Written By: James Vernon

"Wow this is goin to be the greatest thing that ever happened to me!"Jim said out loud,"My very own mystery disk!"

Jim walked merrily as he followed the old fading path."I never new my grand father was a trainer and had his very own ranch!"he continued,"Ouch!"he exclaimed as he walked head first into a branch.He continued walking looking at the wierd tree shapes and catching glimses of little anilmals.

"Not long to go now."

Jim had only one mystery disk and it was given to him a few days a go when a letter came to his house telling him his grand father had died.The mystery disk was attached to the letter.His grand father new he was to old to continue ranching so he sent his last disk to Jim.

Jim continued walking untill he came to a cross road."Oh no,"He said,"The letter says nothing about a cross road... which one should I take?" Jim sat there for a while when he heard the unmistakable sound of hoofes.Then out of no where an old man arrived in a carriage pulled by a little pony."Are ye lost?" he asked.

"Er..yes.. I want.. go to Altam, the city but I don't know which road to take."Jim went pink as he said this but the old man chuckled,"Ah... Atlam, don't ye worry, i'll take ye their , just op' in ter my carriage"

"Er thanks... what's your name, mine is Jim?"

"Rendo, but just call me Ren" He said.

"OK, thanks Ren" Jim said and with that climbed into the carriage and found a comfortable part on the hay.

"So, yer goin' ter raise a monster?" Ren asked as he directed the pony.

"Yes, i'm kinda hoping for a Pink-Eye really." Jim said.

They drove for about an hour when suddenly he pulled the cart to a halt.

"There ye go, just walk up that hill and yer there." He smiled.

"Umm.. how much do I owe you?"Jim asked.The old man looked suprised,"Why nothing o' course, you save that money on yer monster and yerselfe."And with that he drove off leaving Jim speechless.But Jim was even more speechless when he reached the top of the hill and saw the city.Trainers and their monsters where everywhere. He could see lot's of stalls selling well...stuff. A little Golem was pointing at a little rose beggingly and a dino was pulling carts.Jim walked in the city and was taken back by the beautiful smell of food."But i've got no time to eat,"Jim told himself as he walked past a resterunt. He had no idea where to go, all he knew was that he needed a shrine to unlock his monster.

Slowly he walked up to a boy who was holding a cute little moochi."Err do you know where the shrine is?"Jim asked shyly.

"Yes, just round the corner then turn right."he answered.

"Thanks."Jim said though he wasn't sure he heared beacause his Moochi had just grabbed something from a shop and he was struggling to pull it loose.

Jim followed the boys advise untill he was standing a few yard in front of it.

Jim gazed at it in wonder.He wondered how long it must have taken to be painted so beautiful with lovely sculptures around it.Still in a gaze he walked inside. He was even more stunned now as he looked at a computer and the four statues around it.

"Hello child," said a voice that made Jim jump,"Sorry to scare you, you must be new here, i'm Nelly, you want to unlock a monster I see." she said eyeing Jims disk.

" hello, i'm Jim.. I want to unlock this disk but I -"Jim started but Nelly continued,"-don't know how to do it, it's OK, lot's of people don't know how.First put your disk in the centre of the platform.Yes good, now walk over to the computer and press the butten," Jim did as she said then slowly walked over to the panel.He pressed it and watched what happened.Nothing could have prepared him to see what was happening without him giving a squell.

The disk started to hover and spin, then ?it started to to turn red, then into a little fireball.Then everything stopped.The red ball started to come bigger, then a little tail poked out of it, suddenly in a flash there was a Suezo hovering instead of the disk.Jim gave a leap of joy and ran to pick up the startled monster.

"Careful with him,"said Nelly,"Now bring him here and let me see his stats."

Jim handed the Suezo to Nelly and she put him in a box.Then she got this scanner and turned it on him. Jim was starting to get really exciteed now.

She smiled and turned to Jim and said,"You've got a handsome and strong monster, but you still have to name him."

Jim looked at the Suezo and thought for a while, then he said,"Blaze, yes hello Blaze,"Jim said then turned to Nelly,"Thanks for everything," "Oh it was nothing, goodbye,"She showed him out then went back to her buisness.

Jim carried Blaze to a stall and looked up questionly at the shop keeper.

"Hello there.New here?Well i'll help you get started.You want to buy stuff for your monster right?" She asked.

"Yes but i'm not sure what i need."Jim said.

"Don't you worry, i'll help you get the things you need."she said. In a while Jim was packed and was starting his journey to his ranch.He couldn't wait to get started.He was so thrilled, he had just got his very own monster.