for her Sisters of the Millenium club.  The three
friends simply laughed off her offer to join.

"Sisterhood? It sounds nice and all, but
I'm sort of busy."  Raye said.

"Yeah, you know how things get." Lita explained.

"I'll think about it.  My friend Molly's
in it.  Do you know her?"  Serena soon had deftly
changed the topic.

After awhile, Kerri excused herself
feeling a little lost in the interplay
between the three good friends.

"I'm going to go shower now..."she
said. "But seriously, when we get
back to town, feel free to come to
a meeting with me for the Sisters
of the Millenium Club."

They all smiled identical fake smiles
at that.

After she left, Serena pounced. Pigtails
flying, she jabbed a finger in Lita's general
direction.  "OK Lita, spill it! I just KNOW
something happened today! You can't hide it from ME!"

"I saw my old boyfriend today' She started
to say.

"You always do." Raye said dismissively.

"Did you and Joe fight?" Serena pried. "Come on
love scout, report to your commanding officer!"

In exasperation, Lita threw a pillow at Serena, but
hit Raye. "No.  I don't mean I "saw him"
I *ran into* Freddy,for the first time
since he dumped me."  Raye whumped Lita
with the pillow.

Lita continued,  a little annoyed. "Ken was
there, and he saw him too--if you
don't believe me." She slammed the pillow
at Serena.

Either from the direct hit or the words,
Serena's eyes widened "You mean you *saw* him?"
She mumbled through the pillow.

Raye's face softened, "What happened?" She lowered her

"He was just there in the mall.  Came
right up to me. I was so shocked."  Lita sipped her

"What did he want?" Raye asked, leaning forward on
the table.

"I don't know--I mean, why say anything to me now?  He said he'd
tried to find me--but he didn't  apologize.  He
said..."She looked down, and into the fire.  She felt
cold inside thinking of him.    "He said
he wanted another chance."

"What a creep! To not talk to you for all those years!" Serena slammed
her hand down. "Don't do it Lita."

Raye nodded.  "You're not that desperate yet. Ignore him."

Lita narrowed her eyes at Raye. "I intend to do that."

Suddenly Serena's brain clicked on and she realized something--
"OH...I forgot--but, Molly ran into an old boyfriend of hers
today too--I mean, she saw Neflite..."

The other two's jaws dropped along with their cups.  As Raye
grabbed napkins to soak up the liquid, Lita leaned back against
the couch, gathering strength.

"What else did she say?" Lita demanded finally
as Raye asked "Where when?"

"Not much--well, Molly started to say something
about thinking she'd seen Neflite at
the mall, but then Mel got on the phone to tell me
these horrible skiing statistics--did
you know how many ways you could injure
yourself with skis?"

Raye groaned "Serena, I don't want to know..
What's this about Molly seeing Neflite!!!"

Lita frowned. "How come you didn't mention
that before!!!"

"I'm telling you now... Ôsides, she's
not *sure* it was him...and we were
about to leave--I just didn't remember
until now." Serena looked at Lita.

Raye muttered "Only you could forget a thing like
that meatball head!" vaguely under her breath.

"I just thought of something-- what if Neflite and Freddy are
the same person?" Serena asked then.

Both Lita and Raye stared at Serena as if they thought she'd
suggested that 2 +1 equals 38.

 "Are you serious? Come on!" Lita said.

 "That's the stupidest thing you've said all day..."Raye chimed in.
"And you've said a lot!"

"Oh really, Miss Smarty Pants, then explain how likely it is that *two*
girls would see ex-boyfriends in the mall today? HUH?" Serena challenged.

She grinned as Raye didn't respond right away.

"That *is* weird" Raye agreed finally "But come on!
Freddy can't be Neflite can he?"

"Well, Lita *never* fought Neflite rremember? We hadn't discovered her yet."
Serena warmed to her private theory.  She liked thinking she'd
 figured things out for once.

Lita frowned, biting her lip. "Serena, I'd notice
something like that! I didn't fight him this
lifetime--but I do remember what he looked
like now that I have my memories back."

"There has to be another explanation."
Raye said.  "Serena, you are unnecessarily
complicating things.  It's just
coincidence--Lita saw Freddy, and Molly
thinks she saw Neflite. That's all."

"Or maybe--"Serena waved away Raye's suggestions
"there's a new enemy--that tricks you
into seeing old boyfriends--its a disguise, and
when you are distracted they..."she paused trying
to think what happens.  "They suck your energy
and you feel faint!"

"That's ridiculous." Raye said.

"But Molly said she almost fainted."

"So did I--but out of surprise. "Lita said. "I
think that's another stretch."

"Yeah Serena, that was even worse than
your first idea!" Raye commented.

Serena tossed her hair and nose into the air.
"Fine. I'm going to bed. Why don't *you* come up
with something better!" She said as she
yawned.  "I need my beauty sleep."

Raye smirked. "Sure, at least sleeping is something
you can handle!"

Serena  calmly stuck her tongue out.

"See, you can't even think of a good retort." Raye
said, unable to stop herself from sticking her own
tongue out.

 Finally Serena gave up and with
a swirl of golden hair, left the room.

Raye sighed, and turned to Lita who'd patnently ignored
the little scene, her head turned to the window,her
eyes on the stars.  "Sorry." Raye said at last. "I know we
shouldn't do that, but we can't help it. It's like a bad
habit we can't stop."

Lita looked over at her. "I know. I know. Did I say anything?"

Raye shook her head.  "We can think about Neflite when
we get back. Molly's probably wrong. Anyway, Serena
told me before that  Molly was acting strangely since
 she joined that club. The same one Kerri kept talking about.
 As I said though, let's not worry now."
She smiled, clearing the cups away.

Lita nodded. "And I had to run into Freddy eventually.
 It just happened to be today. "

Raye put her hand on Lita's shoulder.
"Don't let it get you down.
You got over him once Lita, and you
can do it again." Quitely she left the room,
and Lita alone with her thoughts.

"Yeah." Lita sighed. But had she ever really gotten
 over him?  Absentmindedly, she fingered the crystal rose
earings she always wore.

Outside, observing the lodge, The Assitant
waited, impervious to the cold fall of snow.


HOMEPAGE NEWSFLASH: I have a homepage!
It's still under construction, but give it a glance.
The biggest draw is I have that picture I keep referring
to, of our four lovers on there.....

(it may not be html but htm, but I can never remember)

Thanks to all who've  written me so far! (Like Natalya)
 You really make my day!
A *Must Read of Romantic stories* (alphabetic order) list for you:
        1. Fushigi Kismet
        2. Lianne
        3. Laurel-Anne
        4. Lady
        5. Sue Mei
        6. Ninx

There are many more great author's out there, but those
are the ones that I recall off the top of my head for good
romantic reading.  Also good but *much* less romantic
and definitely a lot less innocent (let's just say Haruka
and Michiru aren't the only ones being a little different
sometimes) are
1. Chris Davies (New Adventures of Serena and Luna esp.)
2. Ken Wolfe (wow!)
3. Tim Nolan  (awesome writing but with no scout pairings )

Remember, I want *your* comments today!

GOM: Storm of the Stars  Chapter 5
"Lightening Crashes"

Author's Notes:

1.  Summaries: "last time on GOM"
--PRESENT: Lita runs into Freddy, Molly sees Neflite.
Coincidence? Serena thought not.  The Assistant gets
more info.
-- PAST:Freddy gets fond of Lita, & turns out he's
really the rich heir to an  Electronics
--SILVERMIL: The Guards go to the Moon...
Neflite watches as Darrien watches
the Moon Princess.  Woo--Romance is in the air!

"He'll say it's destiny we met,
the simple truth is always the best
don't you see what's done is done
and there's somebody for everyone"

        ----"The Facts about Jimmy" ShawnColvin
Silver Millennium

Neflite dodged a deft blow by Malachite.
Just because they were more or less vacationing
in the legendary halls of the Moon Kingdom,
argued Malachite, did not excuse them
from weapons training.

Paired up, and in two groups of six forming semicircles,
 the Warrior Lords of the Kingdom
of Earth battled each other.  Zoycite
sat by, legs crossed, holding a pen
and paper.  His green eyes darted from
each pair as he  diagrammed
the fight patterns of the others.

The "Prince" was fighting Jaedite--the
two were well matched for fighting
skills.  Neflite barely noted that
they were being observed from up
high--a realization that nearly
cost him his weapon.  Only a lucky
stumble saved him from a forced surrender
to Malachite.  They both raised
their swords and pushed against
the others--a contest of strength,
will and balance.  Neflite
had always lost before--but he
vowed he would not this time.

Malachite raised an eyebrow as Neflite
continued to hold.  "You've
gotten better." He said, violet eyes ligtening
to grey with surprise.

Neflite twisted forcing Malachite to  lower his guard--it was enough, and
managed to make Malachite drop his sword.
He barely tasted the victory before he felt
the white/light green haired general's  hands steal his own sword
and tap his head with it. That signalled the end of the match.

"Very impressive, Neflite.  You are the first
to ever get my sword out of my hands--but you must learn to
keep your own." Malachite chastised him.

  Neflite chagrinned and stunned that he had lost bit down his impulse
to charge at Malachite.  He bowed instead. Malachite was right--the
enemy would not be polite enough to refrain from such an
underhanded trick.  He needed to prepare  for that.

A sudden stifled shout from above grabbed Malachite's attention.
  "Warriors--" He called "We shall recess for now."

Thankfully, Neflite sheathed his sword and began to walk to the
fountains to get a drink.  Even his disappointment over the match
 with Malachite was forgotten before the onslaught of his thirst--all
 he wanted to do was feel the cool water slide down his
throat.  A shadow blocked his path--he looked
up only to avoid the object and continue his
mission.  Then suddenly it struck him that
he was staring at the Princess of Jupiter.

Having noted her position on the castle roof's
low parapet wall, he marvelled that she'd managed
to intercept him so soon.  His eyes gaged her form--
her breath was racing softly in and out, as
if she'd recently exerted herself.

Although seeing her again was a welcome
break after his fight, he assumed
she was not there to see him--his duty to her
was over--but it did seem as if she wanted to
speak to him. He couldn't think why.

 He smiled charmingly at her, as his eyes
surveyed the picture she made--still slowly
recovering her breath, hand outstretched
to stop him, lips parted
about to speak.  She hesitated though and said

Complying with etiquette, he nodded. "Princess
Jupiter." He said, bowing slightly and proceeded
to pass to the water.  Although his
first glimpse of her had displaced his thirst
for water, the dryness of his throat reminded him
of why he was walking this way.  Besides, though
he might enjoy staring at her all day under
other circumstances, he knew that would look
extremely odd.

He was very surprised when she grabbed his arm,
and thus did not hear all of what
she blurted out.  He did catch the last
part "I sort of need a date and that
 you would be perfect!" That was the
last thing he'd expected her to say--but
he was by no means opposed to it. He met her
gaze head on.  "I agree." He wanted to say
something else--usually he could be smoother
than rose petals on water if he wanted.
Jaedite and the Prince were more glib with their
 compliments.  Most women knew they weren't
serious--but didn't care so long as they had
their attention.  Neflite was different.  His
magnetism was based on his ability to
sincerely state what was beautiful about each
woman he met...The other two appealed to a woman's
vanity--he appealed to her soul.

But Lita unnerved him somehow--threw his balance off.
Usually he initiated interactions with women--
never the other way around.

She started to say something else, but he cut her
off with a polite "Princess." Out of the corner
of his eye he'd seen the Prince approaching with
the other guards.  Though sometimes he'd boasted
of his success with women, this time, he didn't
care to share the moment with the rest.

As Endymion/Darien came forward, Neflite
started to bow--his mind still lingering on
Lita's face.

He saw Endymion raise his hand and warn
""The disguise, remember?  You'll give it away...
what's go *you* so distracted?"

Neflite wondered if the others had witnessed
that little scene.  "I'm not distracted my--er,
Warrior Darrien." He said, barely catching his
mistake. Under his breath he grumbled "as if
you've never been..."

The Prince continued to tease him, and that alerted
Jaedite to the game. Finally to avoid further
embarrassment he explained he'd been invited to
escort Jupiter to the ball.  He could
feel his face flushing, so he excused himself--
but not before he could hear the laughter
and insinuations flying.  He hated their
teasing, but he sighed knowing he'd endure
it again, because for Lita  it was worth it.

*       *       *       *
Lita's Past
Back in his dorm room, Field barely changed out
his clothes before he wearily slid into bed.

He barely knew he was asleep before the dreams
started again--the same voice calling him.  The
face of a woman swimming before him--large red
eyes, red wavy hair cascading over her
shoulders, as she smiled, reveaing very sharp
fang like teeth. Then the scene shifted.  He was
looking at three men in uniform, around a table.
A fourth--a blonde--ran in----and the air
was solemn. Then the demonical woman with
red hair was screaming at him--he was plunging
a sword at someone--he didn't want to see who.
Then inescapably the dream ended with that
demon women's voice-- "General Neflite...I
demand you serve the power"
He woke up in a sweat. Every night the
woman seemed to say more words.  The dream
still didn't make sense.

"Damn." He thought to himself--why couldn't
he have dreamed of Lita's sweet face?  He
wished she were here with him...he grinned,
knowing the dorm had a no women policy.  "That
would give me more problems...but it would
be worth it for Lita." He fingered her
phone number....probably too late to call
her.  He got up, walked down the hall to
the bathroom, splashed some water on his
face and took a deep breath. Still blinking
water out of his eyes he looked up at
the mirror--and nearly jumped out
of his skin. For a second he thought
he'd seen the reflection of the demon woman
from his dream...but all that was behind
him was the pale yellow brick of the
wall.  He knew these were no ordinary
dreams...what could it mean?  Somehow
he got to sleep until dawn.

When he awoke, he went for a run past the
tennis club to which he belonged.  He ended
up outside the park where he'd come with Lita...

"Fieldy..." A twangy voice called.  Field cringed.
Only one person called him that--

"Grandad." He said turning around, surprised slightly
to see his grandfather dressed in walking slacks.

"Just getting some to keep the
old body in shape!" His grandfather yelled, as
he caught up to Field.  "So, haven't
dropped by the office to see me...last time I
saw you was that tournament!"

"That was great...thanks for inviting me."

"Inviting? No, I had to be there!
Honor of the Stanton name!" laughed his grandfather...
"But what's been keeping you so busy? New girlfriend?"

It always amazed Field how his grandfather knew
those things...and didn't' know others, he thought
thinking of his stepfather.  "Yeah..."

"So when do I get to meet her?" His grandfather
prodded.  "Where did you meet her?"

"Don't push....I just met her." laughed
Field "I need to prepare her for you."

"Ashamed of your"

"No." Field said..but how did he explain he
didn't want to reveal who they were?

"Then what's she like, Field?" The old man said.

"Freddy?" Lita's voice called out.  She
was dressed in running shorts and
top , and looked as if she'd been at it for awhile.  In
the early sunlight of the day, she looked
very young to him--as she approached
rather like a colt taking its first
real run on its legs. Her breath
slipped in and out with her voice "I
thought that was you!"

Mentally he cringed--he wanted to
see her, but not like *this*..not
now, not with his grandfather.

"Did she call you Freddy?" Mr. Stanton

"Uh..yeah, she couldn't quite say
the L in Fieldy...she grew up here
you know."

The Texan looked the girl over, in
that brash American fashion. "She
looks familiar..." He paused trying to think.

"Hi Freddy.."Lita said "Morning!"

The three stood there awkwardly for a second, as Field did not
do anything.

"You may forgive this rude grandson
of mine for not introducing me--but
I won't forgive him for not letting
me have the pleasure of your acquaintance
sooner." The older man gently took
Lita's hand and kissed the palm.

She tried not to giggle, as she
caught Freddy's eye.  "*Why*
can't you be more like your grandfather?" She said.

Mr.  Stanton laughed.  "I like a girl
who can throw a good compliment--what's
your name?"

"I'm Lita Kino..." She said. "Pleased to meet you!"
She grabbed his hand and shook it, and he
tried not to wince in pain.

"Woah, that's quite a grip you got there girl!
Sure you're not from Texas?  Hm.., that sounds familiar,
Well, Miss was a pleasure to
meet you--make that grandson of mine
bring you to see me, you hear?" The man smiled.
"I like pretty women. But...I'd better get going before Fieldy
gets too jealous!..." Freddy
snorted.  He waved as he turned
towards the city buildings.

"OH! Freddy, he's so *cute*." Lita
exclaimed. "He looks familiar..."

"Don't tell me I'm going to lose you to my grandfather!?" Freddy joked,
catching Lita around the waist. She put her hands to steady herself on
his chest, knocked off balance by the sudden embrace.

"That depends on if you have me or not.. Besides, I like
 older men." She said, eyes gleaming with some private joke.

"Oh really?" He smiled. "Well, right now
in that outfit,  you look about 13,
so 21 should be old enough for you!"
For some reason she pulled back a little
and turned away...Changing the subject,
she asked "Say, why  did he call you Fieldy?"

"What?" Freddy asked, unnerved by
the lightening quick change in her mood.

"Before, your grandfather called you Fieldy."

"'s an old nickname, that's all."
He reached for her again, but she dodged away.
"So where does he work? That's pretty
great he still does, even though he's so old.."

"So old? He's only 66....he won't
retire for another 8 years or sooner
if I can take...that is, let's
not talk about him..."

"Why not? I'm curious about your don't talk about them

"Neither do you!" He countered.

"I have more than you..."She shifted
uncomfortably, a step away again.

"Ok, so when do I meet your parents.."
He pushed.

Now she grew *very* pale.  "My Parents! I'm not
even supposed to date--" She said, then
slapped her hand over her face.

He'd expected her to kid him about being
too serious--not this! "That's
very traditional. Come's
not like you actually *are* 13!
You're old enough to make your
own decisions..."

"They're very protective." She said looking

"Lita, is something wrong?" He asked.
"I feel like you're not telling
me something."

She looked up at him.  "No...I..I
guess I'm not sure what's happening
between us."

"I'm not either--but I don't want
it to stop." he said.  "Look, I wasn't
really serious about meeting them--yet..
I get the sense you don't date much--I'd
have thought...never mind, but now
that I know...I won't rush you
into anything, ok, Lita?  Let's just
get to know each other."

She nodded.

"So...if I"m not overwhelming you--
how would you like to have breakfast?"

"Already ate--but how about giving Ken
and me that ride later on that you
promised?"She said.

"I'll pick you up here around 11
is that ok?" He smiled "But then
I get to take you to lunch."

"Deal!" She said already running
off, excitedly.

A few hours later, after he'd run
back to the house to get his
car, Field was pulling out of the driveway.
Suddenly a small black cat ran out
in front of him and he tried to stop--
but found the breaks weren't working.
Displaying more intelligence than
most cats, the animal dodged, so he
didn't hit it.

He ended up in the trees across from
the drive way, not even making it to
the road.  Unhurt but confused he
got up and went to investigate.

Everything appeared intact, but there was a small strange symbol
 in red, rather like a cursive f with a line through it.
He frowned...the car was fine last night.
He removed the leather patch.  If
he hadn't run into that cat, he'd have
careened out of here at his normal speed
and would have been killed going around
the first bend, straight off the hill
that gave the mansion it's privacy.

Disgusted he threw the patch down, and got back in the car.
 The break light didn't come on. The car turned on smoothly.

He pulled out, tested the brakes--they
worked.  He paused, wondering whether
to risk using the car or not?  He knew
enough about cars to tell nothing was
wrong physically...He just didn't
understand it. It was like it had been cursed or something.

He didn't want to disappoint Lita...
But..on impulse he opened the hood again
 --and seeing nothing unusual, he sped out safely.

PRESENT DAY--Mountains at the SKI LODGE

Raye tapped her foot while she
waited for Jed to rent his skis
in the Main Resort Lodge room.
She hoped he wouldn't be too slow
at picking up skiing, as he couldn't
remember if he ever had before.  She
agreed to teach him--but she wanted to
go down some of the hardest slopes eventually.

She wandered around the store when she saw a
table with a sign on it-- "Register to win
A New High Tech Mask...polarized light--improve depth
perception, wind protection."

"Miss, would you like to sign up to win?" A woman
called. She was dressed in fashionable
ski attire, the mask on her own head,holding
her red bobbed hair back on one side, the rest
covering one side of her face.

"OOH...a contest!" Serena said... "That sure
is a nifty mask...I'd bet I'd ski better with that."

"Well you could hardly get worse" Raye said under her breath.

"Come on Raye, let's go sign up!!!" Serena exclaimed
dragging Raye over to the table.

"Hey guys"Lita called. "What are you up to?"

"Entering this contest..." Serena said.

Lita smiled. "Sure, I'll enter it too."

They sat filling out the forms-- "Wonder
why they need to know all this stuff for?
Blood type? " Serena complained as they
filled it in "Bad as a test..."

Lita nodded in agreement.

"Done!" Serena chirped... As she handed the
form in.  Raye whispered to Lita "Bet they
can't read that handwriting..." Serena stuck her tongue
out at Raye. "I *heard* that....I don't think
neat handwriting would make me win."

Lita shook her head. "It's just a form..
Come on guy's lets go ski!"

The Lady called out suddenly -- "Miss...Hino..
Raye Hino?"

Raye paused at the door.  "Yes?"

"You won."

"Already?" She asked puzzled.

"We do it by filing the form and generating
a number--you were 100.  There will be
another drawing next week, ladies." She
said to the other two girls.

"I *knew* it." Serena stomped her foot.
"You did it again, cheated!"

"I did not Serena...I'm just lucky I guess."
Raye said serenely trying the mask on.
"Wow..this mask really cuts the glare."
She said stepping outside.

The sun didn't last long though--by
mid morning a strange mist rolled
in and covered the hills.  Many people
quit skiing altogether, but Raye wanted
to hit the expert slopes. She pushed
Lita into going with her (Serena refused
to do anything harder than the easiest
trails-- "Unless there is some contest, I'm
not risking *my* life like that! Not even
to Ski with Darien...")

Kerri had sprained an ankle, so Ken and
she had driven out to the nearby town for
assistance, leaving a note for the others
not to worry.

Joe and Darien had long ago taken to the
expert trails.  Jed said he'd keep Serena
company on the easy trails--he didn't feel
up to much more.  He didn't want to tell her,
but Raye was not a good ski instructor even
if she was a good skier.  Unfortunately, he
thought, a few bruises later, Serena wasn't
much better at lessons or explanations. And
getting out of her way so much made him think the
expert slopes would be *safer*.

*       *       *

Lita stared into the mist--Raye had been in front
of her just a second ago.  She was really flying
down the mountain, twisting and turning.  Lita
preferred to go a little slower--but not by

She just hadn't skied as much as Raye had--
she didn't like being second.  Suddenly she
hit a clump of snow and went flying.  She
landed unhurt, a little surprised and annoyed
at herself. She scrambled up the mountain
to find her poles.

The mist had thickened a little so she couldn't
even see how much longer the trail was--or anyone else.

She she'd never catch up to Raye.  She
kept going down til she got to the lift--no sign
of Raye. She must have gotten tired of waiting--or taken
a different path.  Lita knew she may have missed a turn
off somehow.

She got in the line...on the other side
of the lift line, a lone male skier came in and
prepared to board.  Purposefully stalling and letting
the chair go, Lita waited and got in with the man who
had a helmet on, blocking his face.

She turned her head once they were in the air, smiled,
preparing to flirt a little "Do you really need that helmet?"
She asked.  From his frame she figured he had a good
build, but she wanted to see his face to see if the
rest was as cute.  He was staring out into the mist and snow,
so she could only see her face reflected in the mask.

"The way I ski? Definitely...though on a day like this
the visor is a little dark." He said.  She felt herself
melting at the sound of his low powerful voice.

He turned,  sliding up the mask cover.  He almost dropped his
ski poles and helmet.  "LITA?" He whispered, as  surprise
filed his dark blue eyes.

Her first thought was, that yes, his face was definitley
*handsome*, but her second thought, which she voiced, was "

"End of Chapter FIVE"