Mist Eye's Fantasy Forest Mist
Fantasy Forest Mist

Welcome to the Forest Mist. It is called the Fantasy Forest Mist for a very specific reason, so don't get lost in the mist. As some of you who might have passed by before, this site has completely changed, due to the expansion of my other sites. If you have not visited this site before, but have been to the Imperial Archive, you'll know that you've found yourself into the Forest.

This Forest was created to protect the magical creatures who happens to live here with the rest of the Archive. In exchange for shelter and protection, I may record everything I desire about these very fascinating creatures. The Forest includes the Garden, most of the Archive's Library, Treasury, Pillar, the Archive's Tower, the heavenly skies, gate, spring. Some of the Dragons have decided to live near the Archive's mountain that are still within the sight of the Archive.

As it is, you are still in the Imperial Archive. The Forest just happens to surround the Archive and the mist appeared several thousand years ago. If you feel lost, please head straight back to the Imperial Archive

Wait a second! Is this a question? Who am I? Oh, for goodness sakes! I must have lost my manners back in that mist (it can be a nuisance at times). I thought you knew who I'd be. Well, I guess if you haven't been to the Imperial Archive, you wouldn't know. I'm the head hauncho around here, the big boss. In other words, I'm Archivist Mist Eye.

This website has been under HEAVY reconstruction, so it's not even half complete

  • Pegasus
    -Clouds of Heaven
    -Spring Fountain
    -Air and Water

  • Phoenix
    -Pillars of Fury
    -The Fire Pyral
    -Air and Fire
  • Gryphons
    -Towers of the Guardians
    -The Gate of Gold
    -Earth and Air??
  • The Forest Up-to-Date
    Please go to the Archive's Journal to find out more

    July 10,2000

    *Sigh*. What kind of person am I to not update her own site after so long? Most people are probably mixed up about the links I have, so I took most of them down, and the first Garden should be up. If it isn't, send me an e-mail about your complaint.

    Mail Me!

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    is owned by
    Mist Eye.

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