Terror Takes Its Toll

Orphan was so excited that he finally got his monster. He looked closer at Happy Magic. She really did look like a Jell-woman. Her body was semi-clear blue that's texture was a cross between water and jelly. She had long, black hair with blue streaks. She didn't stop smiling for it seemed that she was just as happy as Orphan was with her new found friend. He thought of the great times he would have with her during training, expeditions, and battles. "We better be going now. I want to show Mom Happy Magic. Also, I need to find a ranch."

"Why? I have decided to let you have mine." Holly had been wanting to give the ranch to someone almost as much as Orphan had wanted a monster. Though, fear also came with her happiness.

Orphan cried tears of happiness. "Thank you very much, but where is it?" "If you go much farther, you will reach a mint green door. It leads to 6 glassed-in areas for drills. Having Undine, you will probably spend more time on the Endure drill." Holly thought of the good times when she assisted the trainer for a Gil, Velvet, Angel, and many more. These such thoughts paralyzed her for about five minutes. Once she tore away from them she said, "Now, hurry home and tell Vera all about what happened. Fine?"

"OK." Orphan turned again to Happy Magic. "I just can't get over that I have a monster, and a great one at that." All of them walked out of the dungeon and out the front door. "Thank you so much. I will always be grateful." Orphan then hugged and kissed his aunt and then turned to leave as Aunt Holly went back in. "We are going to have a lot of fun but it will be hard work, Happy Magic."

"I am ready if you are. You seem very nice and I hope I won't fail your expectations." Happy Magic looked at the outside world. It was very new to her and was very interesting. You see, the little things that we take for granted are always the magnificent things in the life of someone that has never had them.

"AHHHHHHH!" A scream coming from the inside broke off the silence. "We must hurry, that is Aunt Holly!" Orphan reached for the door but it was locked. Panic was building up inside him. "I can't open it!"

A thought hit Happy Magic's mind. "Maybe I can." She curled up in attack position. "Ice Sword!!!" As she said that a sword of ice formed in her hand and slashed down on the door, blasting it to bits.

"Wow!" But Orphan's attention on the attack didn't last but a second for he knew there were more important matters at hand. "Come on!" They rushed in. Orphan and Happy Magic searched for about five minutes around the house until Orphan shouted, "Happy Magic, get over here!" She rushed over. Orphan had found his aunt on the floor of her living room.

"Is she alright?" asked the water spirit. Orphan didn't hear her. All that he knew at the moment his aunt had been attacked.

"Speak to me! Please Aunt Holly!!! Please! Don't go away."

Aunt Holly shot her eyes open and said in a calm and silent voice, " My time has come. Go to my bookcase. Page 47 of the Breeder's Book for the monster that served this fault. Punish it, Orphan. It also commited the fault of the murder of Tragic Magic. Though, be careful. It will fight back." Then her eyes closed and her pulse stopped. From then on, Orphan and Happy Magic shared a bond and ambition that can break any barrier.

Thousands of tears fell from Orphan's eyes. "I can't believe it! She is gone. I guess the only respectable thing to do now it to have a moment of silence for her. May she rest in peace in Heaven." Orphan's heart was growing heavier in him with all his tears.

Happy Magic's meek eyes looked up at her trainer. "What is Heaven?" asked Happy Magic in a sorrow-filled voice.

"It is a great place that dead people go to live in happiness forever." Orphan stopped his tears just long enough to answer her question. Then he started them back again.

"I do not understand. If your aunt is in a place like that, why are you sad?"

Then, the tears stopped for good. "You know something, you're right! There is no reason to be sad. Now we should just focus on training. Didn't Aunt Holly say she knew who did this and its name is in her breeders' book?" Hope flooded through his heart as a great weight was lifted.

"I think it was page 47." Happy Magic was greatly relieved to see Orphan had recovered from his aunt's death. "I will go get it if you want. "Do you know where her bookcase is?"

"Yes, we past it in her dungeon. Go get it."

Happy Magic went back to her smile like she had when she was first born. "Be back in a flash!" Right after she said that a swirl of blue a black rushed away from Orphan. He had never seen such a thing! As quick as the Undine had left, she came back. This time, she was holding a a small, black leather-bound book. "Here it is! I will flip the pages." ZOOM! The pages flipped so fast a smal hurricane came off the pages. "Here it is! This monster looks a little bit like me. Don't you think?"

"Let me see!" Orphan grabbed the book away from Happy Magic. "Oh my gosh! It is a Pixie!" Then Orphan read the page.


This Pixie is famous for her dazzeling intelligence. Though she can be quite mean at some points, she is a favorite among lots of trainers. Not many people train it in the FIMBA area but a certain one named Madness is quite famous in the IMA area. Though its trainer was disqualified for making her Nagisa (what they are called at the IMA) cheat. Though, in year 3046 she will be let back in.

"That Nagisa must be the monster that killed Aunt Holly and Tragic Magic!" Then Orphan turned to Happy Magic. "Happy Magic, we must train and work very hard to be able to fight Madness because it is year 3048! So we can fight them and we will win!"

Happy Magic looked at Orphan's eyes and saw that they were clear like hers. Then she knew both his and her destinies were the same. "I will win along with you." She said that in such a way that they felt decided they would never give up.

"I suppose now is a good time to go home and tell Mom what happened tonight," chirped Orphan.

"Yes, it is."

Then they hurried out the door toward Orphan's house. Orphan's mother was extremely in shock of what happened. She then agreed that they should spend the night over at his new house. "Then tomorrow you can get in plenty of training." Vera Kanuel took a deep look at her son and his monster. "You look so much like your father. Too bad he went off to train. He would have been proud! Well, scoot!"

The run home was very fast. Orphan and Happy Magic talked a bit and then went to the kitchen. After a vast look in the fridge Orphan asked, "What would you like for dinner? We have 1 leg of lamb and 1 bottle of milk. It's odd really. You would think Aunt Holly would have a better stocked fridge because she could afford this house.

"Orphan! Those are monster foods! I know because that is what I have had a flavor in my mouth for. My hair forms a radar. Let me find a human fridge. By the way, I would like the lamb. I am not much for milk." After she spoke, Happy Magic's hair swirled in the air. BEEP! BEEP! Her hair swooshed around and around. "Found it! Take the first left through that corridor." Her finger pointed toward a hallway leading off the family room. "I sense a huge quantity of dairy foods."

"That makes sense. Aunt Holly liked ice cream very much. I will just take some cereal with milk." Orphan's mouth watered at the thought of food. "I may be your monster but I am not your slave. Get it yourself. But why don't you put some water in the cereal?" Then she noticed that Orphan was just staring at her like a zombie. "What's wrong?"

Suddenly, Orphan came back down to earth. "Oh, I just still can't believe I have such a great monster. Oh umm... I'll go get my food." After they ate they watched a few television shows on MTV (Monster Television). Then they turned in for bed. It was odd, you would think they wouldn't be able to with all the excitement. Yet, each in their own bed, the slept in harmony. And that's the way everyone should be: in harmony.


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